Poems from Gylin65

Gylin65's picture
Freelance writer and chair person for National Writer's Association. Founder of Womens Global Justice Org. Intl. humanitarian and activists. Author of:: Whiteroses vol 1 "The Devil's Bath-Tub"
  Bittersweet© by Dee   It's  over  here,  It's not the same.  We must go back in time.  The memories remain.   To move forward is back...
I am the one voted less like ly to succeed.I am the one voted less likely to achieve.Is it suppose to make me bleed.It does not, not in...
Bittersweet© January 7, 2014 at 5:19pm   PublicFriendsFriends except AcquaintancesOnly MeCustomClose FriendsFamilySee all lists......
Children As A Weapon. w/ Sarah Hassman & The Dr. Phil Project January 15, 2014 at 10:57pm   PublicFriendsFriends except...
Pour  me Alone again My life is a mess I sit, I stare so damn depressed pour me' Should I dare?     Slam me' Just one  more beer I fear it'...
