Poems from DoubtingAura
I am known as my mother's daughter,
Or so and so's sisters.
Don't they know?
I have a name of my own.
Heaven doesn't have a plan for me...
They say every emotion,
Is just a chemical reaction.
That we never really feel love,
We just feel these chemicals.
If this is true,
The bruises will fade,
And split lips will heal,
Stitches on my forehead will go away soon.
But the scars on my mind won't heal,
Home isn't always where family is, It can be found anywhere. Home doesn't care where it is, So why should you? Home is where you feel at...
From a young age we're taught that the,
Monsters live under our beds.
And that the flick of a light switch will,
Send them running.
But as...