Poems from Bunni98

Figuring out how to take of myself and the best way to find anything out about yourself, is reading what you think as if it's not you. Try it. It helps.
Shedding light on flaws
Like street lights above our heads
We relish the rays but stay in the dark
We hide our mirrors
Because our eyes...
You don't taste like him
You don't smell like himMy body said yes to him enveloping me with his sweet wordsAnd hisSoft murmurs At night...
Strange days Its a new morning, Yet another strange dayThe estranged woman in me struggles to find lips in the morning A strange morning.A...
All I need
Seven letters for the strength to hold millions of species on planet earth.
As much as we would like to think...
All I need Gravity. Seven letters for the strength to hold millions of species on planet earth. As much as we would like to think...