Poems from Antilogist

Antilogist's picture
Art student with hopes of becoming a Medical/Scientific Illustrator. Faces the challenges of being vertically challenged, sleep deprived, stressed, and over-worked on a daily basis. Uses poetry to let out some of the stress and emotions. Has two contradicting sides, dark and moody or sarcastic and comedic.
You don't really know me, But I've seen you play. Many kings have laid down their hand for you. I can see why, Because I've gotten a...
The city's ubiquitous form floods the room Room filled with the scent of molding tea leaves Leaves fluttering to the ground in dead...
Bright fleeting wings and leaves feathers and skin shed amongst bisque grass Slithering reptiles creep scampering all flee in a tide of...
Hey, Pardon My awful Cacology, I'm not too great At speaking to you. I hope you don't mind it. I'm better with animals, They don't reply...
I'm quite fastidious, Not always felicitous, I'm a living antilogy, Nowhere near pedigree, An interesting little package, I don't have any...
