You Don't Deserve An Opinion
You don't deserve an opinion she said,
As she rocked back on her chair and tilted her head.
You're wrong in what you think,
your opinions are stupid and stink.
How I wish I could tell her just what I think.
I walked away without forgetting to wink.
In rage and fury she told me I was wrong,
all I could do is wait for the bell to gong.
Her manner arose from a political discussion,
Truthfully she sounded like she had a concussion.
You don't deserve an opinion she said,
all because I thought a man and man should be wed.
I may not agree with her ideals
and I definitely don't know how it feels.
But if she fights against basic human rights,
how can I be expected not to act in spite.
I don't deserve and opinion apparently,
the same way a man and a man can't be married because it's not manly.
I know that I'm straight, but with all this hate
why can't we all be friends, even if we can't mate.