You Said You Were Happy
Please pull the car over
I’m dying I can’t feel
The soft, perfumed fabric
On the backside of my calf
Jumping through the windshield
Just to get your attention
A realm of broken glass
And subconscious straining
There are still soft cotton ball clouds
Blowing up like my T.V. static
The sky stealing dreams
The same way I steal hope from the past
Constant reminders of joy
Boxed in by concrete walls
They frame my present angst
Around a tear-stained photo of friends who won’t speak
Because you told me you
Weren’t happy and I
Still don’t know why on
Earth you would lie like that
Why would you think out
Loud that way when you
Said that you thought
I could help you
While I measure your
Thoughts in weeks instead
Of decibels like a faulty
Piece of hardware
Stratospheric bruises that we can
Share and talk about while
Roasting alive in an emerald
Multi-faceted mint prison
Of my own design
Because I’ve been retroactively
Corrected too many
Times to count on ten fingers
Watching “I love you”s spit,
Twist like fireworks of regret
Face down on the pavement that
I’m not supposed to know about
In the first place living
In the shade of an embrace
It’s beyond me
Last year I held my breath
Until I was blue in the face
That night was different
I laughed myself to sleep
There was still salt under my eyes in the morning
People are hard
To understand sometimes
But I really care and
Can feel my guts being
Blended over time
The price of caring
And you told you weren’t happy
And that maybe I could fix that
I wish that were true
But it isn’t not a lie
You were too busy moving on
So I finished this poem.