You Don't Know Me
Don’t tell me you know me
Because you don’t
All you know are smiles and “im okays”
You have no idea of the pain underneath
You have no idea of the battle im constantly fighting
You don't know how I struggle just to get out of bed
You don't know about the scars on my arm and thighs
I keep them covered just like everything else
You don't know about me power crying in the shower
Trusting the water to keep my secret
You don't know about me starving myself
Becouse im scared of getting fat
You don’t know about me planning my own death
Because i don't want to be alive anymore
You don't know me.
I keep myself locked up
Shove myself in the back of my closet
Leave myself hollow
I don’t trust people with my secrets
Afraid of getting hurt
I isolate myself
I don’t let myself get close to anybody
That way nobody can break me.
I'm living my own private existence
One filled with agony and trapped anger
And you say you know me.