you only write once scholarship slam
Can you hear me from where you are?
Im feeling alone where I am
I can't help but wonder if I'll go far
I miss your helping hand
I was accepted to my dream college did you see that? Are you proud?
I'm really hoping to attend but those prices. Theyre just so loud
Mom is trying but she cant support me, financially of course
Although I wish it was easier for us
Shes my strength, what a force
Can you see the long nights I stay up studying
Working towards my future?
You always told me stay in school
Ill hold on to that forever
The grueling hours of essays and assignments making my brain sizzle
The worth of this dream will make me smile as im basking in my career
Happy times will shortly come once I work out this college puzzle
It may be 5000 pieces but every piece has a place
Half of the picture is almost complete
Im just looking for your face
Can you hear me from where you are?
because I'm talking kind of loud
I can still hear you over here
I know ill make you proud