Poems from DNigmA

DNigmA's picture
Humanity must unify by looking past, and accepting each other's differences. I am the writer for the people. I want to help people not because I expect something in return, well in theory I do, but I require nothing but people's passion to help shape this world in a positive way, so that all might have a chance and to end unnecessary suffering. There's so much work to be done and so much has been done, but the fight will never be over. Art has ended civilizations and it's time for us to unite as humans of one species, for one cause, and that is for peace.
Pillars upon pillars building a tome in the darkness Artistry leaks into a God given prophecy Modesty is the killer of ambition Let the...
Sweetly sleeping solemnly, so seekers seek Seeking that which cannot be seen To see an emotion, witness the spectacle   Wiping dirt from...
Glorious hunger beautifully sings for victory As the battle continues on Men will bleed The banner will raise high, as a symbol of freedom...
Darkness is the stillness That I feel building inside Whispers in the mystical wind Creating schisms inside Dance with the darkness No...
Days like this, I look up in amazement We are the shadows in the light just playing Wandering around aimless, with the perceptions We are...
