You fight like a girl
I am a girl
This means I am weak
This means no matter my profession
I make 22 cents less than a man per dollar
But I am a girl so I do not need the money a man does
But it's funny when products marketed toward women
Cost $2.00 more than mens
I am weak because I need pain killers to go through labor
If I was strong like a man
I'd drop to the ground if something hurt me there
But I wouldnt need painkillers
I am weak because my sports are a joke
Monica Abbot pitches 77mph
She still throws like a girl
So we girls
All deemed weak by society
Haven't given up the fight
SInce 1840
The longest human rights act in history
And we still haven't won
But we haven't stopped
You may see us as weak
But when you open your eyes
You'll be wishing you could fight like a girl