Poems from JaimeSelile
There once was a bird who wanted to fly.
She wanted so badly to sore the sky.
But she had a few bent feathers.
They said theyw ill stay...
There's not a day that goes by,
a minute that passes.
That you're not on my mind.
I think about you all the time.
I wonder how you're...
If I could I would;
I would take it all back.
Clarify exactly what I meant.
How I truly felt.
I would of never shown any weakness.
I would...
Your pain is my pain.
My pain is yours.
We share that just like we share blood.
Struggling to get up each morning.
Praying that we make it...
So the verdict says not guilty.
The world stops.
How could someone get away with murder?
A boy has been shot!
He has been killed!
This is...