Poems from DNigmA

DNigmA's picture
Humanity must unify by looking past, and accepting each other's differences. I am the writer for the people. I want to help people not because I expect something in return, well in theory I do, but I require nothing but people's passion to help shape this world in a positive way, so that all might have a chance and to end unnecessary suffering. There's so much work to be done and so much has been done, but the fight will never be over. Art has ended civilizations and it's time for us to unite as humans of one species, for one cause, and that is for peace.
Armed with knowledge, defeated by nuclear warfare Eyes melting looking at the radiated sky Wondering, what truly is fair? Ideas of the...
I am you, and you are me Together we make humanity Shall we go further? It is us, and we are it What is it really? Everything is it...
Tremble at the resonance, permeating in our aura Latching to these ancient feelings, a peddler’s test It is held within, but one cannot be...
Turning my skin into armor My word into weapons Gripping on this lesson Given as an inquisition Rising with the phoenix Trapped inside of...
Pressure on my chest like mother’s warm embrace Listening to the frozen tundra speak in tongues I built this castle with my hands And tore...
