You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 7
Copyright © by Nikhil Parekh
All rights reserved. No Part of this book publications may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, Electronic, Mechanical, Photocopying, Recording, Print or otherwise, without prior permission of Copyright owner and Author, Nikhil Parekh.
About The Poetry Book -
This Book which has 50 differently titled Poems is actually Part 7 of the Book titled – You die; I die – Love Poems ( 1600 pages ) . Poems symbolizing the immortality of love and at times its fickleness. Parekh takes the reader through a paradise naturally embellished with the ingredients of eternal romance and its sporadic failures. As they say life and death are two sides of the coin, similarly with every true anecdote of love there also comes fretful divorce—a thing which has been most sensitively described throughout this great collection of poems for the heart. Written and dipped in each ingredient of his passionate blood, Parekh comes out with startling revelations about the truest of love stories and their failures. Each verse has been delicately intertwined with a boundless aspects of relationships, romance, cheating, betrayal and goes on to prove that Immortal Love towers over every shattered heart. A start to finish with some of the most heart-rendering love poems ever, this makes a great collection for ever true lover breathing and desiring to be loved on earth and beyond. This collection of poems aims at perpetually uniting every heart on this Universe in the spirit of Immortal love and friendship. Because these are the two quintessential ingredients to lead life till its last breath. Irrespective of whatever color, faith or religion, it is only the rainbow of love which can transform the ghastliest monsters and perpetrators of humanity into peaceful lovers. Therefore this book inexhaustibly endeavors to speak and preach the language of love even after its last embossed alphabet.
I wanted to breathe your name each time I exhaled out air; impregnating the atmosphere with your mystical fragrance,
Facilitating your entity to settle; occupying all quarters of my cloistered room.
I wanted to sight your name each time I opened my eyes; granting it a status of being blissfully omnipresent,
Making me thoroughly oblivious to the tyranny of the world; the ghastly incidences unleashing themselves on the crowded street.
I wanted to hear your name each time sound drifted into my ears; transforming all other noise into your splendor,
Making your voice my song for the brilliant morning as well as my rhyme for the freezing night.
I wanted to recite your name each time I opened my lips; circumventing my face with an inevitable smile,
Imparting rubicund color to the corners of my cheek; and an enchanting glow to the fortress of my teeth.
I wanted to imprison your name each time I clenched my fists; keeping it forever locked in my embrace,
Shielding it wholesomely from nefarious looks of the world; the lechery of savage souls existing on this globe.
I wanted to digest your name each time I consumed food; enabling me to keep you in proximity with my intestines,
Eventually becoming an indispensable constituent of my blood; circulating rambunctiously through my veins.
I wanted to envisage your name each time I felt like dreaming; profoundly incorporating my mind with your mesmerizing images,
Catapulting me to unprecedented territories of paradise; the very instant I wanted too.
I wanted to incarcerate your name on my tongue each time I felt thirsty; to satiate the burning chords bouncing in my throat,
Celestially pacifying my desires; leading me to holistic pathways of spiritual healing.
I wanted to write your name in grandiloquent bold letters each time my fingers itched to move; accentuating it profoundly on bonded paper,
Portraying the enlightening effect that it has; when sighted in embossed script.
And I wanted to remember your name with the first beams of evanescent dawn; and the last minute before shutting my eyes,
Blessing me with loads of courage to fight the acerbic day; sleep as unperturbed as God in the ominous night.
In order to annoy her all I had to do; was spill some milk on the glistening floor; wipe my nose on her immaculate apron,
And then to make her happy was even simpler; as I prepared appetizing lunch for the afternoon; scrupulously with my own hands.
In order to annoy her all I had to do; was rebuke her sardonically for a plethora of her household chores,
And then to make her happy was even simpler; as I embellished her hair with crimson colored rose; gently caressed her soft cheek.
In order to annoy her all I had to do; was say that she wasn’t looking extravagant in her new dress,
And then to make her happy was even simpler; as I swirled her in my arms; hoisting her high in the sky towards the resplendent stars.
In order to annoy her all I had to do; was look pretty nonchalant when she arrived home back from shopping,
And then to make her happy was even simpler; as I sprung at her with surprise gifting her with a shining pearl; which I had evacuated myself from within the fathomless ocean.
In order to annoy her all I had to do; was asking her whether “titanic” was indeed a ship; after she had narrated the entire story,
And then to make her happy was even simpler; as I honestly told her that she was the only girl I had loved in my life; she was my “rose” of my heart.
In order to annoy her all I had to do; was to call her indescribable names,
And then to make her happy was even simpler; as I assisted her in washing the tainted utensils; vigorously scrubbing the fetid clothes lying in a bedraggled heap.
In order to annoy her all I had to do; was to babble incoherently every time she felt sleepy at night,
And then to make her happy was even simpler; as I massaged her dreary feet; sung mystical rhymes to put her back into a heavenly slumber.
In order to annoy her all I had to do; was refrain to budge an inch from my bed; with brilliant sunshine circumventing our room,
And then to make her happy was even simpler; as I carried her on my back down the volley of stairs; avoiding to travel by the ostentatious elevator.
In order to annoy her all I had to; was forget our anniversary; the day we actually bound in threads of holy matrimony,
And then to make her happy was even simpler; as I astounded her by filling the crevice between her hair with my own blood.
In order to annoy her all I had to do; was talk about a plethora of girls I had encountered on the street,
And then to make her happy was even simpler; as I proclaimed loudly to the outside world without the slightest of inhibition; that she was the most beautiful woman existing on this earth; the only girl that I had for many births of mine; imprisoned in my heart.
When she saw me; she made me feel that I was the most handsome man on this earth,
I felt as if God had cast his omnipotent eyes on me; granting my persona an impeccable status to survive.
When she talked to me; she made me feel that I was tangible and existing,
I felt as if God had whispered mystically in my dreams; making me imbibe the essence of life.
When she smiled at me; she made me feel that I was someone extra special,
I felt as if God had granted me reprieve from my plethora of sins; inundated my soul with loads of happiness.
When she ran her fingers through my hair; she made me feel that I was a messenger of love,
I felt as if God had blessed me with his sacrosanct palms; impregnated in my visage the tenacity to live and let live.
When she held my hands; she made me feel that I had a fortress to lean upon,
I felt as if God had endowed me with unsurpassable resilience; his shadow to seek solace in my times of bizarre distress.
When she fed me with ravishing food; she made me feel that I was never hungry,
I felt as if God had perpetually filled my stomach; stuffed it with the most sumptuous meal available in this world.
When she tickled me frivolously in my ribs; she made me feel the stupendous exultation of existence,
I felt as if God had returned me back my innocuous childhood; placed upon an immortal bed of dreams.
When she put me to sleep; she made me feel that I was blissfully breathing,
I felt as if God had exorbitantly rewarded me for my day; showering upon my dreary eyes the virtue of eternal rest.
And when she kissed me; she made me feel that I had infinite reasons to live,
I felt as if God had given me the greatest treasure of my life; made me the richest person in past and pragmatic present; to be alive.
In an ambience of rustic jungle trees; with their branches dangling incongruously towards the ground,
In a backdrop of colossal mountains; with their summits sailing handsomely in the clouds,
In a cloistered environment; sequestered partially from the blazing sun,
In an island of marshy swamps; inundated with a plethora of languidly drifting logwood; puddles of muddy slush bountifully dispersed,
Resides the ominous and hideous; serrated skinned alligator.
In an atmosphere of golden dew drops; shimmering vividly under the moon,
In a conglomerate of satiny puffs of sky; stooping effeminately down,
In a mesmerizing lake; circumvented from all sides by the steep valley,
In a stony silence prevailing eternally; with the only sound being evanescent ripples caused by wading birds,
Resides the redolently pink and supremely voluptuous; fragrant lotus.
In a camouflage of broken twigs; and incommensurate stalks of dried grass,
In a compactly hollow space; neatly imprisoned by slender tower walls,
In a whiplash of heavy wind; incessantly blowing in tenacious draughts,
In a congenial warmth; provided indefatigably by the bird mother,
Resides the palpable egg blended with yolk; of the hostile vulture.
In a citadel constructed of savage stone; reinforced with umpteenth bars of strong metal,
In an enclosure of acrimonious glass; scattered in hostile shards all around,
In a jugglery of iron chains; viciously strapped around all parts of the body,
In a room completely obfuscated from the most minuscule beam of light; threadbare chunks of rotten bread being the only solace for nocturnal meal,
Resides the longhaired and diabolically toothed; nefarious convict.
In the vicinity of tubular corals; swirling waves intermittently dismantling the tentacles of potbellied octopus,
In an ingratiating serene provided by the unrelenting froth; gently permeating the sands,
In an ensemble of entwined bushes; with protruding and spongy thorns,
In a myriad of rising bubbles; trying incessantly to reach the surface of gigantic sea,
Resides the scintillating and slime coated; incorrigibly virgin oyster.
In an ocean of honey; with sticky droplets of pure nectar oozing out,
In a network of dilapidated pillars; sometimes profoundly tall trees,
In direct confrontation with stringent light from the sun; uncouthly heating its periphery,
In a constant pandemonium; of cacophonic noise compounded with incoherent buzzing,
Resides the delectably boisterous and poignant; small bodied humming bee.
In a surrounding of indiscriminate violence; massacring of the impeccably innocent,
In the hearts of ruthless assassins; butchering the needy for fat wads of currency,
In a nation with incidences of rampant bloodshed; headed by a fleet of power hungry politicians,
In a world where there are nuclear wars; on the spurious grounds of caste and creed,
Resides a feeling of utter abhorrence; embedded with the perennial virtue of hatred.
In the sacrosanct walls of heaven; emollient with the scent of divinity,
In the dormitories of unprejudiced justice; profusely besieged by equality towards all,
In a land replete with mystical fairies; an immortal paradise to exist forever,
In the visage of omnipotent power; unprecedented empathy towards distressing pain,
Resides the stupendously omnipresent who created this earth; the one whom we christen by the sacerdotal name of creator.
And in the aisles of desire; languishing in the corridor of blissful romance,
In the tunnel of unceasing fascination; juxtaposed with webs of unparalleled imagination,
In a cascade of silken follicles; nimbly caressing her holistic back,
In the cage of uninhibited pleasure; drowning me incredulously in the moistness of her breath,
Resides my ravishing and marvelously enchanting; immaculate beloved.
Would you ever believe if I called a nondescript table of teakwood; as a vivacious bird soaring high in the sky,
Would you ever believe if I called a ruffled sheet of paper; as a chunk of glittering gold,
Would you ever believe if I called a grandiloquent watch embodied with diamonds; as a lump of bedraggled stone,
Would you ever believe if I called a mountain of compacted mud; as a switchboard of pugnacious electricity,
Would you ever believe if I called a resplendent rainbow in the sky; as a broomstick with incongruous bristles,
Would you ever believe if I called a rusty canister of dilapidated iron; as a mesmerizing rose growing in the garden,
Would you ever believe if I called a pink tablet of luxury soap; as a mosquito hovering acrimoniously in the cloistered room,
Would you ever believe if I called a boat rollicking merrily on the undulating waves; as a rustic jungle spider,
Would you ever believe if I called a valley profusely embedded with snow; as an unscrupulous dog on the street,
Would you ever believe if I called a pair of luscious lips; as a disdainfully fetid shoe,
Would you ever believe if I called a fluorescent rod of light; as a jagged bush of cactus growing in the sweltering desert,
Would you ever believe if I called the blazing sun; as a pudgy bar of delectable chocolate,
Would you ever believe if I called an angular sculptured bone; as acid bubbling in a swanky bottle,
Would you ever believe if I called a scintillating oyster; as an inarticulate matchstick coated with lead,
Would you ever believe if I called a cluster of bells jingling from the ceiling; as a sordid cockroach philandering beside the lavatory seat,
Would you ever believe if I called a fruit of succulent coconut; as a dead mans morbid tooth,
Would you ever believe If I called a steaming cup of filter coffee; as gaudily colored water emanating from the street fountains,
Would you ever believe if I called the majestic statue of a revered historian; as a slab of tangy peanut butter,
Would you ever believe if I called a vibrant shirt; as a protuberant pigeon discerningly pecking its beak at grains scattered on the floor,
Would you ever believe if I called a flocculent bud of cotton; as a camouflaged lizard transgressing through wild projections of grass,
Would you ever believe if I called a photograph depicting the steep gorges; as a gutter inundated with obnoxious sewage,
Would you ever believe if I called a lanky giraffe; as a convict nefariously lurking through solitary streets of the city,
Would you ever believe if I called a pair of flamboyant sunglasses; as a weird tattoo to be adhered to the chest,
Would you ever believe if I called a chicken’s egg; as logs of sooty charcoal abundantly stashed in the colossal warehouse,
Would you ever believe if I called a biscuit replete with golden honey; as a ominously slithering reptile in the jungles,
Would you ever believe if I called a bald man possessing a profoundly tonsured scalp; as a gas balloon floating in insipid air,
Would you ever believe if I called a ring embellished with crystal diamonds; as an inconspicuous and distorted metallic pin,
Would you ever believe if I called a crimson crested parrot; as a tray containing frozen ice,
Would you ever believe if I called a glass made of pallid plastic; as a gargantuan well flooded with water and dead frogs,
Would you ever believe if I called wooden beams dangling from the ceiling; as finely squelched juice of red radish,
Would you ever believe if I called an articulately painted canvas; as slime coated fossil lying in close proximity with the seabed,
Would you ever believe if I called a diminutive tadpole; as a fortified wall commensurately aligned with burnt bricks,
Would you ever believe if I called a mammoth elephant; as rotten pulp of mango being tossed indiscriminately on the street,
Would you ever believe if I called a truck inundated with cumbersome machines; as an aromatic seed of plant,
Would you ever believe if I called a sheet of crisp paper; as a rubicund fruit of juicy plum,
Would you ever believe if I called a trouser of jaded jeans; as a greeting card fudged with scores of ostentatious lines,
Would you ever believe if I called a ravishing pair of eyelashes; as a disheveled pantry inhabited with clusters of stray mice,
Would you ever believe if I called a dazzling yellow helmet; as a preposterously huge whale of the ocean,
Would you ever believe if I called a piquant stick of chili; as an animated butterfly fluttering at low heights from the ground,
Would you ever believe if I called a hideously black rope; as a mushroom sizzling in the blistering oven,
Would you ever believe if I called a magazine of lead bullets; as an avalanche of snow plummeting down the mountain at turbulent speeds,
Would you ever believe if I called an incredibly cool air-conditioner; as a curry of decayed cream lying obsolete in the garbage heap,
Would you ever believe if I called a scintillating tooth; as a big toe of a striped panther,
Would you ever believe if I called a jazzy strip of belt; as a corrugated assemblage of tree roots,
Would you ever believe if I called a slate of pure chalk; as a tier floating harmlessly in water,
Would you ever believe if I called a chain with infinite loops; as a graveyard sprawled with morbid coffins,
Would you ever believe if I called a pot bellied tortoise; as a languid peel of paint hanging lackadaisically from the nondescript wall,
Would you ever believe if I called a shimmering coin of currency; as a zany zebra galloping at whirlwind speeds through the desert,
Would you ever believe if I called a bottle of inebriating rum; as a frigid contact lens agglutinated to the eye,
Would you ever believe if I called sacrosanct religion; as licentious profanity,
Would you ever believe if I called candid truth; as a profoundly blatant lie,
Would you ever believe if I called the omniscient personality of God; as a perniciously diabolical devil,
And would you ever believe if I called True Love; as a spurious product of imagination; a frivolous case of casual infatuation
Please don’t mind if I visited your dwelling wearing battered shoes; with my lace obnoxiously sprawled across and a myriad of holes blatantly visible in my socks,
As I had poignant reflections of your face circulating in my dreams; was prepared to leap in blistering fires at the slightest of insinuation you gave me.
Please don’t mind if the shirt clinging tautly to my silhouette had a plethora of wrinkles; abhorrent blotches of black sweat appeared on the collar,
As I perceived you to be the most wonderful person in the world; would take all those daggers hurled at you; directly on my bare chest.
Please don’t mind if my hands were coated with slimy grease; incongruous stubs of nails extruded from my fingers,
As I uttered your celestial name with the first rays of evanescent dawn; was wholesomely ready to bear the brunt of rebukes passed on you by the uncouth society.
Please don’t mind if I didn’t possess dexterous eloquence to speak; the charisma of a prince incarcerated in my demeanor,
As I unrelentingly fantasized about your mesmerizing voice all day; would consume even obdurate stones; if that is what you decided to serve me for nocturnal supper.
Please don’t mind if my lips were profusely chapped; my teeth didn’t display a scintillating shine,
As I could spot your ingratiating smile amidst millions; would perennially stay close to your feet even if you mercilessly whipped me.
Please don’t mind if I had unshaven cheeks; with clusters of incongruous hair protruding out in misalignment,
As I would try my stupendous best to sequester you from the slightest of dust blowing; engulf your persona from all sides to protect you from the piercing cold.
Please don’t mind if I walked incoherently; unable to emulate the articulate steps of a jeweled prince,
As I would make sure your dainty feet refrained to touch the tainted earth; carrying you wherever you went on my rubicund shoulders.
Please don’t mind if I didn’t embellish my neck with pearls; adorn my fingers with dazzling gold,
As I would discriminate you from all opulent existing in this world; decimate all those individuals who ever tried to purchase you.
Please don’t mind if I didn’t wear flamboyant sun shades over my eyes; went rampantly philandering through undulating mountain slopes and wild territory,
As I would like you to use them as a pellucid mirror; every time you had the insatiable urge to sight your face.
Please don’t mind if I was oblivious to pulverizing my food with forks and knives; blending and kneading it with my raw hands,
As I would make sure you ate the best of delicacies; would prepare delectably appetizing meals for you with my very own hands.
Please don’t mind if I emitted rambunctious snores while in deep slumber; inundating the atmosphere with a profoundly sounding cacophonic buzz,
As I would see to it that you slept like a queen all night; safeguarding you against ominous evil lurking in close proximity.
And please don’t mind If I didn’t have exorbitant wealth; biscuits of gold to eat for breakfast; pools replete with resplendent silver to submerge my visage in,
As I would famish myself to bizarre limits; wholesomely ensuring you were gratified every moment; tears of unprecedented ecstasy dribbled incessantly from your eyes; till the time you existed
In order to break the monotony of the straight brick wall; aligned commensurately with immaculately polished stone,
What I did was; to emboss its surface with vivid graffiti; pillage it with holes for fresh air to ventilate through.
In order to break the monotony of the corrugated bar of steel; embedded deep in the ground,
What I did was; to simply curve its periphery to a high pitched angularity; let my saliva dribble over its surface to make it glisten.
In order to break the monotony of the newly ironed shirt; suspended from the drawers; with buttons tightly imprisoned,
What I did was; to crumple it in a heap; submerge it in a pool of perspiration for the natural scent to take over.
In order to break the monotony of plaited hair; stringently incarcerated beneath a plastic bag,
What I did was; to shampoo them vigorously till my hands ached; dexterously use my scissors to chisel them into incoherent shapes.
In order to break the monotony of nondescript chunks of clay; lying amalgamated in colossal heaps,
What I did was; to adroitly mould a swanky statue out of them; then painting the same with gaudy color.
In order to break the monotony of bland food lying solitary on the table; with a cluster of disdainful flies buzzing around,
What I did was; to impregnate it by adding pinches piquant chili; heaps of pulverized rock salt for imparting the meal with a ravishing flavor.
In order to the break the monotony of rectangular granules of sugar; stashed agglutinated to each other in the pellucid bottle,
What I did was; finely crush them into crystalline powder; sprinkling them on molten ice; making them shimmer under the moon.
In order to break the monotony of the nonchalant room; well embellished with exquisite carpets; and mammoth curtain shades camouflaging the windowpanes,
What I did was; to install wacky gizmos all around the ambience; and let sizzling rays of sunshine fumigate the cloistered interiors.
In order to break the monotony of incessant sheets of glass; riveted firmly to the silhouette of dressing table,
What I did was; shatter them into multiple fragments using a sharp stone; then ludicrously laughed at my grotesquely distorted reflection, which emanated.
In order to break the monotony of the placid river; flowing languidly from bank to bank,
What I did was; to voraciously move my fishing rod in the water; thereby producing a flurry of mesmerizing ripples.
In order to break the monotony of work; unrelenting browsing through scores of office records,
What I did was; to take a brisk walk along the seaside; with the frothy waves delectably striking my weary eyes.
And in order to break the monotony of my heart; palpitating at regular speeds all throughout the sweltering day,
What I did was; to marry the girl of my dreams; and then philander with her in a space rocket; exuberantly making it throb a hundred beats faster.
The fish slithering in the claustrophobic swimming tank; had a nostalgia for swirling waters of the gargantuan ocean,
The flower sprouting from the cloistered pot; had a nostalgia for growing in farm soil; with an ambience of wind blowing tenaciously,
The spider crawling in dingy corners of the dilapidated mansion; had a nostalgia for traversing through vivacious threads of web; dangling from trees in the amazon forest,
The crimson beaked bird incarcerated in grilled cage; had a nostalgia for flapping its wings exuberantly in the sky,
The blistering lava imprisoned at unprecedented depths beneath the ground; had a nostalgia to fulminate into infinite fountains in fresh air,
The globules of fat moisture trapped in ominous thunder clouds; had a nostalgia for cascading down rampantly in the form of glistening rain,
The biscuits of glittering gold embedded in dilapidated dungeons; had a nostalgia for; people admiring them in dazzling rays of the sun,
The lifeless panther embodied in the mammoth photograph; had a nostalgia for coming out alive; open his jaws in a domineering growl,
The blind man traversing on the streets with a disdainful stick; had a nostalgia for sighting the world; fantasizing it in its most stupendous form ever,
The battalion of frogs in the solitary and deep well; had a nostalgia for bathing in pools of monsoon water,
The hunch backed camel trespassing through the crowded city streets; had a nostalgia for wandering languidly in the sandy desert,
The diminutive flames of wax candle stifling with the slightest of breeze; had a nostalgia for being the escalating flames of a crackling fire,
The granules of white salt jailed tightly in pellucid bottles; had a nostalgia for being sprawled on the saline sea shores,
The scientists stalling for time on marshy soil; had a nostalgia every minute for inhabiting the opalescent moon,
The tones of noxious gas encapsulated in an inflated balloon; had a nostalgia for whistling past the air at lightening speeds,
The pallid milk stored in canisters of rusty iron; had a nostalgia for oozing out from blossoming teats of the sacrosanct cow,
The people residing in alien countries; had a nostalgia for returning back as quickly as possible to blend with their native mud,
The orphaned child wailing incoherently on the dusty roads; had a nostalgia for embracing his departed mother,
And every palpable entity treading on this earth; had a nostalgia for finding its soul mate; languishing in the aisles of desire and perpetual relationship; till the time it inhaled air and blissfully existed.
Can you find me a wave; which does not wet the sandy shores even after nimbly striking them,
Can you find me a lavender lotus; which does not emanate fragrance even after ripening to a full blossom,
Can you find me a solitary patch of cloud in the sky; which does not shower inclement rain; even after acquiring shades of hideous black,
Can you find me a stone; which does not produce a clanging noise even after colliding thunderously with the obdurate ground,
Can you find me a snake; which does not bare its venomous fangs; even after getting intensely provoked,
Can you find me a chunk of rosewood; which does not decay; even after being submerged incessantly in fetid water,
Can you find me a leech; which does not suck blood; even after clinging to naked patches of skin,
Can you find me a balloon; which does not get deflated; even after being pricked by a pointed iron needle,
Can you find me a crystal diamond; which does not shine; even after being vigorously polished,
Can you find me a globule of white sugar; which does not impart a sweet taste; even after being tenaciously chewed,
Can you find me a spider; which does not spin its silken web; even after being placed in a cozy ambience of densely foliated trees,
Can you find me a cardigan; which does not provide warmth in winter; even after being stitched with fibers of pure sheep wool,
Can you find me a spring; which incorrigibly refrains to compress; even after application of unrelenting pressure,
Can you find me a matchstick; which flounders to ignite; even after brushing against the surface of acerbic crusty paper,
Can you find me a shoe; which does not leave a footprint; even after scrupulously transgressing the wet earth,
Can you find me a tomato; which does not erupt into multiple fragments of red; even after squashing it savagely with feet,
Can you find me a rotund marble; which does not roll; even after being left on an impeccably smooth floor,
Can you find me a pellucid mirror; which does not reflect beams of white light; even after holding it stringently beneath the scintillating sun,
Can you find me a building; whose foundations do not dither; even after facing the onslaught of the tumultuous earthquake,
Can you find me a river; which does not rambunctiously flow; even after plummeting down from the slope of the colossal mountain,
And can you find me a heart; which does not turbulently throb; even after witnessing the love of its life; the person it profoundly believes in.
When I thought about the world from inside a squalid gutter; with an abhorrently fetid stench permeating into my nostrils,
I perceived it to be extremely dirty; with scraps of tarnished paper inhabiting every prevalent street.
When I thought about the world soaring high in the sky; circumvented by an ambience of silken clouds and birds,
I visualized it to be a tiny place; with inconspicuous structures projecting in scores from its trajectory.
When I thought about the world from beneath unfathomable depths of the ocean; an assemblage of salty water entrenching me in entirety,
I imagined it to be a profoundly wet place; with infinite spaces of land soaked in slippery liquid.
When I thought about the world standing in middle of the desert; sweltering winds blended with sand striking my persona tenaciously,
I conceived it to be an overwhelmingly dusty place; with people sweating profusely under dazzling rays of the sun.
When I thought about the world languishing in an island of redolent flowers; the mesmerizing odor of blossoming rose tickling me to high realms of sedation,
I cognized it to be a stupendously fragrant place; with every organism lurking on its soil diffusing astronomical amounts of scent.
When I thought about the world sitting in a factory of firecrackers; incredulous contraptions of dynamite exploding intermittently all around,
I pictured it to be a tumultuously noisy place; incorporated with individuals who yelled expending full capacity of their lungs; every time they felt the urge to speak.
When I thought about the world digging a coal mine thousands of feet below the ground; a ghastly darkness sequestering me from pragmatic reality,
I envisaged it to be an utterly gloomy place; with all animate residing enveloped by depression; and the sun incorrigibly refraining to shine.
When I thought about the world; lying surreptitiously hidden within the interiors of the government treasury; boundless clusters of crisp notes making it onerous for me to breathe,
I contemplated it to be inundated with money; school children scribbling finishing their assignments on currency sheets; instead of using plain paper.
When I thought about the world gallivanting through the dense forests; slithering reptiles transgressing ominously through the bushes; lethal alligators scrawling up the marshy swamps,
I assumed it to be a place impregnated with savage men; with rustic cakes of cow-dung adhered to house walls instead of conventional plaster.
And eventually when I thought about the world incarcerated in the arms of my beloved; the moistness in her breath virtually putting me off to sleep,
I imagined it to be an astounding paradise; with a harmonious synergy existing between the young; the old; and the deprived.
You and I were as inseparable; as the calcium coated nail and its slender finger,
You and I were as inseparable; as the fleshy eyelid and its transparent eyeball,
You and I were as inseparable; as nostrils and their moist waves of breath,
You and I were as inseparable; as a conglomerate of entwined roots and their rustic tree stalk,
You and I were as inseparable; as perpetually pearly moon and its shine,
You and I were as inseparable; as the chamber of mouth and its crimson complexioned tongue,
You and I were as inseparable; as a person traversing the streets and his magnified shadow,
You and I were as inseparable; as the blossoming rose and its mesmerizing redolence,
You and I were as inseparable; as the colossal expanse of blue sky and its cotton wool of clouds,
You and I were as inseparable; as mammoth ocean waters and their dangerously swirling waves,
You and I were as inseparable; as the ominous looking panther and his thunderous growl,
You and I were as inseparable; as the vivaciously chirping bird and its pair of tender wings,
You and I were as inseparable; as the crusty bar of chocolate and its lingering sweetness,
You and I were as inseparable; as the fiery body of sun and its infinite numbers of dazzling rays,
You and I were as inseparable; as the robust mountain sheep and its tufts of furry skin,
You and I were as inseparable; as the celestial fairy and the unfathomable beauty circumventing her face,
ou and I were as inseparable; as the candle and its incessantly burning flame,
You and I were as inseparable; as the loving mother and her newly born child,
You and I were as inseparable; as the venomous snake and its stream of lethal poison,
and you and i were as inseparable; as the Omnipresent Almighty; and his lakhs of disciples; residing in different quarters of earth.
When I battered my fists against the acerbic strips of glass; infinite pores on my skin started to bleed profusely,
However when I did the same uttering her name; the glass broke into an ocean of splinters; and my hand escaped unhurt without a scratch.
When I indignantly stopped my nose from inhaling breath; I let out marathon gasps after a few seconds,
However when I did the same uttering her name; I could hold on much longer in my deplorable attempt.
When I inscribed a jugglery of design with a knife on my bare chest; I felt capsized by tumultuous pain,
However when I attempted doing the same loudly chanting her name; the anguish seemed to vanish into thin wisps of oblivion.
When I tried masticating metal with my fortress of teeth; I swooned on the ground unconscious with a cluster of them strewn beside my scalp,
However when I proceeded to do the same whispering her mystical name; the disdainful metal transited to silken honey.
When I tried to pummel the wall boisterously striking my impetuous knuckles;
my fingers contracted a series of multiple fracture,
However when I did the same uttering her name; the mighty wall broke and the bricks came tumbling down.
When I clambered the slippery slopes of the treacherous mountain; I lost my footing midway; hurtling down towards the earth head on,
However when I tried doing the same singing her name; the mountain summit looked like a piece of cake; and I conquered the same in flash seconds of time.
When I tried consuming vials of poison; indispensable blood froze abruptly in my veins; my silhouette lay numb; with a deathly blue incorporating my body,
However when I drank the same uttering her name; the venom converted itself into pure milk; and I bounced merrily with resplendent euphoria.
When I leapt from unprecedented heights of the edifice; I struck the earth with tremendous velocity; staying in perpetual coma for days,
However when I committed the same feat uttering her name; the ground I landed turned itself into spongy Dunlop; and I got rejuvenated by the through stimulation.
When I walked on blazing fires barefoot; the inner soles of my feet were rendered maim for the remainder of my life,
However when I executed the same calling her name; burning embers of the insidious fire felt like refrigerated ice; tickling my demeanor extravagantly.
I had lived all my life in blissful contentment; envisaging the beauty of her mesmerizing fragrance,
And eventually when the time came to depart for my heavenly abode; I still didn’t feel the pain; as I faintly recited her sacrosanct name
Somewhere in the boundless stacks of golden hay; there lies incorporated an intricately pointed needle,
Somewhere in the sprawling fields of wild creepers; there exists the poignantly scented rose,
Somewhere in the enormous barrels of lethal poison; there lies impregnated; frugal pinches of profoundly sweet honey,
Somewhere in the arid land of the colossal desert; there lies a shimmering pool of slippery oasis,
Somewhere in the ominous castle with dilapidated interiors; there lives the mesmerizing and celestial fairy,
Somewhere in bland chunks of food; there lies embedded parsimonious fillings of piquant salt,
Somewhere in the vast expanse of black charcoal board; there lies embodied conspicuous lines of white chalk,
Somewhere in the midst of the mammoth ocean; there exists the preposterously huge whale,
Somewhere in the conglomerate of disdainfully dusty stones; there lies encapsulated the lustrous white pearl,
Somewhere in the field of hideously snaring reptiles; there exists an fur skinned innocuous rabbit,
Somewhere in the assemblage of utensils producing a discordantly clanging noise; there exists a perpetually silent pigeon feather,
Somewhere in the disheveled heap of blotted cloth; there lies a garment of impeccable and glistening silk,
Somewhere in the mangles debris of blistering lava; there exists a ravishingly cool spring of crystalline water,
Somewhere amidst the ensemble of dead bodies incarcerated in stone coffins; there exists sporadic incidences of fresh life,
Somewhere in the midst of bedraggled urchins incessantly begging for alms; there lives a jeweled prince,
Somewhere in the smoldering ashes of crackling fire; there exists the newly born child,
Somewhere in the thick of intense corruption; abysmal incidences of unsurpassable lechery; there exists a solitarily honest man,
Somewhere in gruesome darkness for a million kilometers in the jungle; there exists a minuscule beam of stringent light,
Somewhere amidst a consortium of satanic devils trying to destroy the earth; there exists the omniscient creator,
And somewhere in this mundane world; with blood sucking individuals inhabiting every nook and cranny; there exists an unbiased girl who can love me like no one else ever did; making me feel every unfurling minute that I was alive.
I saw her mesmerizing face in the walls; while pouring sizzling tea in my
Although I soon realized that I was rampantly fantasizing; as the steaming
liquid burnt my skin; spilling over the immaculate material of my trousers.
I saw her magnanimous silhouette in the rocks; while driving my car through
circuitous routes of the valley,
Although I soon realized that it was a figment of my imagination; as the car
swerved violently colliding with the hand rail; overlooking a few thousand
feet into panoramic space.
I saw her jelly blue eyes while walking on each vehicle; while walking through
the congested street,
Although I soon realized that I was dreaming under the sun; as compact cars
whizzed inches from my body; leaving clouds of black smoke for me to inhale.
I saw her honey coated red lips in the wall; as I languidly strolled through
the interiors of the mystical palace,
Although I soon realized that I was out of tangible senses; as I violently
barged against the iron doors; tripping neatly over a jugglery of intricate
I saw her dainty feet embedded with jingling bells; as I sat peacefully at the
precarious edge of the bridge,
Although I soon realized that I was drowned in a reverie; as I plummeted down;
losing my stoical composure to blend with the chilly waters of the river.
I saw her ravishing hair flowing in the gentle breeze; as I ruminated on my
past while cooking food,
Although I soon realized that I was romanticizing a bit too much; when eerie
whistle of the pressure cooker inundated my sensitive ears.
I saw her smiling revealing her magnanimous teeth; while playing cricket with
the sun god shining above my head,
Although I soon realized that I was in seventh heaven; when the hard ball
struck me on my chin; giving my face a ghastly black swollen look.
I saw the vivacious outlines of her eyebrows; while writing my examinations,
Although I soon realized that I was wistfully perceiving; when the slender
cane of my professor lashed stringently on my scalp.
I saw her rubicund cheeks embossed with blemishes; while lifting bulky weights
in the gym,
Although I soon realized that I was intensely dreaming in the day; when the
heavy bars landed with an abrupt thud on my chest.
I saw her in part and whole; throughout the monotonous day; in my dreams; and
in every person I met; irrespective of caste and creed,
Yes O! divine creator; you know as well as I do; the only reason behind my
absurd behavior; was that I was compassionately in love .
The thing as frigid as a dead follicle of hair; was indiscreet hatred,
The thing as disdainful as the bathroom cockroach; was illicit smuggling,
The thing as pale as the dilapidated wall; was overwhelming prejudice,
The thing as resplendent as the pearly moon; was a gregarious smile on the
luscious lips,
The thing as morose as the broken branch of the tree; was tumultuous sorrow
blended with grief,
The thing as transparent as the crystal mountain stream; was unsolicited truth,
The thing as bankrupt as a bedraggled beggar; was pugnacious enmity,
The thing as innocuous as the hazel eyed monkey; was the cry of a small
The thing as volatile as hot green chili; was immensely provoked anger,
The thing as sweet as freshly prepared nectar; was the voice of the benevolent
propagating humanity,
The thing as blotted as the abysmally dark waters of the gutter;
was indiscriminately brutal crime,
The thing as cold as frozen pulp of icecream; was blatant jealousy,
The thing as nostalgic as the oblivious past; was indefatigable fantasies of
the brain,
The thing as sizzling as ravishing brown crustacean coffee; was stupendous
The thing as inflated as a gas balloon; was ostentatious pride,
The thing as appeasing as appetizing morsels of food; was philanthropic
friendship which fortified by the minute,
The thing as vociferous as a barking dog; was insatiable hunger which arose
sporadically in the stomach,
The thing as infinite as the boundaries of the emerald ocean; was ubiquitous humanity,
The thing as inevitably intoxicating as liquor; was unfathomable greed,
The thing as venomous as the sting of a scorpion; was racial discrimination,
The thing as preposterously huge as the impeccable dolphin; was
empathy towards fellow beings,
The thing as starved as scorched sands of the desert; was the ominously
diabolic devil,
And the thing as impeccable as white pearls impregnated in oyster shells; as
effusive as thunderous rain pelting down; was perpetual love .
I had dirt imprisoned in my nails; which seemed all the more abashing when I
stood in the limelight; confronting public,
I had scores of dandruff imprisoned in my scalp; prompting me to inevitably
scratch; although it blended strikingly with my black coat,
I had tumultuous strength imprisoned in my clenched fists; having stupendous
power to decimate impostors swindling the innocent,
I had eloquence imprisoned in my throat; which made me chant melodious rhymes
of synchronized music,
I had tenacity imprisoned in my emphatic eyes; which possessed the prowess to
melt the supremely intransigent,
I had a frivolous smile imprisoned in my luscious lips; which seemed all the more profound; when I encountered ravishing beauty,
I had a jugglery of obdurate muscle imprisoned in my legs; enabling me to traverse long distance in acerbic sun; bereft of a vehicle,
I had millions of hair imprisoned in my skin; cushioning me from uncouth blows
of the society,
I had salubrious blood imprisoned in my intricate veins; instilling in me the
strength to sustain life,
I had a crimson pink tongue imprisoned in my mouth; granting me the
indispensable ability of speech,
I had a bulky wallet imprisoned in my trouser pocket; making me feel
despicable; when I stripped it of its currency,
I had a flamboyant horse imprisoned in my stables; on which I used to sit and
gallivant through the mountains,
I had infinite lines imprisoned at the back of my palm; which audaciously
portrayed my destiny to unleash,
I had unfathomable cells imprisoned in my finely chiseled brain; blessing me
with the capacity to decode the most baffling of enigmas,
I had golden droplets of sweat imprisoned in my armpits; inundating the placid
surroundings with unbearable stench,
I had tones of air imprisoned in my inflated lungs; which made me breathe;
relish every unveiling second of life,
I had yellow enamel camouflaging my teeth; making it impossible for me to
I had nostalgic memories imprisoned in my subconscious mind; as I ruefully
reminisced all those moments when I was young,
And most importantly; superseding all things; I had her love imprisoned in my
heart; which bestowed upon me the impetus to blissfully live; fight for justice in this nonchalant world .
I would consider myself the richest man on earth; if I possessed the eyes of
Able to judiciously discriminate between; the good and obnoxiously evil inhabiting remote corners of the globe.
I would consider myself the richest man on earth; if I possessed egalitarian
Ready to embrace those in severe affliction; without the baseless fear of
getting stained and dirty.
I would consider myself the richest man on earth; if I possessed the power of
mystical clairvoyance,
Able to prognosticate the ominous events to unveil; saving the earth from
possible disaster.
I would consider myself the richest man on earth; if I possessed a phlegmatic
Capable of pacifying those engulfed with inexplicable distress; put all children without parents to sleep.
I would consider myself the richest man on earth; if I could leap from
astronomical heights of the bridge into the river,
Save scores of innocuous children from drowning; embed their terrorized faces
with mischievous smiles.
I would consider myself the richest man on earth; if I possessed feet which
could withstand the most onerous of load,
Carry the ones crippled; making them witness the most mesmerizing avenues of
the world.
I would consider myself the richest man on earth; if I possessed clusters of
teeth capable of extracting venom;
Evacuating the most lethal of poison from the body of the dying; rejuvenating
them with fresh doors of hope.
I would consider myself the richest man on earth; if I possessed the prowess
of assassinate the most evanescent of corruption prevailing,
Liberating the impoverished from impregnable clutches of slavery; granting
them the supreme distinction of breathing free air.
I would consider myself the richest man on earth; if I could stay awake all
Incessantly guarding those who were philanthropic; ever ready to propagate the
benevolent cause of humanity.
And I would consider myself the richest man on earth; if I could possess and
incarcerate the love I so vehemently desired,
Help all residing on land; to get the dream partner of their own choice .
When there was appetizing fruit placed on a plate of scintillating silver; I
didn’t feel like eating,
I was a trifle too busy contemplating the price of the plate; though there was
nothing wrong with the food.
When I was served immaculately ravishing noodles on a plate of pure gold; I
didn’t feel like eating,
I was afraid of impregnating blotches on the plate; when I caressed it with my
bohemian hands; though there were pangs of hunger reverberating in my stomach.
When I was served a blend of Italian cheese and cucumber on a plate of crystal
studded with diamonds; I didn’t feel like eating,
I was intensely absorbed in decoding my reflection in the glistening jewels; though the sight of the delicacy made my mouth water.
When I was served a steaming curry of pungent soup on a plate of intricately
chiseled marble; I didn’t feel like eating,
I was heavily circumspect on staining the marble in the process of eating; though the concoction looked immensely sumptuous.
When I was served roasted almonds juxtaposed with honey on a plate of pure
sapphire; I didn’t feel like eating,
I was completely lost admiring the dazzling radiance of stone; though there
were insatiable desires to tenaciously chew the same.
When I was served sliced onions wound with blood red radish on a plate of
flocculent satin; I didn’t feel like eating,
I was skeptical that its contents would spill over the sheets; though there
was a niggling pain in my fingers to snatch the food.
When I was served a bunch of succulent violet grapes on a plate of exquisite
rosewood; I didn’t feel like eating,
I was mesmerized by the plethora of designs embossed in the wood; though there
were grinding sensations in my fortress of teeth.
When I was served a chocolate brown plum cake strewn with cherry on a plate of
voluptuous lotus; I didn’t feel like eating,
I was lost in the heavenly fragrance of the flower; though my mouth watered
unrelentingly like a starved pig.
When I was served simmering chicken transposed with green leaf on a plate of
snake leather; I didn’t feel like eating,
I was enchanted by the satiny complexion of the skin; though my eyes popped
out of their sockets at witnessing the food.
And eventually when I was served a nutritious agglomerate of curd and rice on
a plate stitched with threads of our impregnable love; my beloved feeding me
with her dainty fingers,
I cupidly gobbled the same in no time; compensating for my previous failures;
food had never tasted so tasty before,
As it did when she fed me recounting tales of her childhood .
Use your nails to scratch stale paint from walls; peel off the rust from
indispensable commodities for survival,
Use your toes to poke someone frivolously in the ribs; hoist intricate pieces
of cloth strewn on the floor,
Use your eyes to distinguish between the sacrosanct and the devil; swirling
them rampantly in all directions to grasp the beauty of the universe,
Use your fingers to scribble infinite lines of literature; seize all those in
a vise like grip trying to massacre the law,
Use your legs to walk unrelentingly in the sun; indiscriminately kick all
those pernicious impediments that confront your way,
Use your nose to breathe in gallons of fresh air; detect fragrance and
obnoxious stench in the atmosphere with equality,
Use your arms to embrace all those afflicted with pain; profusely loving the
ones you cherish,
Use your teeth to scrupulously masticate food; evacuate lethal poison from
innocuous skin bitten by snake,
Use your brain to decipher baffling enigmas of life; make planet earth a
better place to inhabit,
Use your lips to produce philanthropic smiles; spread the ubiquitous message
of congenial friendship,
Use your affluence to lead a luxurious life; showering the same on those
engulfed with tumultuous distress and pain,
Use your power to assassinate evil from its faintest trace; fighting
incessantly for those oppressed in the society,
Use your ears to decode the minutest of sound; inundate barren arenas of your
soul with melodious music,
Use your hair to cushion the impact of blows on your scalp; letting it glisten
in the sunlight to impart warmth,
Use your blood to save someone on the threshold of death; donating it in
bountiful amounts to those who require it the most,
Use your breath to tickle the grass blades; impregnate the chilly ambience
with loads of passionate energy,
Use your bones to work tirelessly; executing them meticulously to their
complete potential,
Use your voice to pacify the hot blooded; propagating the message of peace
with tenacity,
Use your life to achieve and construct and discover; procreating your progeny
to serve humanity with grace,
And use your heart to uninhibitedly love; inculcate the spirit of perpetual
caring in the ones you ever encounter .
We hurled a volley of expletives at each other; while conversing over the
Severely ostracizing our movements; our conservative attitude towards
Threw fluffy pillows; rolling pins; scattered debris; virtually all that came
in our hands at each other,
Tore apart our scalp hair in exasperation; slapping each other on the rubicund
Grimaced our teeth like the most ominous of fortress; clenching our fists in
Stared unrelentingly like diabolical demons; refraining to whisper the
slightest of sound,
Spat uncouthly at each other; our hands interlocked in a vindictive brawl,
Made abhorrent designs of each other; rampantly inscribing them on the cold
Kicked uncontrollably while in the car; banging our heads against the
Spilled scalding tea deliberately on each other; burning dainty pores in our
Glanced indifferently towards each other; pretending to be nonchalant
Scoffed haughtily inhaling long gasps of breath; insipidly kicking small
stones that confronted our way,
Wailed discordantly with fervor; looking at each others faces,
Sat poles apart on the dining table; secretly wishing to dance under the
enchanting moon,
Drew lines vindictively on the sands; as we strolled languidly on the slippery
Pummeled each other in the ribs; at the slightest provocation; as our tempers
soared to dizzy heights,
Paced up and down the length of the house; occasionally banging the walls in
intense infuriation,
Tossed and turned irritably on the king poster bed; unable to go to blissful
Deliberated for marathon hours on the trot; on inconspicuous issues; expending
great energy from our intricate lungs,
But the remarkable thing was; that even after all this we still remained the
best of friends; immensely enjoyed and wistfully longed for each others
And at the end of the acrimonious day; forgave and acutely loved each other .
Where there is bountiful grass; sprawling meadows of leafy foliage,
There roam about rustic cattle and goat; painstakingly chewing the cud; relishing the appetizing meal.
Where there is superfluous water; rambunctious streams of crystal liquid,
There reside sweet and succulent fish; bathing incessantly in the splashing currents; procreating several of their kind.
Where there is a nest of enmeshed twigs; fortified with slender sticks of
intricate wood and thorn,
There lives the protuberant sac bird; which pacifies its gluttony devouring
insects; lays eggs diligently with the passing seasons.
Where there is fetid sewage floating in gutter water; a conglomerate of
dilapidated debris loosely strewn about,
There lives the disdainful cockroach; spreading a host of deadly infection and
Where there is the colossal mountain with jagged slopes; a battalion of
deciduous trees projecting rampantly in tandem,
There lives the grizzly bear which dexterously glides through darkened
tunnels; along with tones of silver snow.
Where there is slippery sand on the beach; blended with multiple cocoons of
hollow space,
There lives the gray bodied venomous crab; flexing its noxious tentacles
intermittently; to sting innocuous flesh.
Where there is a jugglery of boiled sweets lying orphan on the floor; with a
tantalizing aroma wafting in the air,
There lives the red ant in infinite scores; hungrily crunching its meal;
pulverizing it to finely chiseled soft powder.
Where there is the honey combed hive sighted at unprecedented heights from the ground; adhering compactly to the building wall,
There lives the honeybee boisterously oozing honey from its body; blending
superbly with the golden color.
Where there is overwhelming poverty; an atmosphere of bedraggled misery
compounded with heaps of tribulation,
There live nefarious hoodlums; driven by the fervent urge to steal; due to
scarcity of funds and fodder.
Where there is darkness camouflaged with pallid gloom; the ambience punctuated with mystical myths,
There lives baseless fear; individuals who unwittingly shirk away from society.
And where there is perennial love; philanthropic attitude to embrace the
afflicted with thorough equanimity,
There lives god and there also lives life; ripening every unleashing minute;
creating humans impregnated with immortal bliss .
When I transgressed through the soil of scorching desert; with the sun blazing
down my nape in full radiance,
The thing I feared the most was the insatiable desire for water; which kept
overpowering me when I knew there were no resources available.
When I was sleeping blissfully in the night; with mystical reveries besieging
my mind,
The thing I feared the most; was rambunctious noise jolting me wide awake from
my celestial siesta.
When I was chopping the trunk of corrugated tree; utilizing the full tenacity
of my wrists,
The thing I feared the most; was the blade of my axe acquiring incongruous
rust; emancipating its sharpness.
When I was swimming through placid waters of the river; with lavender coated
petals of lotus drifting past my nose,
The thing I feared the most; was turbulent waves pervading the still waters;
disrupting the synchrony of my swim.
When I was traveling up the monumental edifice in an elevator; sighting
spacious dwellings now as condensed matchboxes,
The thing I feared the most; was the intricate coil of lift brusquely
snapping; and the contraption hurling at full speeds towards the stony
When I was driving my car at swashbuckling speeds through picturesque slopes;
feasting my eyes on a backdrop of panoramic waterfalls,
The thing I feared the most; was the twin brakes failing and the automobile
wildly careening into the treacherous valley.
When I was nibbling rustic berries; plucking them in clusters from the
vivaciously swirling jungle tree,
The thing I feared the most; was the likelihood of the fruit being savagely
poisoned; having the ghastly potential of causing death.
When I embellished my persona with grandiloquent slabs of glittering gold;
wore jingling necklaces studded with an armory of scintillating diamonds,
The thing I feared the most; was the brutal onslaught of robbers viciously
tearing apart my wealth.
When I diligently working on the contemporary computer; with the fluorescent
light of the screen infiltrating my eyes,
The thing that I feared the most; was a host of obnoxious virus permeating the
software; assassinating all the files I had scrupulously stored.
When I was shivering incessantly in winter winds; the partition of my teeth
clattering inevitably,
The thing I feared the most; was the snow precipitating from the skies;
exacerbating my condition still further.
And when I was with my beloved; encompassed in the warmth of her arms; the
essence of her breath inundating me with unprecedented happiness,
The thing I feared the most; was the creator taking her far away from me; as I
knew there was no other power existing on earth; that could try and possibly
separate us.
When I consumed a fat biscuit of mud; trying to masticate it fervently with my
angular teeth,
I simply failed to succeed; the mud impregnated a bitter taste in my mouth;
and I inevitably puked out the curry with anguished sighs and gasps.
When I devoured a biscuit of stone; gulping It down with a glassful of mineral
My stomach felt a trifle uneasy trying hard to accept this alien food; and it
finally came out intact and composite; a few hours after I painstakingly
expurgated my bowels.
When I chewed a biscuit of royal gold; endeavoring to soften it with the slimy
layer of my saliva,
Horrendous feelings of wasting currency engulfed my mind; and I immediately
spewed out the biscuit; trying to retain its natural contour and shine.
When I ate a rotund biscuit of condensed chocolate; replete with bountiful
fillings of sweet candy,
I felt good in the beginning; but my felicity soon transited into dismay; when
the blood report indicated that I had astronomically high levels of sugar.
When I tasted a piquant biscuit of green chili; blended commensurately with
garlic powder,
I rampantly screamed as if stabbed by a thousand burnt needles; scampered like
never before to the nearest source of portable water.
When I put a biscuit of almond soap in my mouth; there was gargantuan froth
produced as a manifestation,
Infinite bubbles elastic in texture now emanated whenever I opened my mouth;
and there was an insurmountable urge in my persona to thoroughly cleanse my
When I languidly placed a biscuit of frozen snow in my mouth; the complexion
of my face transformed to a scarlet crimson,
Unfathomable clusters of taste died there itself; and I felt gruesome shivers
cascading down my spine.
When I attempted to gnaw at a biscuit of rusty iron; there was tumultuous
force exerted on my teeth,
They finally buckled under the intractable pressure; leaving rivulets of
sticky blood oozing from my lips.
When I feverishly tried to eat a biscuit of compressed honey; there was an
infectious sweetness that enveloped my mouth,
But when I got up in the morning after a contended nights sleep; there was a
battalion of red ant crawling all over; inserting their tiny pincers in my flesh.
And eventually when I consumed the biscuit of love; which was stitched
meticulously by her; with threads of our perpetual love,
My body felt profoundly rejuvenated; all the dreariness seemed to have
evaporated into thin air; and it was now that I felt that I was invincible;
beyond the inexplicable limits of this world .
When I philandered through the winding lanes of the mountain; I encountered an assemblage of vivacious trees and nimble rabbit,
When I strolled through lanes of the dense jungle; I encountered a maze of
cloistered passage along with white water streams,
When I audaciously walked through lanes of freezing ice-cream; I encountered
tenacious currents of cold; that made me shiver,
When I vehemently transgressed through lanes of roaring fire; I encountered
blistering flames; which almost charred me to inconspicuous ash,
When I sedately trespassed through lanes of blossoming flower; I encountered
clusters of humming bee; with a mesmerizing fragrance circumventing my
When I skeptically languished through lanes of the mental asylum; I encountered a fleet of barbaric madmen; trying to snatch the last ounce of breath from my persona,
When I gleefully floated in the satiny lanes of the cotton clouds; I encountered brilliant sunshine blended with showers of inclement rain,
When I loitered aimlessly through sandy lanes of the desert; I encountered
acrimonious heat; sapping the last resources of hidden energy from my body,
When I ambled laboriously through sequestered lanes of the gigantic tunnel; I
encountered gruesome darkness that sent uncanny chills down my spine; made me nostalgically long for Sunshine,
When I ran at fast pace across lanes of slippery beach sands; I encountered
poignant froth juxtaposed with fiery salt smashing across my eyes,
When I gallivanted on horseback through the lanes of the rustic farm; I
encountered the ravishing aroma of corn; listened attentively to the intricate
dribbling of milk from cow teats,
When I crawled like a new born child through the lanes of surreal fantasy; I
encountered scores of fairies; a blissful paradise where god resided,
When I marched through the lanes of disdainful hatred; I encountered
disparaging corruption; the savage discrimination of my fellow mates,
When I pervaded across ghastly lanes of hell in the sky; I encountered satanic
demons relishing blood from dead carcass of humans,
When I intransigently marauded through lanes of the underground dungeon; I
encountered hidden gold; with a scorpion occasionally drifting down my neck,
When I jogged through crowded lanes of the mundane city; I encountered hostile traffic; and obnoxious clouds of smoke prompting me to deafeningly sneeze,
When I roamed through lanes of illicit crime; I encountered a township of
bloodshed; brutal massacres of the innocent,
And eventually when I wandered through the lane of uninhibited love; I hereby
found the perpetual heaven that I was so frantically searching for .
If I were the blood circulating through your veins; I would incessantly flow
without respite,
Unrelentingly purifying contaminated zones of your body; ensuring that you
were perennially in a state of blissful health.
If I were your intricate ears; I would make sure you heard the most
inconspicuous of sound as long as the sun shone in the sky,
Would inundate your mind with melodious sounds; mesmerizing reveries; the
moment you went off to sleep.
If I were your emphatic eyes; I would make sure that you discriminate between
the omnipresent good and evil,
Would make you stringently aware of the perils lurking beside you; bestow upon
you the power to prognosticate the future yet to unveil.
If I were your pair of dainty feet; I would make sure you traversed
scrupulously through the entire globe,
Saw the most astounding of palaces; the most enticing of sapphire oceans;
without suffering from the slightest of exhaustion.
If I were your robust hands; I would make sure that you successfully clambered
up the colossal mountain,
Wrote exquisite lines of enchanting music; tenaciously decimated all those who
ever tried to torment you.
If I were your rotund belly; I would make sure you digested your food to
meticulous perfection,
Bore a battalion of impeccable children as you desired; without the tiniest of
anguish and tribulation.
If I were your silken hair; I would make sure that I glistened ravishingly in
full rays of the sun,
Keep myself bereft of abhorrent dandruff flakes; so that you never felt the
need to vehemently scratch.
If I were your rosy tongue; I would make sure that you spoke with a perfect
blend of eloquence,
Sedately swishing inside your mouth; saving you on umpteenth occasions from
the tyranny of your chiseled teeth.
If I were your conglomerate of bones; I would make sure that you never felt
dreary; even after marathon hours of work,
Fought like an indefatigable soldier; when the question arose of defending
your persona your true integrity.
And by magnanimous stroke of fortune If I were your heart; I would command you to throb; only when you witnessed me,
Instruct you to love me as uninhibitedly; as much as I fanatically wanted to
possess you .
In order to reach the stupendously astronomical summit of the mountain; you needed to break the barriers of skepticism,
In order to achieve the unlimited; you needed to break the barriers of pompously inflated ego,
In order to swim intrepidly against the treacherously swirling storm; you needed to break the barriers of curled introversion,
In order to nose dive from the realms of the clouds without a parachute on your skin; you needed to break the barriers of inexplicably lingering fear,
In order to trespass through a blanket of vindictively flaming thorns; you needed to break the barriers of trembling nervousness,
In order to sing in front of the threateningly menacing dinosaur; you needed to break the barriers of profuse timidness,
In order to put your fingers into the sharks mouth; you needed to break the barriers of insurmountable pain,
In order to beg on the boisterously streaming streets; you needed to break the barriers of profound embarrassment,
In order to drink back tears of poignant blood; you needed to break the barriers of devastating sadness,
In order to inundate a barren ocean of paper with infinite lines of supremely spell binding literature; you needed to break the barriers of inferiority complex; embedded in the veins,
In order to meditate relentlessly all night and day in front of the Almighty Lord; you needed to break the barriers of unfathomably overpowering desire,
In order to dig your own grave when infact you were blissfully living; you needed to break the barriers of greedy existence,
In order to talk like an unflinching prince infront of the prolifically augmenting audience; you needed to break the barriers of pertinently incessant retrospection,
In order to confront the unprecedented battalion of demons singlehanded; you needed to break the barriers of inevitably quavering hopelessness and despair,
In order to masticate the biscuits of obdurately impregnable steel; you needed to break the barriers of helpless apprehension,
In order to survive holistically amidst a planet deluged with barbaric wolves; you needed to break the barriers of pretentiously ostentatious dignity,
In order to breathe in an atmosphere bereft of the most inconspicuous trace of air; you needed to break the barriers of your punctured conscience,
In order to live up perpetually to the occasion called beautiful life; you needed to break the barriers of vehemently thoughtless denial,
And in order to love for times immemorial; immortally coalesce with the web of everlasting romance; you needed to break the barriers of the fluttering heart .
Ask my eyes; how much they missed her ingratiatingly mischievous smile,
Ask my nose; how much it missed her stupendously incarcerating and heavenly fragrance,
Ask my lips; how much they missed her voluptuously tangy tears,
Ask my hands; how much they missed her tantalizingly rubicund cheeks,
Ask my soul; how much it missed her majestically grandiloquent shadow,
Ask my hair; how much it missed the satiny caress of her divinely magical palms,
Ask my ears; how much they missed her incredulously melodious and mesmerizing voice,
Ask my brain; how much it missed her everlasting and profusely poignant festoon of memories and fantasies,
Ask my blood; how much it missed her unrelentingly volcanic desire; the infernos of insatiable passion that she ignited; when she was at whisker lengths from my body,
Ask my tongue; how much it missed the insurmountably delectable outlines of
her vivaciously boisterous nape,
Ask my abysmally fading countenance; how much it missed her unprecedented inspiration to propel unflinchingly forward in life,
Ask my signature; how much it missed her unfathomably charming impression; the tinge of her magnanimous authority between each impeccable alphabet,
Ask my bones; how much they missed her mystically intriguing footsteps; the astronomical rejuvenation they imparted to its deteriorating caricature,
Ask my sweat; how much it missed her rhapsodic heat; the flames of unparalleled desire which she evoked with just a single solitary stare,
Ask my stomach; how much it missed her unsurpassably celestial meals; the fathomless myriad of delicacies she prepared within flashes of minuscule seconds,
Ask my beard; how much it missed her euphorically fabulous nails; the astounding rawness with which she trace a trail of seduction through my unruly flesh,
Ask my breath; how much it missed her indomitable ardor to survive; her tenacity to face life; even in the most disastrously acrimonious of times,
Ask my heart; how much it missed her indefatigably throbbing beats; the tumultuous fervor in her pulse; that made me take infinite steps at a time,
And ask my life; how much it missed her immortal love; which was the sole reason that didn’t let me die; even after she today; wasn’t alive .
It might have been to viciously slander me; venomously dissolve me like a piece of frigid shit; an infinite kilometers well beneath the murderous corpses of all times,
It might have been to reproachfully lambaste me; treacherously blow me forever and ever and ever away; into the graveyards of lethally stabbing and shriveled oblivion,
It might have been to sadistically comment upon my impoverished form; perennially ensure that it floated like the most lackadaisically frazzled carcass of misery; in between heaven and disparaging hell,
It might have been to decimate me beyond realms of holistic recognition; before devilishly feeding every ounce of my wretchedly decaying carrion; to the hideously scavenging and cold-blooded vultures,
It might have been to wholesomely defeat every trace of my tangible existence; compassionately beseech the most uncouthly truculent demons to excoriate me into a boundless bits of disastrously terrorizing nothingness,
It might have been to wantonly taint even the most unassailably righteous fabric of my harmonious survival; with the pathetically asphyxiating grime of dastardly lies,
It might have been to announce my loss in mind; body and jubilant form; to the trajectory of this fathomlessly enchanting planet; whereas I still exuberantly paraded in the aisles of indefatigably fructifying utopia,
It might have been to ghoulishly bemoan every bit of philanthropic goodness that I divulged into; salaciously dragging my name into the coffins of hedonistically flagrant corruption,
It might have been to deliriously torture every bounteously fantasizing fragment of my brain; with the inconsolably weeping broomsticks of tyrannizing malice,
It might have been to Spartanly order every rabid dog on this poignantly ubiquitous planet; to summon as quickly as possible near my innocuous face; and then intransigently bite the same as if there wasn’t the slightest of sunset,
It might have been to unstoppably ridicule me; make a blatantly intolerable parody about each of my weaknesses; to every organism effulgently breathing on planet divine,
It might have been to satanically deafen even the most infinitesimal of my senses; numb every gloriously conceivable movement of my nimble body; with the cries of outrageously maniacal extinction,
It might have been to unrelentingly drag me to the gallows of heartlessly maiming confinement; impugning me of the highest treason ever committed on earth; which I never ever die or could dream to do,
It might have been to mercilessly pounce upon every imaginable penny of my unflinching perseverance; wickedly burn the same into parasitically sordid
flames of lecherous hatred,
It might have been to timelessly jinx every euphorically benign aspect of my existence; with the brutally ominous chains of nothingness and the lull of
melancholic debauchery; which suddenly arouse after blissful life,
It might have been to violently molest every ingredient of my unimpeachable virginity; with the acrimoniously fetid dagger-heads of garrulously rancid
It might have been to metamorphose every bit of pricelessly inimitable truth in my soul; into the most atrociously degradable mortuary of sinfully beheading lies,
It might have been to perpetually snap the fangs of my symbiotically enthralling existence; and then bawdily suck all lifeless blood from my veins to be the most
sanctimoniously strongest organism alive,
And I really didn’t have the tiniest of insinuation as to what were your intentions everytime you opened your mouth for uttering my name; but believe me; everytime
when you did actually whisper my name in your sensuously unparalleled voice; I felt the most pricelessly insuperable man alive; as if the most ultimate of Kings; on this unshakably limitless earth divine .
Why did I love eating exotically succulent fruit? Well it was solely because of the most gluttonously impoverished existence; of my pathetically tormented stomach.
Why did I love to profoundly empathize with every fraternity of despairing living kind? Well it was solely because of the most devastatingly parched existence; of my callously dried eyeballs .
Why did I love to intransigently fantasize? Well it was solely because of the most deplorably famished existence; of my robotically truculent brain .
Why did I love to interminably adventure? Well it was solely because of the most penuriously irascible existence; of my restlessly wailing knees.
Why did I love to perseveringly perspire? Well it was solely because of the most haplessly disoriented existence; of my emotionlessly fretful armpits .
Why did I love to mellifluously sing? Well it was solely because of the most preposterously tyrannized existence; of my uncontrollably quavering throat .
Why did I love to timelessly sip upon mesmerizing streams of water? Well it was solely because of themost hedonistically despondent existence; of my unsurpassably parched tongue .
Why did I love to unendingly tantalize every of my goose-bump? Well it was solely because of the most fanatically delirious existence; of my venomously victimized skin .
Why did I love to invincibly sleep? Well it was solely because of the most parsimoniously subjugated existence; of my brutally pulverized and defeated
nerves .
Why did I love to tirelessly procreate? Well it was solely because of the most unbelievably petulant existence; of my unstoppably overflowing virility .
Why did I love to victoriously dance? Well it was solely because of the most unceasingly agonized existence; of my pertinently imploring and restless legs .
Why did I love to hoist orphaned urchins to their destinations of compassionate comfort? Well it was solely because of the most inexorably beseeching existence; of my boisterously brimming shoulders .
Why did I love to unrelentingly roll in fields of rain soaked grass? Well it was solely because of the most unfathomably ignited existence; of my uxoriously lambasted thighs .
Why did I love to hear the most panoramically enigmatic sounds of mother nature? Well it was solely because of the most remorsefully bemoaning existence; of my treacherously starved ears .
Why did I love to indefatigably flirt in the aisles of pristine mischief? Well it was solely because of the most bizarrely reverberating existence; of my enthrallingly mystical eyebrows .
Why did I love to majestically sketch? Well it was solely because of the most unabashedly slithering existence; of my relentlessly teasing and impetuously
resonating fingers .
Why did I love to endlessly discover till even beyond the realms of infinity? Well it was solely because of the most wretchedly incarcerated existence; of my
forlornly divested and monotonous soul .
Why did I love to insatiably breathe? Well it was solely because of the most hopelessly asphyxiated existence; of my disastrously shriveled and crinkled
lungs .
And why did I love to perpetually and impregnably love? Well it was solely because of the most unflinchingly ardent existence; of every part; pore and beat of your divinely sensuous body; O! Omnipotent beloved .
When our lusciously poignant lips met; there were invincibly new definitions which were coined; of unconquerably triumphant and bountifully unlimited; desire,
When our immaculately benign eyes met; there were spell-bindingly new definitions which were coined; of pricelessly impregnable and beautifully untainted; empathy,
When our harmoniously eclectic fingers met; there were majestically new definitions which were coined; of victoriously enamoring and resplendently impeccable; artistry,
When our unabashedly blushing cheeks met; there were insuperable new definitions which were coined; of marvelously unprejudiced and piquantly unparalleled;
When our astoundingly sensitive eyelashes met; there were unbelievable new definitions which were coined; of wondrously unadulterated and pristinely immaculate; mischief,
When our effulgently burgeoning brains met; there were spectacular new definitions which were coined; of unconquerably redolent and timelessly evolving; fantasy,
When our uninhibitedly tantalizing feet met; there were unassailable new definitions which were coined; of ebulliently wild and inimitably discovering; adventure,
When our fantastically rubicund tongues met; there were incredulous new definitions which were coined; of imperially rekindling and indomitably endless; electricity,
When our incomparably princely palms met; there were revolutionary new definitions which were coined; of symbiotically enthralling and inscrutably titillating; destiny,
When our intricately flapping ears met; there were jubilant new definitions which were coined; of interminably enamoring and fabulously reinvigorating; sensitivity,
When our profoundly charged thighs met; there were undisputed new definitions which were coined; of undyingly mesmerizing and undefeatedly sparking; thunder,
When our voluptuously nubile navels met; there were unfettered new definitions which were coined; of unlimitedly charismatic and ubiquitously unshakable;
When our stupendously ravishing hair met; there were unbreakable new definitions which were coined; of serenely serendipitous and perennially seductive; heavenliness,
When our effervescently tender necks met; there were unchallangable new definitions which were coined; of everlastingly fructifying and universally melanging; compassion,
When our righteously humanitarian bloodstreams met; there were undefeated new definitions which were coined; of perpetually transcending and fragrantly spawning; humanity,
When our unprecedentedly aroused bellies met; there were irrefutable new definitions which were coined; of incorrigibly exuberant and handsomely unperturbed; magnetism,
When our tenderly resonating spines met; there were intransigent new definitions which were coined; of tirelessly faithful and aristocratically augmenting; belonging,
When our passionately electrified bodies met; there were ever-pervading new definitions which were coined; of stupendously affable and unstoppably immeasurable; virility,
Whilst when our immortally throbbing hearts met; there were not the tiniest of new definitions coined; as our love was not a new thing at all for this human birth
of ours; but had its most Omnipotent rudiments embodied deep within our innermost heartbeats; since an infinite previous births of ours; which had been in an unimaginably different spectrum of shapes and forms .
I’d irrefutably prefer to remain wholesomely intact with my sight; rather than maniacally blind both my eyes alongwith you; only so that I could sight ever single bit of panoramic space that we’d so blissfully frequented when we’d just triumphantly proposed; till I exhaled my very last and ardently philanthropic breath,
I’d irrefutably prefer to remain wholesomely intact with my artistry; rather than brutally chopping all my fingers alongwith you; only so that I could sketch you in your most royally resplendent shape and form; till I exhaled my very last
and passionately ecstatic breath,
I’d irrefutably prefer to remain wholesomely intact with my voice; rather than lecherously massacre my throat alongwith you; only so that I could interminably sing and inundate the atmosphere with the praises of your eternally fructifying soul; till I exhaled my very last and poignantly enamoring breath,
I’d irrefutably prefer to remain wholesomely intact with my smile; rather than sacrilegiously marauding both my lips alongwith you; only so that I could bestow an indefatigably invincible volley of kisses upon every of footprint you left behind; till I exhaled my very last and effulgently handsome breath,
I’d irrefutably prefer to remain wholesomely intact with my perseverance; rather than preposterously freeze every droplet of my sweat alongwith you; only so that I could endlessly strive forward to disseminate the ideals of your benign peace and love; till I exhaled my very last and iridescently effusive breath,
I’d irrefutably prefer to remain wholesomely intact with my hearing; rather than wretchedly slain both my ears alongwith you; only so that I could fervently
hear the enchantingly inimitable cadence of your voice again and again; till I exhaled my very last and exuberantly redolent breath,
I’d irrefutably prefer to remain wholesomely intact with my tranquility; rather than wantonly surrender my soul alongwith you; only so that I could celestially
imbibe the everlasting sweetness of our unshakably humanitarian relationship; till I exhaled my very last and supremely exultated breath,
I’d irrefutably prefer to remain wholesomely intact with my virility; rather than ridiculously massacre my genitillia alongwith you; only so that I could tirelessly impregnate every conceivable part of my flesh with your perennially venerated footprints; till I exhaled my very last and unbelievably ebullient breath,
I’d irrefutably prefer to remain wholesomely intact with my humanity; rather than insanely puke every droplet of my blood alongwith you; only so that I could embrace every tangible ounce of your beautifully lingering goodness; till I exhaled my very last and wondrously eclectic breath,
I’d irrefutably prefer to remain wholesomely intact with my adventure; rather than insidiously pulverize both my feet alongwith you; only so that I could wholeheartedly explore every fragrantly unconquerable trail that you left on planet divine; till I exhaled my very last and supremely undying breath,
I’d irrefutably prefer to remain wholesomely intact with my palms; rather than uncouthly erase my destiny lines alongwith you; only so that I could treasure
every of my bounteously compassionate moment with you in my existence; till I exhaled my very last and victoriously blessed breath,
I’d irrefutably prefer to remain wholesomely intact with my hair; rather than barbarously tonsure my scalp alongwith you; only so that I could ravishingly float in the heavens of your silken sensuality; till I exhaled my very last and fantastically enamoring breath,
I’d irrefutably prefer to remain wholesomely intact with my titillation; rather diabolically silence every of my goose-bump alongwith you; only so that I could
sense your miraculously ameliorating caress from even a billion kilometers away; till I exhaled my very last and emphatically mesmerizing breath,
I’d irrefutably prefer to remain wholesomely intact with my fantasies; rather than sinfully squelch my brain alongwith you; only so that I could perceive your majestically undefeatable form in an infinite different ways; till I exhaled my very last and unconquerably emollient breath,
I’d irrefutably prefer to remain wholesomely intact with my thirst; rather than devilishly torch my tongue alongwith you; only so that I could quell even the
most inconspicuous of my desire by unstoppably uttering your name; till I exhaled my very last and unfathomably symbiotic breath,
I’d irrefutably prefer to remain wholesomely intact with my reinvigoration; rather than unthinkably asphyxiate my breath alongwith you; only so that I could celebrate the sky of your untainted freshness every unfurling instant; till I exhaled my very last and uninhibitedly jubilant breath,
I’d irrefutably prefer to remain wholesomely intact with my love; rather than indiscriminately behead each of my heartbeat alongwith you; only so that I could perpetually garner empathy in my eyes for every bit of your insuperable selflessness; till I exhaled my very last and magically mollifying breath,
I’d irrefutably prefer to remain wholesomely intact with my truth; rather than sadistically sell my conscience alongwith you; only so that I could infallibly propagate the simplicity of your benevolent existence; till I exhaled my very last
and magnetically exultated breath,
And I’d irrefutably prefer to remain wholesomely intact with my life; rather than depressingly plunge into the mortuary of death alongwith you; only so that
I could savor the unassailable valor of your princely existence; till I exhaled my very last and stupendously voluptuous breath .
It was you who infact abruptly went away from my invincibly compassionate eyes; but strangely this left me haplessly and gruesomely blind in all my mind; body
and soul; for an infinite more of my inimitably priceless lifetimes,
It was you who infact abruptly went away from my poignantly enamoring lips; but strangely this left me brutally and heartlessly infertile in all my mind; body and soul; for an infinite more of my bountifully celestial lifetimes,
It was you who infact abruptly went away from my indefatigably fantasizing brain; but strangely this left me hopelessly and venomously robotic in all my mind; body and soul; for an infinite more of my spell-bindingly fructifying lifetimes,
It was you who infact abruptly went away from my unassailably masculine shoulders; but strangely this left me devastatingly and irretrievably weak in all my mind; body and soul; for an infinite more of my marvelously jubilant lifetimes,
It was you who infact abruptly went away from my majestically burgeoning destiny; but strangely this left me forlornly and lividly chanceless in all my mind; body and soul; for an infinite more of my triumphantly eclectic lifetimes,
It was you who infact abruptly went away from my effervescently chattering tongue; but strangely this left me torturously and unbearably silent in all my mind; body and soul; for an infinite more of my ecstatically infallible lifetimes,
It was you who infact abruptly went away from my euphorically adventurous feet; but strangely this left me worthlessly and wantonly monotonous in all my mind; body and soul; for an infinite more of my victoriously beautiful lifetimes,
It was you who infact abruptly went away from my vivaciously artistic shadow; but strangely this left me treacherously and tawdrily delirious in all my mind; body and soul; for an infinite more of my vibrantly inscrutable lifetimes,
It was you who infact abruptly went away from my ravishingly tantalizing belly; but strangely this left me blasphemously and egregiously famished in all my mind; body and soul; for an infinite more of my mystically resplendent lifetimes,
It was you who infact abruptly went away from my golden globules of sweating perseverance; but strangely this left me inexplicably and fetidly meaningless in all my mind; body and soul; for an infinite more of my unendingly exhilarating lifetimes,
It was you who infact abruptly went away from my mellifluously ardent throat; but strangely this left me maniacally and obliviously thirsty in all my mind; body and soul; for an infinite more of my fathomlessly exuberant lifetimes,
It was you who infact abruptly went away from my sensuously virile nape; but strangely this left me pathetically and forlornly impotent in all my mind; body and soul; for an infinite more of my eclectically magnanimous lifetimes,
It was you who infact abruptly went away from my symbiotically unconquerable blood; but strangely this left me disastrously and despicably inhuman in all my
mind; body and soul; for an infinite more of my fantastically effulgent lifetimes,
It was you who infact abruptly went away from my mischievously unabashed eyebrows; but strangely this left me morbidly and amorphously paralyzed in all my mind; body and soul; for an infinite more of my spectacularly innovative lifetimes,
It was you who infact abruptly went away from my uninhibitedly liberated chest; but strangely this left me despondently and horrifically imprisoned in all my mind; body and soul; for an infinite more of mysplendidly iridescent lifetimes,
It was you who infact abruptly went away from my extraordinarily sensitive ears; but strangely this left me gruesomely and intolerably deaf in all my mind; body and soul; for an infinite more of my blessedly enthralling lifetimes,
It was you who infact abruptly went away from my insuperably emollient conscience; but strangely this left me horribly and inconsolably lying in all my mind; body and soul; for an infinite more of my blissfully venerated lifetimes,
It was you who infact abruptly went away from my fierily undaunted nostrils; but strangely this left me intractably and forever dying in all my mind; body and
soul; for an infinite more of my eternally undefeated lifetimes,
It was you who infact abruptly went away from my immortally unflinching heart; but strangely this left me hopelessly and horrendously infidel in all my mind; body and soul; for an infinite more of my beamingly chivalrous lifetimes,
And it was you who infact went away from my impregnably peerless dwelling; but strangely this left me perennially and unforgivably homeless in all my mind; body and soul; for an infinite more of my royally unfettered lifetimes .
If indefatigably possessing your lover; is what makes her perpetually happy; then that’s exactly according to me; the definition of Immortally fructifying love,
If stringently monitoring your lover at every step; is what makes her perpetually happy; then that’s exactly according to me; the definition of Immortally
compassionate love,
If giving unabashed freedom to your lover to do what she wants; is what makes her perpetually happy; then that’s exactly according to me; the definition of Immortally burgeoning love,
If incarcerating your lover in chains of your fervently one-tracked obsession; is what makes her perpetually happy; then that’s exactly according to me; the definition of Immortally truthful love,
If tirelessly dancing with your lover under the iridescently utopian moonlight; is what makes her perpetually happy; then that’s exactly according to me; the definition of Immortally unshakable love,
If inconsolably weeping alongwith your lover whenever she felt distressed; is what makes her perpetually happy; then that’s exactly according to me; the definition of Immortally invincible love,
If eating every meal of yours shared in your lover’s rustic plate; is what makes her perpetually happy; then that’s exactly according to me; the definition of Immortally transcending love,
If staying an infinite miles away on persevering work to earn for your lover; is what makes her perpetually happy; then that’s exactly according to me; the definition of Immortally mollifying love,
If ardently admiring every aspect of your lover for times immemorial; is what makes her perpetually happy; then that’s exactly according to me; the definition
of Immortally unassailable love,
If speaking everytime for your lover whenever the desire to express arose in her throat; is what makes her perpetually happy; then that’s exactly according to me; the definition of Immortally ameliorating love,
If unstoppably fornicating with your lover in the aisles of ecstasy; is what makes her perpetually happy; then that’s exactly according to me; the definition of Immortally blessing love,
If not waiting for your lover the slightest even if she didn’t come back after an infinite births; is what makes her perpetually happy; then that’s exactly
according to me; the definition of Immortally reinvigorating love,
If timelessly staring into the intimate eyes of your lover; is what makes her perpetually happy; then that’s exactly according to me; the definition of Immortally vivacious love,
If allowing your lover to work shoulder to shoulder in this overwhelmingly masculine society; is what makes her perpetually happy; then that’s exactly according to me; the definition of Immortally majestic love,
If dragging behind your lover like your sole shadow wherever and whenever and for whatever you went; is what makes her perpetually happy; then that exactly
according to me; the definition of Immortally Omnipotent love,
If not expecting the tiniest from your lover even though she was wholeheartedly robust and in the prime of youth and health; is what makes her perpetually
happy; then that’s exactly according to me; the definition of Immortally fragrant love,
If commanding your lover to unquestioningly dedicate her entire life at your humanely feet; is what makes her perpetually happy; then that’s exactly according to me; the definition of Immortally ubiquitous love,
If letting your lover bond the beats of her passionate heart with an infinite more of your kind alongwith you; is what makes her perpetually happy; then that’s exactly according to me; the definition of Immortally miraculous love,
If overpowering your lover at every step; wholesomely and forever representing her entire personality like her ultimate bodyguard; is what makes her perpetually happy; then that’s exactly according to me; the definition of Immortally bewitching love,
For Immortally Omnipresent love is in everything by which you give happiness to your lover; whenever; wherever and for whatever reason that he/she wants it;
and not in dictatorially finding your very own happiness; like a greedy ghost fortunately and quickly slipping out of its corpse .
Neither did it know any religion; the most royally invincible epitomes of the venerated Church/Temple/Mosque/Monastery; or the most haplessly oblivious alleys of inexplicably thwarting blindfaith,
Neither did it know any color; the most pricelessly impeccable of scintillating white; or the most perilously bemoaning shades of sadistic black,
Neither did it know any height; the most majestically infallible apogees of unimpeachable victory; or the most despondently skulking and parsimoniously
threadbare stones; lying on lackadaisically lugubrious soil,
Neither did it know any beauty; the most voluptuously aristocratic reflections of the perennial castle; or the most hideously grotesque faces; of the devils of cannibalistic hell,
Neither did it know any power; the most demonically menacing of politicians; or the most pathetically mercurial of ants; which got barbarously pulverized by the billions; at the rise of a singleton foot,
Neither did it know any wealth; the most unsurpassably sumptuous treasuries of undefeated glittering gold; or the most lecherously inconsolable beggars; parasitically clinging forever and ever and ever to the fabric of celestial society,
Neither did it know any versatility; the most brilliantly unassailable skies of spell binding talent; or the most nonchalantly immutable of bricks; which dogmatically refrained to budge even an inch forward; even as the ghastliest of hell inclemently rained down on earth,
Neither did it know any scripture; the most victoriously bestowing pages of undefeated literature; or the most despicably besmirched mortuaries of fetidly livid illiteracy,
Neither did it know any boundary; the most insuperably blazing borders of the sanctimoniously dictatorial society; or the most disdainfully dingy confinements
of sacrilegiously vindictive jail,
Neither did it know any shape; the most ubiquitously ever-pervading forms of unalterable superiority; or the most inconspicuously dithering and digressing
worms of derogatory hatred,
Neither did it know any culture; the most ostentatiously flavored parties of profusely smoke-laden baselessness; or the most rustically bohemian impressions of
the flagrantly uncivilized thumb,
Neither did it know any influential; the most charismatically enchanting of luminaries; or the most hopelessly dumb carrions of inane meaninglessness; which did nothing else but inundate the atmosphere with dastardly stench,
Neither did it know any magic; the most miraculously victorious metamorphosis of all poverty into a cloudburst of torrentially unrelenting currency coin; or the most irately burnt; unproductively infidel and cursed soil,
Neither did it know any fertility; the most indefatigably proliferating chapters of precocious civilization; or the most profanely impotent corpses of bizarrely devastating stagnation,
Neither did it know any fear; the most ominously massacring graveyards of the unsparingly jinxed spirit; or the most wretchedly plagued carcasses of the worthlessly wanton devil,
Neither did it know any victory; the most dynamically resurgent trouncing of the enemy at war; or the most forlornly lamenting losses of the gallows of wickedly annihilating lies,
Neither did it know any fragrance; the most spell-bindingly tantalizing aroma of the poignantly scarlet rose; or the most unbearably melancholic odor of the abominable village gutter,
Neither did it know any language; the most blessedly sacrosanct of virile dialects; or the most vituperatively lambasting tongues of abhorrently truculent contemptuousness
As all the heart ever knew on the trajectory of this fathomlessly iridescent Universe and ever since this earth was conceived and created; was to immortally
throb for the unshakably burgeoning spirit of love; love and perpetual love; infact the only word upon which its dictionary of insatiable passion; started and indefinitely ended .
When you possessed the most wealth in the world; perhaps an infinite women came to you; solely because of the lure of forever and ever and ever; leading a majestically luxurious and opulent life,
When you possessed the most impregnably conspicuous muscles in the world; perhaps an infinite women came to you; solely because they knew that there was none other than you; who could protect them from even the most diabolical of catastrophe,
When you possessed the most inimitably gifted sense of humor in the world; perhaps an infinite women came to you; solely because they perennially wanted to be unabashedly tickled in their funny bone; even when uncontrollable mayhem reigned supreme upon the planet divine,
When you possessed most rare gift of magical clairvoyance in the world; perhaps an infinite women came to you; solely because they thought they’d lead a sparkling life forever; wholesomely averting every ghastly disaster that came their way; pre-warned by your miraculous aura,
When you possessed the most hypnotically mellifluous voice in the world; perhaps an infinite women came to you; solely because they thought that they’d eternally float in the aisles of paradise; as you sang the most sensuously romantic of songs,
When you possessed the biggest birthmark in the world; perhaps an infinite women came to you; solely because they felt that timelessly being with you; would also ensure that their otherwise jinxed and jilted destinies; would suddenly metamorphose into the most burgeoning flower of good luck,
When you possessed the most pricelessly embellished poems in the world; perhaps an infinite women came to you; solely because of wanting their beauty to be transcended to the ultimate epitomes of superiority; as you indefatigably immortalized them in your verse,
When you possessed the most number of Nobel prizes for peace in the world; perhaps an infinite women came to you; solely because they thought that they’d never get a man more tranquil and tame than you; to infallibly exist for a countless more lifetimes,
When you possessed the most slavish nature in the world; perhaps an infinite women came to you; solely because they could make you lick the grime from their boots all day and night; victoriously keep the chains of every aspect of your life in their tiny fist,
When you possessed the most unassailably scented body in the world; perhaps an infinite women came to you; solely because they could forever drift away from the ghoulish stink of sanctimonious worldliness; compassionately mollify their nostrils till their very last breath,
When you possessed the most insuperably masculine form in the world; perhaps an infinite women came to you; solely because they could then give vent to the most uninhibitedly uncurbed of their desires; ravenously cuddling up the electrified hair on your brilliantly sculpted chest,
When you possessed the most terrorist organizations in the world; perhaps an infinite women came to you; solely to trade their tantalizingly seductive flesh; for every moment of their vividly undefeated life,
When you possessed the most number of Kingdoms in the world; perhaps an infinite women came to you; solely to unconquerably control the lives of boundless countrymen; as the invincibly unbridled queen of all times,
When you possessed the most intriguingly innovative brain in the world; perhaps an infinite women came to you; solely to be discovered of a limitless intricate emotions of theirs; which were otherwise deplorably spat upon by the sleazily commercial planet,
When you possessed the most poignantly sensuous lips in the world; perhaps an infinite women came to you; solely to be endlessly kissed and thereby culminate
into a untamed fireball of unfettered passion; for as long as this earth exists,
When you possessed the most artistically blessed fingers in the world; perhaps an infinite women came to you; solely so that even the most infinitesimal part of their body could be admired and sketched; at the tiniest of their commands; and in every conceivable shade of light,
When you possessed the most unshakable fame in the world; perhaps an infinite women came to you; solely so that even the most untrimmed cranny of their
bohemian fingernails; became the perpetually 24 X 7 X 365 talk of every single organisms mouth; on this unceasing globe,
When you possessed the most sharp vision in the world; perhaps an infinite women came to you; solely so that that they could put their foot into every possible profitable venture existing; and then exit whenever the odds were astutely foreseen by you,
When you possessed the most loudly throbbing heart in the world; perhaps an infinite women came to you; solely assuming that here was where they could get the ultimate fructification and friendship of their otherwise; wantonly infidel lives,
But when you didn’t possess any of the above; and if yet there was just a single woman who came to you on the trajectory of this fathomlessly bewitching
Universe; then it was solely and solely because she really; truly and immortally loved you; for what you were in your most natural form; just as the Almighty
Lord had bountifully sent you .
Fatherless. Don’t worry. You’d definitely continue to symbiotically exist till the very end of your destined breath and time; perhaps emotionally devastated; but still emerging victorious in whatever philanthropic you did; by the grace of
the Omnipotent Lord Almighty,
Motherless. Don’t worry. You’d definitely continue to peerlessly exist till
the very end of your destined breath and time; perhaps emotionally drained;
but still emerging victorious in whatever synergistic you did; by the grace of
the unassailable Lord Almighty,
Sisterless. Don’t worry. You’d definitely continue to pricelessly exist till the very end of your destined breath and time; perhaps emotionally flabbergasted; but still emerging victorious in whatever benign you did; by the grace of the ever-pervading Lord Almighty,
Brotherless. Don’t worry. You’d definitely continue to holistically exist till the very end of your destined breath and time; perhaps emotionally pulverized; but still emerging victorious in whatever innocuous you did; by the grace of the everlasting Lord Almighty,
Auntless. Don’t worry. You’d definitely continue to innovatively exist till
the very end of your destined breath and time; perhaps emotionallyevaporated; but still emerging victorious in whatever celestial you did; by the grace of
the Omnipresent Lord Almighty,
Uncleless. Don’t worry. You’d definitely continue to unimpeachably exist till the very end of your destined breath and time; perhaps emotionally deteriorated; but still emerging victorious in whatever innovative you did; by the grace of the unshakable Lord Almighty,
Grandmotherless. Don’t worry. You’d definitely continue to blazingly exist till the very end of your destined breath and time; perhaps emotionally disheveled; but still emerging victorious in whatever proliferating you did; by the grace of
the impregnable Lord Almighty,
Grandfatherless. Don’t worry. You’d definitely continue to inimitably exist till the very end of your destined breath and time; perhaps emotionally slithering; but still emerging victorious in whatever eclectic you did; by the grace of the ever-pervading Lord Almighty,
Friendless. Don’t worry. You’d definitely continue to bounteously exist till
the very end of your destined breath and time; perhaps emotionally castrated; but still emerging victorious in whatever artistic you did; by the grace of the unsurpassable Lord Almighty,
Childless. Don’t worry. You’d definitely continue to royally exist till the very end of your destined breath and time; perhaps emotionally wrecked; but still emerging victorious in whatever humanitarian you did; by the grace of the unlimited Lord Almighty,
Religionless. Don’t worry. You’d definitely continue to insuperably exist till the very end of your destined breath and time; perhaps emotionallyconfounded; but still emerging victorious in whatever egalitarian you did; by the grace of the ubiquitous Lord Almighty,
Voiceless. Don’t worry. You’d definitely continue to effulgently exist till the very end of your destined breath and time; perhaps emotionally decrepit; but still emerging victorious in whatever panoramic you did; by the grace of the invincible Lord Almighty,
Kinless. Don’t worry. You’d definitely continue to gloriously exist till the very end of your destined breath and time; perhaps emotionally delirious; but still emerging victorious in whatever magnanimous you did; by the grace of the undefeated Lord Almighty,
Pastless. Don’t worry. You’d definitely continue to iridescently exist till the very end of your destined breath and time; perhaps emotionally jilted; but still emerging victorious in whatever rejuvenating you did; by the grace of the eternal Lord Almighty,
Directionless. Don’t worry. You’d definitely continue to unbelievably exist till the very end of your destined breath and time; perhaps emotionally flummoxed; but still emerging victorious in whatever discovering you did; by the grace of the unconquerable Lord Almighty,
Dimensionless. Don’t worry. You’d definitely continue to amazingly exist
till the very end of your destined breath and time; perhaps emotionally flabbergasted; but still emerging victorious in whatever truthful you did; by the grace of the perpetual Lord Almighty,
Strengthless. Don’t worry. You’d definitely continue to spell-bindingly exist till the very end of your destined breath and time; perhaps emotionally squelched; but still emerging victorious in whatever beautiful you did; by the grace of the Omnipresent Lord Almighty,
Clothless. Don’t worry. You’d definitely continue to blissfully exist till the very end of your destined breath and time; perhaps emotionally disintegrated; but still emerging victorious in whatever romantic you did; by the grace of the interminable Lord Almighty,
Homeless. Don’t worry. You’d definitely continue to ecstatically exist till the very end of your destined breath and time; perhaps emotionally squandering; but still emerging victorious in whatever righteous you did; by the grace of the Omniscient Lord Almighty,
But LoveLess. Worry. Worry. Worry and infinite times do Worry. For you’re
going to die this right now this very moment; as where there’s no love; every ounce of destiny; breath and life closes there and then itself; by the grace of the infallibly supreme Lord Almighty .
If she said that she would tie the nuptial thread with me after some years; I’d instantaneously die; unable to bear the inexorably demonic tyranny of having to
endlessly wait; for the immortally ultimate love of my life,
And even if she said that she wanted to perennially bond every of her breath with mine; I’d still instantaneously die; as the thunderbolt of untamed exhilaration; reached to the ultimate crescendo in every conceivable pore of my body .
If she said that she thought unceasingly ill about me; I’d instantaneously die; unable to bear the venomously jilted attitude of a girl towards me; whom I infact loved the most on this fathomlessly enchanting planet,
And even if she said that she solely longed for nothing else on this earth but my masculine caress; I’d still instantaneously die; as the volcano of fanatic desire in every ingredient of my blood; would fanatically explode .
If she said that she wanted to date an infinite men right under my snaring nose; I’d instantaneously die; unable to bear the dying beats of my venomously dying
soul; which had nothing else but her princely image timelessly embedded,
And even if she said that she truly and profoundly admired my unflinchingly peerless bravado; I’d still instantaneously die; as the Sun of the most ultimate praise in my life; charred me to my inevitably destined corpse .
If she said that she wanted to inexhaustibly use me only for my money; I’d instantaneously die; unable to bear her salaciously parasitic brain; her persona
which I’d once upon a time considered the most priceless reflection of the Omnipotent Lord,
And even if she said that she hadn’t seen another organism as poignantly artistic as me; I’d still instantaneously die; unstoppably ignited within the countless fervent lines of servitude that I’d sketched to depict her incomparably unbridled beauty .
If she said that she’d always wanted to torturously slave me till the ultimate graveyards of sadism; I’d instantaneously die; unable to bear the despicable
wickedness of her brain; which I’d once upon a time considered at the most epitomizing cradle of creation in this entire Universe,
And even if she said that she interminably adored my unconquerably royal virility; I’d still instantaneously die; limitlessly erupting into the most vociferous expression of unfettered ecstasy; towards the highest peak of the impregnable sky .
If she said that she wanted to satanically crucify me right infront of the entire world; I’d instantaneously die; unable to bear the diseased words that wafted from her mouth; those sacrosanct lips which I incessantly worshipped all sweltering day and sensuous night,
And even if she said that I was her most truthful harbinger on this unassailable planet; I’d still instantaneously die; as every conceivable bone of mine dissolved into nothingness; whilst living up to the fire of extremely immortalizing righteousness .
If she said that I was the last person on this earth who ever struck her mind; I’d instantaneously die; unable to bear her prejudiced pompousness; whilst I
considered even the most infinitesimal line on her resplendent palms; as my irrefutable destiny,
And even if she said that I was redolently altruistic humanitarian on this unceasing globe; I’d still instantaneously die; as I renounced even the last ounce of breath from my lungs; to eternally live up to her benign proclamations about my impoverished soul .
If she said that I was the most cowardly living being on planet earth; I’d instantaneously die; unable to bear her wanton sniggering; inspite of me invincibly safeguarding her against the most pugnaciously terrorizing of devil; at her every step,
And even if she said that I was the ultimate messiah of the Omnipresent Lord on this astoundingly proliferating Universe; I’d still instantaneously die; in trying to prove to her that I fearlessly sacrificed my life; so that every other fraternity of living kind could triumphantly survive .
If she said that she wanted to unstoppably suck blood from my veins everytime she felt hungry and emaciated; I’d instantaneously die; unable to bear her heartlessly cold-blooded deliriousness; specially when every of her breath was the ultimate signature of my penuriously diminutive life,
And even if she said that I was the most beautifully replenished organism on earth; I’d still instantaneously die; spuriously bloating in her praise; till the tallest apogees of infinite infinity .
If she said that she had always loved someone else since her very first cry; I’d instantaneously die; unable to bear her devilish infidelity; after I’d taken birth an infinite times; just to be an integral impression of every of her queenly footstep,
And even if she said that I was immortally throbbing in every of her passionately pristine heartbeat; I’d still instantaneously die; out of sheer exhaustion; endlessly triggered by her complete acceptance of my originally uninhibited form .
I wanted to inconsolably sob only when it was unrelentingly raining; so that every single droplet of my ungainly hysteria went astoundingly unnoticed; in the torrentially unabashed downpour,
I wanted to uncontrollably tremble only when it was ghoulish midnight; so that every single of my dastardly apprehension went incredulously unnoticed; in the swirl of the unsurpassably pitch dark blackness,
I wanted to intransigently scream only when it was unendingly reining pugnacious war all around; so that ever single of my arrogantly bigoted spark went stupendously unnoticed; in the thunderous roar of the enemy,
I wanted to pathetically urinate only when it was ferociously roaring sea all around; so that every single globule of my lividly fetid defecation went amazingly unnoticed; in the fathomlessly impregnable waters of the ocean,
I wanted to inevitably lie only when it was in the premises of the politicians dwelling; so that every single ingredient of my humanitarian fallacy went unbelievably unnoticed; in the ultimate mortuary of sacrilegiously unbearable wrongdoing,
I wanted to unceasingly bleed only when it was amidst a fathomless field of sliced watermelons all around; so that every single element of my unfathomable agony went spectacularly unnoticed; in a cosmos of endlessly enriching redness,
I wanted to vindictively spit only when it was on the frosty shores of the boundlessly undulating ocean; so that every single molecule of my worthless saliva went victoriously unnoticed; in a passionately unparalleled inferno of foaming froth,
I wanted to worthlessly yawn only when it was thunderously lightening cats and dogs all around; so that every single whisper of my lugubriously thwarted laziness went miraculously unnoticed; in the inexorably unstoppable roars of compassionate thunder,
I wanted to unabashedly groan only when it was an atmosphere being interminably inundated by the mellifluously selfless nightingale’s sounds all around; so that every single penurious discrepancy of mine went magically unnoticed; in the melody of universally bonding togetherness,
I wanted to childishly squabble only when it was solely a world of innocuously new born infants all around; so that ever single of my ridiculous babyishness went wholesomely unnoticed; in the incoherent wailing of uninhibitedly fresh born life,
I wanted to humanitarianly lose only when it was earth consisting of boundlessly glistening desert all around; so that every single of my decrepit loss went wondrously unnoticed; in the inexplicably unlimited cocoons of slippery sand,
I wanted to heartlessly massacre both plant and animal for feeding my stomach only when it was the absolute descent of oblivion all around; so that every single of my indispensably committed misdeed went forgivably unnoticed; in the cadaverous vacuum of already existing nothingness,
I wanted to visit the most sensuously nubile vixens only when it was the devil’s invisible hour upon planet earth; so that every single desire of my rapaciously titillated flesh went wondrously unnoticed; in the forest of cannibalistically lamenting wilderness,
I wanted to pugnaciously pack a punch only when it was the epitome of Everest ruling supreme in the atmosphere; so that every single of my bludgeoning
impetuousness went thrillingly unnoticed; in the limitlessly unconquerable peaks of the earth,
I wanted to salaciously gamble only when it was an infinite waterfalls of inebriating liquor cascading all around; so that every single of my insatiable greed went uninterruptedly unnoticed; in the uncannily unending haze of uncontrollably faltering alcohol,
I wanted to impoverishedly stagger only when it was the mightiest of mountains crumbling down like a pack of frigid matchsticks all around; so that every single
of my wastrel faltering went beautifully unnoticed; in the unprecedentedly hurtling ambience of failure weighing supreme,
I wanted to defeatedly abort my own child only when it was a planet of hedonistic vultures satanically plucking stinking carrion all around; so that every single of my dastardly misdoings went superbly unnoticed; in the unimaginably demonic maelstrom of guttural malice,
I wanted to nimbly surrender only when it was a ludicrously eunuch like planet; neither masculine nor feminine all around; so that every single ounce of my
unmanliness went entirely unnoticed; in the frigidly asphyxiating smoke of jinxed impotence,
And I wanted to be captured by the spirit of Immortal Love; make fierily passionate love; give Omnisciently inimitable love; every unfurling instant of my diminutively destined life; yet more specifically under the most visibly blazing rays of the Omnipotent Sun; under the very broadest of daylight .
There were an infinite violently unstoppable winds; which so demonically lead you; forever towards the wind of ghastily stabbing and hedonistically sadistic death,
There were an infinite menacingly stormy seas; which so unsparingly lead you; forever towards the seas of devastatingly asphyxiating and cold-bloodedly
butchering death,
There were an infinite despairingly acrid deserts; which so aridly lead you; forever towards the deserts of uncouthly barbarous and horridly irrevocable death,
There were an infinite ghoulishly wailing spirits; which so deplorably lead you; forever towards the spirits of waywardly wastrel and salaciously maiming death,
There were an infinite torridly simmering droughts; which so heartlessly lead you; forever towards the drought of parsimoniously febrile and peevishly disoriented death,
There were an infinite belligerently blood-stained thorns; which so mercilessly lead you; forever towards the thorns of diabolically stinging and indescribably venomous death,
There were an infinite sadistically perverted leeches; which so cannibalistically lead you; forever towards the leeches of unbelievably maniacal and torturously morbid death,
There were an infinite misanthropically surreptitious marshes; which so abjectly lead you; forever towards the marshes of inconsolably fetid and vindictively pugnacious death,
There were an infinite anomalously ballistic shards; which so cruelly lead you; forever towards the shards of disdainfully livid and unceremoniously ominous death,
There were an infinite fecklessly prejudiced battlefields; which so emotionlessly lead you; forever towards the battlefields of sordidly crumbling and disastrously silencing death,
There were an infinite worthlessly obsessive manias; which so wretchedly lead you; forever towards the manias of cadaverously decrepit and dolefully naked death,
There were an infinite lethally gobbling earthquakes; which so satanically lead you; forever towards the earthquakes of hideously cantankerous and brutally squelching death,
There were an infinite criminally salacious screams; which so murderously lead you; forever towards the screams of bizarrely penalizing and treacherously obnoxious death,
There were an infinite gorily demented gutters; which so stealthily lead you; forever towards the gutters of insanely decrepit and indefatigably terrorizing death,
There were an infinite sacrilegiously gleaming knives; which so licentiously lead you; forever towards the knives of perilously strangulating and poisonously atrocious death,
There were an infinite truculently lambasting nights; which so unjustly lead you; forever towards the nights of horrifically blackened and unsurpassably devilish
There were an infinite nefariously indigent nooses; which so horribly lead you; forever towards the nooses of perpetually stony and intolerably beheading death,
There were an infinite malevolently diseased curses; which so despondently lead you; forever towards the curses of unfathomably blighted and lecherously evaporating death,
And then there was just a single beat of her immortally throbbing heart; which so miraculously leads you; far away from the most bludgeoning gorges of death; and forever and ever and ever towards the heartbeat of Omnipotent life; even after you’d veritably surrendered your physical form and died .
Through the lovers eye; even the most fetidly repugnant of gutters; suddenly seemed like the most enchantingly glistening streams of jubilantly victorious paradise,
Through the lovers eye; even the most devastatingly burning forests of hell; suddenly seemed like the most unflinchingly blazing beams of the eternally undefeated Sun,
Through the lovers eye; even the most tauntingly hapless of failures; suddenly seemed like the most invincibly glorifying epitomes of inimitably unparalleled success,
Through the lovers eye; even the most morosely tear stained cheeks; suddenly seemed like the most robustly ecstatic toffees of perennially fructifying happiness,
Through the lovers eye; even the most cadaverously perverted of spirits; suddenly seemed like the most infallibly wondrous warriors of an optimistically effulgent tomorrow,
Through the lovers eye; even the most deliriously cacophonic madhouses; suddenly seemed like the most ultimate paradise’s of spell bindingly ameliorating symbiotism,
Through the lovers eye; even the most acridly fathomless deserts; suddenly seemed like the most tantalizingly replenishing gardens of; majestically bestowing heaven,
Through the lovers eye; even the most cold-bloodedly excoriating of blood-coated thorns; suddenly seemed like the most torrentially pristine rain of royally ecstatic pearls,
Through the lovers eye; even the most disastrously orphaned of infants; suddenly seemed to be the most unconquerably aristocratic prince and princesses; of every conceivable space and time,
Through the lovers eye; even the most cursedly ghoulish houses; suddenly seemed to be the most invincibly compassionate dwellings in which resided countless families; of pricelessly humanitarian togetherness,
Through the lovers eye; even the most sadistically gleaming bars of prison; suddenly seemed to be the most blessedly fecund cradles of all-round prosperity; where there existed not the tiniest trace of feckless malice,
Through the lovers eye; even the most despondently impotent of barren soil; suddenly seemed to be the most infallibly burgeoning cloud of unchallangable
Through the lovers eye; even the most irascibly squabbling of organisms; suddenly seemed to be the most ubiquitously harmonious harbingers of Omniscient truth and peace,
Through the lovers eye; even the most lecherously demonic parasites; suddenly seemed to be the most holistically surviving lanterns and mists of unprecedented joy,
Through the lovers eye; even the most laconically nonchalant entrenchments of oblivion; suddenly seemed to be the most vividly boisterous playgrounds
of uninhibitedly iridescent frolic,
Through the lovers eye; even the most satanically plundering of traitors; suddenly seemed to be the most rhapsodically gyrating fairies; just descended from the womb of heaven divine,
Through the lovers eye; even the most venomously gory battlefields of prejudice and lies; suddenly seemed to be the most blissfully mollifying rainbows of impregnable universal peace,
Through the lovers eye; even the most lethally unbearable anecdotes of infidelity; suddenly seemed to be the most amiably bonding mists of eternally victorious love,
And I just wished and wished and incessantly wished and prayed; that each one of us living beings who have so derogatorily become robotically commercial stonepieces these days; fall in true love this very instant irrespective of our age; caste; creed; status; color or tribe; and then forever and ever and ever possess the Immortal “Lovers Eye”.
Our relationship was extraordinarily distinguished into an infinite infallible layers:
At times that of an obedient disciple and symbiotically sermonizing teacher; whilst blissfully imbibing the chapters of resplendently victorious life,
At times that of an impetuously screaming brother and wildly scratching sister; whilst squabbling over the most infinitesimally unwonted things; existing on the trajectory of earth divine,
At times that of brutally parched soil and lackadaisically dying grass blades; whilst thirstily suckling even the most inconspicuous globule of priceless rain water; that unabashedly tumbled from fathomless sky,
At times that of a ferociously chasing lion and nimbly scampering deer; whilst frenetically searching for those quintessential morsels of life-bestowing
food; in the day,
At times that of sacredly ameliorating soul and righteously palpitating conscience; whilst unconquerably assimilating the principles of the most royally undefeated truth,
At times that of a desperately groping man and adroitly sharp pickaxe; whilst exhaustibly digging for those indispensably luminescent coins of
glittering gold,
At times that of an inscrutably dancing pen and impeccably triumphant paper; whilst fervently penning down eternally burgeoning lines of Omnipotent poetry,
At times that of the intriguingly electric brain and sensuously magical eyes; whilst unstoppably fantasizing beyond the aisles of victoriously ebullient desire,
At times that of a ubiquitously nourishing mother and uninhibitedly expressing child; whilst flagrantly hurt from countless pernicious elements of the atmosphere,
At times that of a prudently guiding father and impudently argumentative son; whilst making the most poignantly sensitive decisions of vibrant life,
At times that of a blissfully snoring master and inevitably persevering slave; whilst the demands of unceasingly strenuous life; demanded commensurate portions of rest and ardent activity,
At times that of insuperably redolent blood and ecstatically blessed veins; whilst being immortally bonded into the most invaluably unshakable religion of humanity,
At times that of the eclectically sculptured masculine palm and inexplicably intrepid destiny lines; whilst handsomely rising up to even the most intangible challenge posed by enchanting life,
At times that of a compassionately invincible nest and wholeheartedly sprawling tree; whilst jubilantly trying to safeguard diminutively innocent infants; from every precariously stabbing element of life,
At times that of an indomitably towering edifice and impregnably unflinching foundation; whilst trying to timelessly maintain the most peerlessly undefeated
equilibrium of existence,
At times that of frostily effervescent milk and royal toppings of enamoring cream; whilst passionately trying to savor even the most imperceptibly seductive flavor of survival,
At times that of an immortally passionate heart and unassailably throbbing beats; whilst freshly falling into the gorges of everlastingly epitomizing love,
And at times that of a stupendously virile husband and ravishingly potent wife; whilst invincibly wrapped in conjugal rhapsody in the fronds of the naked mattress; and making fearlessly untamed love .
Does only going to the corporate office from an exact 9 in the morning to 9 in the bewitching night; prove that a man is indeed an infallibly true husband to his
jubilantly vivacious wife?
Does only possessing a perfectly sculptured masculine and virile body; prove that a man is indeed an unconquerably blessed husband to his euphorically tantalizing wife?
Does only earning infinite bundles of quintessential currency note every month; prove that a man is indeed an inimitably worthy husband to his pristinely
effulgent wife?
Does only attending the world’s premium cocktail parties and conferences; prove that a man is indeed a pricelessly undefeatable husband to his wondrously enthralling wife?
Does only draping each conceivable pore of the skin with the most opulent fabric; pearls; and ties available in the world; prove that a man is indeed a stupendously enamoring husband to his beautifully effervescent wife?
Does only attracting gargantuan hordes of crowds towards with the mere essence of a celebrity personality; prove that a man is indeed a deservedly smart husband to his insuperably redolent wife?
Does only unceasingly perpetuating the atmosphere with the scent of majestic cigar smoke and kingly wine; prove that a man is indeed a effulgently princely husband to his poignantly intricate wife?
Does only having an inimitably infallible signature proudly embossed on every existing check; prove that a man is indeed a regally eclectic husband to
his triumphantly gyrating wife?
Does only conversing at an unbelievably adroit nineteen to the dozen in the most enviably impregnable British accent; prove that a man is indeed an amazingly fulfilling husband to his unimpeachably contemporary wife?
Does only exuding into a billion globules of perseveringly golden sweat every day; prove that a man is indeed an earnestly hard working husband to his piquantly boisterous wife?
Does only possessing supernaturally miraculous qualities of being able to fly bare-chested in freezing air; prove that a man is indeed a truly devoted husband to his eternally replenishing wife?
Does only possessing an unparalleled sense of humor wherein even the most deliriously suicidal metamorphosed into smiling saints; prove that a man is
indeed a proficiently versatile husband to his robustly exhilarating wife?
Does only having a magically unwavering baritone that spell bound millions in minute seconds; prove that a man is indeed a bountifully ardent husband to His
unfathomably sensuous wife?
Does only writing countless lines of “Nobel Prize Winning” literature on Immortal Love; prove that a man is indeed an uniquely pioneering husband to
his unconventionally Samaritan wife?
Does only endlessly winning over every territory of the boundless earth; prove that a man is indeed a fervently unassailable husband to his magnetically enthralling wife?
Does only being inundated with infinite hair and glistening muscle on the chest; prove that a man is indeed an astonishingly audacious husband to his gregariously pretty wife?
Does only being an unequivocally svelte emperor on the world stage of unprecedented power; prove that a man is indeed a wondrously iridescent husband to his gorgeously supple wife?
Does only indefatigably gallivanting in the most scintillating of “Rolls Royce” and “Mercedes”; prove that a man is indeed an unmatched dream husband to his
unfathomably vanity wife?
Does only astoundingly sketching the persona of any organism on the unceasing Universe merely by fantasizing about the same; prove that a man is indeed
a jubilantly embracing husband to his charmingly benign wife?
And if didn’t posses even a single quality amongst the several spell bindingly enriching ones as listed above; although each beat of my immortally throbbing
heart loves you like noone else could on this tirelessly proliferating planet; will you still accept me as your husband; O! darling wife ?
Marriages. Mostly lead to a battalion of unceremoniously shameful expletives; hurled at each other in the very broadest of daylight; and with the sane world outside laughably watching,
Marriages. Mostly lead to severe difference of opinions; which many a times perpetuates the most sadistically gory bloodbath; profusely soaked in the savage devil’s voice,
Marriages. Mostly lead to an infinite reproachful frustrations; with either partner unrelentingly tossing and turning in insatiably blood-curling malice; whilst the other slept celestially all throughout the royal night,
Marriages. Mostly lead to unsurpassably unbearable exhaustion; with either partner working unrelentingly and round the clock; to prove it to each other; as to how earnest they were in the process of sustaining indispensable life,
Marriages. Mostly lead to unfoundedly abashing fear; with either partner deplorably crouching down in deteriorating submission; to the other’s chauvinistically venomous ways and commands,
Marriages. Mostly lead to unwontedly suicidal situations; with either partner many a times; found at the ultimate crumbling tip of the gigantically steep mountain; or with an inexhaustible barrel of poison in his hands,
Marriages. Mostly lead to wretchedly lambasting mental trauma; as both partners incessantly kept on pinpointing at the congenital weaknesses of the other; without the tiniest of ostensible reason or rhyme,
Marriages. Mostly lead to uncouthly tormenting blackness; as each beam of blazing optimism was brutally and iteratively crucified; as each partner irascibly dug up the obliviously sinful past; as the ultimate panacea to mollify the soul,
Marriages. Mostly lead to the diabolically vindictive coffins of squelching hell; as either partner so maliciously inflicted the same upon their destinies; executing infinite devilishly cursed acts in the tenure of their destined lifetime,
Marriages. Mostly lead to cannibalistically demented war; with each partner surreptitiously harboring the deadliest lethal contraptions of battle; to proclaim the commencement of disastrously consequential fierceness,
Marriages. Mostly lead to that preposterously meaningless court of justice; where the deliverance of an impartial verdict is impossible; as each partner equally shouted till eternity of the torture meted out to him; by the other,
Marriages. Mostly lead to the graveyards of satanically whipping emptiness; as each partner unstoppably surged forward to pursue his/her own goals; whilst miserably floundering to culminate into a heaven of compassionately united love,
Marriages. Mostly lead to perennially sacrilegious hatred; as either partner was pathetically unable to meet upto the expectations of the other; puking abhorrence as the sole vent to express unfinished desire,
Marriages. Mostly lead to flagrantly biased accusations; as either partner pugnaciously blamed the other; for not being able to parent a child; or a boundless other trivially inexplicable issues; of the kind,
Marriages. Mostly lead to hideously cadaverous prison; as either partner inevitably truculently faces the cold-blooded gallows of condemnation; for ruthlessly asphyxiating the other from his/her life,
Marriages. Mostly lead to intolerably criminal isolation; with either partner hail and heartily present at centimeters from each other; but yet preferring to wantonly stare into open space for hours immemorial; rather than amiably talk,
Marriages. Mostly lead to ignominiously incarcerating slavery; with either partner having to stoop down to the most inhumanitarian limits; and dementedly lick each ounce of grime on cold ground; to bring a smile of utter dictatorship to the other,
Marriages. Mostly lead to salaciously malevolent betrayal; as either partner at some or other stage in his/her life; gleefully absconded with the partner of his/her choice; overwhelmingly fed-up with the robotically dictatorial relationship,
So sweetheart!. Lets forever discover even the most inconspicuous aspects of our personalities with unabashedly endless fervor. Lets forever unite our priceless souls in the bonds of compassionate love; liberating it for all responsibilities. Lets forever stay; solely and only as the most Immortally embracing of lovers .
Love stories are immortal; but what makes them irrefutably succeed; is the art of uninhibitedly poignant sharing; devoting every element of your destined life; to the custody of your immaculate partner,
Love stories are immortal; but what makes them irrefutably succeed; is the wave of stupendously supreme faith; a perpetual trust in the character of your impeccable partner,
Love stories are immortal; but what makes them irrefutably succeed; is a tornado of tumultuous newness unleashing every instant; flooding the soul with boundless colors of vibrant spice,
Love stories are immortal; but what makes them irrefutably succeed; is the idol of impregnable belief; an unimaginably everlasting trust in your partners ability to emerge ebulliently triumphant; in every path of fabulously enamoring life,
Love stories are immortal; but what makes them irrefutably succeed; are winds of immaculately robust nostalgia; perpetuating both partners to float in the aisles of innocent desire; and forever be exuberantly alive,
Love stories are immortal; but what makes them irrefutably succeed; are mountains of astronomically vivacious courage; defending the sacrosanct essence of mesmerizing relationship; for centuries immemorial,
Love stories are immortal; but what makes them irrefutably succeed; are rays of unassailably optimistic hope; overshadowing all those penuriously devastating moments in life; with the light of enchanting happiness,
Love stories are immortal; but what makes them irrefutably succeed; are intermittently transient beams of mischievous flirtation; reinvigorating your
relationship with the astounding colors of piquant existence,
Love stories are immortal; but what makes them irrefutably succeed; are pillars of mutually synergistic support; which harmoniously weave the stupendously supreme fabric of oligarchic romance,
Love stories are immortal; but what makes them irrefutably succeed; is the spirit of escalating belonging; which makes both partners feel forever young and boisterously gyrating to embrace radiantly handsome survival,
Love stories are immortal; but what makes them irrefutably succeed; are fathomless milestones of insurmountably tingling newness; incinerating each pore of your abominably frazzled body; with unfathomably celestial melody,
Love stories are immortal; but what makes them irrefutably succeed; are the fruits of eternally flamboyant caring; deluging each ingredient of scarlet blood; with the panacea to survive against the most treacherously acrimonious of times,
Love stories are immortal; but what makes them irrefutably succeed; are clouds of tantalizingly voluptuous craving; which make both partners wholesomely oblivious to the lecherously manipulative vagaries; of this manipulatively blood sucking society,
Love stories are immortal; but what makes them irrefutably succeed; but what makes them irrefutably succeed; is the sky of incomprehensible possession; which impregnably bonds both partners; in threads of amicably symbiotic brotherhood,
Love stories are immortal; but what makes them irrefutably succeed; is the unequivocal shelter of bountiful compassion; sequestering both partners; in
an inexorable fortress of everlasting solidarity,
Love stories are immortal; but what makes them irrefutably succeed; is the flower of eternally fragrant humanity; invincibly ensuring that both partners benevolently embraced all their immaculate counterparts; irrespective of caste; creed and religion; alike,
Love stories are immortal; but what makes them irrefutably succeed; is the cradle of divinely romance; transpiring both partners to bond with realms of sacrosanct heaven; for centuries immemorial,
Love stories are immortal; but what makes them irrefutably succeed; is the fabric of unsurpassably heavenly empathy; which indefatigably coalesces both partners; in threads of rhapsodically contented symbiosis,
Love stories are immortal; but what makes them irrefutably succeed; is the resplendent fountain of forgiveness; uplifting the honest conscience to entirely melange with Omniscient Godhead,
And love stories are immortal; but what makes them irrefutably succeed; is the ocean of ardently never ending heartbeats; spawning infinite new lives of perpetual yearning at every step; altruistically ensuring that God’s most revered entrenchment of creation; forever and unconquerably stayed alive .
Not the slightest of apprehensions at all; basking in a land of gloriously flamboyant sunlight and wonderfully tantalizing imagery,
Not the slightest of cynicism at all; unequivocally marching forward in the melodiously blissful triumph of unfettered success,
Not the slightest of tears at all; smiling wholeheartedly as each instant of life unveiled;
whether in acrimoniously menacing storm; or whether in blissful valleys with grandiloquent moonshine bountifully pelting down,
Not the slightest of lechery at all; with every cloud of horrifically augmenting despair; automatically metamorphosing into a fountain of perennially blooming happiness,
Not the slightest of defeat at all; with unparalleled victory kissing you at every step you alighted; invincibly paving its way toward an unconquerable tomorrow; centuries immemorial,
Not the slightest of manipulation at all; uninhibitedly bouncing in a world of eternally cascading richness; and tranquilly resplendent calm,
Not the slightest of desperation at all; perpetually relishing the unfathomably gorgeous reservoir; of natures magnificent sparkle; compassionately dancing
with the impeccably descending fairies,
Not the slightest of shame at all; congenially embracing and bonding with all religions; caste; creed on this planet; alike,
Not the slightest of hesitation at all; plunging like a majestically silken fairy; into an unsurpassably mystical valley; of endlessly exhilarating adventure,
Not the slightest of fanaticism at all; ubiquitously disseminating the immortal essence of peace and harmonious love; to the most remotest corner of this enthrallingly fathomless Universe,
Not the slightest of debilitation at all; with all Herculean power on this boundlessly Omnipotent planet; becoming your integral strength to face even the most mightiest of inexplicable disaster,
Not the slightest of disease at all; indefatigably sprouting into a paradise of mesmerizing fantasy; and voluptuously seductive charm,
Not the slightest of nervousness at all; audaciously catapulting to the absolute zenith of prosperity; walking shoulder to shoulder with the winds of courage; fortitude and scintillating bravado,
Not the slightest of fracas at all; celestially flowering into the most stupendously divine world of overwhelming calm,
Not the slightest of dullness at all; unrelentingly spawning into a curtainspread of vibrantly vivacious perception; an insurmountably magical festoon of royal
Not the slightest of morbidity at all; perennially proliferating into a sky of everlasting youth as time thunderously unleashed; irrevocably ensuring that the sacrosanct essence of life; never had a chance to end,
Not the slightest of dumbness at all; relentlessly humming the most marvelously enlightening tunes on this colossal globe; evolving into heavenly rays of freedom and unprecedented optimism,
Not the slightest of hopelessness at all; forever gushing with the incomprehensibly untamed ebullience of existence; bestowing the winds of peace and priceless humanity; upon one and all,
And Not the slightest of discrimination at all; incarcerating every organism with a passionately throbbing heart; in the fabulously impregnable ocean of enigma and romantic passion,
Such was the garland of immortal love; which was the very reason that you were breathing alive today; and would continue to exist as the most blessed for
countless more births to come; everytime the Creator waved his little finger for you to be born once again .
As much as I loved her lips beyond anything else on this mesmerizing Universe; profoundly enthralled by the voluptuous sheen that encapsulated their royal
I incessantly prayed to the Almighty Lord to bless them with the tenacity to survive against inexplicable gloom; which I knew was an inevitable impediment at some stage or the other; of everybody’s vibrantly synergistic life .
As much as I loved her eyes beyond anything else on this boundlessly beautiful Universe; relentlessly staring into their impeccable whites; as she traversed
like a fairy in my barren garden of nothingness,
I indefatigably prayed to the Almighty Lord to bless them with the fortitude to survive against devastatingly crippling tears; which I knew were an
inevitable hindrance at some stage or the other; of everybody’s rhapsodically blooming life .
As much as I loved her hair beyond anything else on this sparklingly colossal Universe; intransigently drowning in their fabulous glory for times immemorial,
I irrevocably prayed to the Almighty Lord to bless them with the resilience to survive against ludicrously withering whiteness; which I knew was an inevitable decay; at some stage or the other; of everybody’s bountifully charismatic life .
As much as I loved her voice beyond anything else on this majestic Universe; profusely blending each step of my impoverished existence with the stupendous magic of her heavenly tunes,
I unfathomably prayed to the Almighty Lord to bless it with the solidarity to survive against ridiculously wavering cacophony; which I knew was an inevitable obstacle at some stage or the other; of everybody’s ecstatically vivacious life .
As much as I loved her cheeks beyond anything else on this gregariously wonderful Universe; compassionately kissing them under the pearly mysticism of milky moon; till times beyond veritable eternity,
I tirelessly prayed to the Almighty Lord to bless them with the courage to survive against obnoxiously abominable wrinkles; which I knew were an inevitable barricade at some stage or the other; or everybody’s enchantingly blissful life .
As much as I loved her ears beyond anything else on this wonderfully ravishing Universe; suckling heavenly peace from their pricelessly dangling lobes,
I perpetually prayed to the Almighty Lord to bless them with the conviction to survive against mockingly turbid deafness; which I knew was an inevitable hurdle at some stage or the other; in everybody’s euphorically galloping life .
As much as I loved her stomach beyond anything else on this congenially symbiotic Universe; being captivated in a tantalizing entrenchment of seductive thrill each time she nimbly swished her divinely countenance,
I perennially prayed to the Almighty Lord to bless it with the ardor to survive against unprecedented pangs of hunger; which I knew was an inevitable blockade at some stage or the other; in everybody’s celestially blessed life .
As much as I loved her feet beyond anything else on this unsurpassably enigmatic Universe; passionately kissing every mark that they left on bedraggled bits of soil,
I forever prayed to the Almighty Lord to bless them with the fervor to survive against acrimoniously ghastly thorns; which I knew were an inevitable criminal at some stage or the other; in everybody’s sacredly contented life .
As much as I loved her shadow beyond anything else on this fathomlessly mystical Universe; basking in the inscrutably delectable enigma of her gorgeously alluring reflection,
I incorrigibly prayed to the Almighty Lord to bless it with the resolution to survive against ethereally surreptitious extinction; which I knew was an inevitable culprit at some stage or the other; in everybody’s wonderfully sprouting life .
And as much as I loved her breath beyond anything else on this gigantically poignant Universe; taking birth a countless more times with the incomprehensibly unparalleled life that she exhaled,
I constantly prayed to the Almighty Lord to bless it with the realization to survive against diabolically sinister death; which I knew was an inevitable end at some stage or the other; in everybody’s ubiquitously redolent life .
Even if you didn’t bestow upon me a single jewel in this entire lifetime of mine; I would still consider myself the most blessed man on earth,
Because I had her immortally priceless love incarcerated well within the beats of my heart; as she incessantly led me through a trail of unrelenting fantasy and insurmountable yearning; making me blossom into profoundly enamoring newness with the profuse captivation in her enamoring lips .
Even if you didn’t bestow upon me a single moment of happiness in this entire lifetime of mine; I would still consider myself the most blessed man on earth,
Because I had her immortally priceless love incarcerated well within the beats of my heart; as she compassionately stared at me till times beyond conceivable eternity .
Even if you didn’t bestow upon me a single cloth in this entire lifetime of mine; I would still consider myself the most blessed man on earth,
Because I had her immortally priceless love incarcerated well within the beats of my heart; as she cast her invincible magic through each element of my impoverished blood and diminishing senses .
Even if you didn’t bestow upon me a single roof to survive in this entire lifetime of mine; I would still consider myself the most blessed man on earth,
Because I had her immortally priceless love incarcerated well within the beats of my heart; as she enigmatically teased me into a land more majestic than bountifully resplendent paradise .
Even if you didn’t bestow upon me a single space to enjoy in this entire lifetime of mine; I would still consider myself the most blessed man on earth,
Because I had her immortally priceless love incarcerated well within the beats of my heart; as she titillated me indefatigably; to ebulliently arouse me out of my ghastly corpse; every time I tried to sleep; in the heart of pernicious midnight .
Even if you didn’t bestow upon me a single talent in this entire lifetime of mine; I would still consider myself the most blessed man on earth,
Because I had her immortally priceless love incarcerated well within the beats of my heart; as she pacified all my murderously hedonistic apprehensions; with the ingratiating melody in her voice .
Even if you didn’t bestow upon me a single fantasy in this entire lifetime of mine; I would still consider myself the most blessed man on earth,
Because I had her immortally priceless love incarcerated well within the beats of my heart; as she instilled the virtue of uninhibited sharing and brotherhood; in each ingredient of my severely decayed blood .
Even if you didn’t bestow upon me a single adventure in this entire lifetime of mine; I would still consider myself the most blessed man on earth,
Because I had her immortally priceless love incarcerated well within the beats of my heart; as she made me perceive the most voluptuously ravishing sights on this fathomless planet; with the impeccable softness embedded in her marvelous eyes .
And even if you didn’t bestow upon me a single droplet of water; a single morsel of food in this entire lifetime of mine; I would still consider myself the most blessed man on earth,
Because I had her immortally priceless love incarcerated well within the beats of my heart; as she danced like a celestial fairy to grant me a countless more lives; enshrouding my diminutively bedraggled existence with the Omnipotent light of humanity; a mellow greater than the handsomely divine .
My life was a languid lake of nothingness; evaporating at tumultuous speeds at each second unleashed itself into a wholesome minute,
Your were the only one to step in it; ignite cloudbursts of insatiably untamed desire; as you sighted it with the Omnipotent fire in your heavenly eyes .
My life was a wisp of extinguishing smoke; subsiding to worthless nothingness even before the most insipid of flames could arise,
You were the only one to step in it; metamorphose its dreary complexion to a land above paradise; as you caressed it with your majestically divine feet .
My life was a bedraggled cloth; disdainfully tattered at umpteenth number of places; and the ungainly holes augmenting horrendously on each impoverished step that I tread,
You were the only one to step in it; add boundless glittering stars to its miserably grotesque demeanor; with the tantalizing cadence in your stupendous voice .
My life was a stinking gutter; with the savagely uncouth world stuffing its surplus dirt in my devastated belly; each time it passed by,
You were the only one to step in it; transform it into an everlasting ocean of uninhibited passion; with the unfathomable poignancy in your crimson blood .
My life was a pathetically squelched flower; with beasts indiscriminately trampling over it; to eventually make it blend with infinitesimal specks of morbid dust,
You were the only one to step in it; enshroud it with a perpetual fragrance of humanity from all sides; with the ravishing melody in your magnanimously enchanting stride .
My life was an ultimate disaster; stubbornly staggering to coalesce with inexplicable pain every instant; even before I could alight a single foot,
You were the only one to step in it; evolve it into a fountain of blossoming rhapsody and tangy happiness; with your benevolently charming smile; that escalated above the starry skies .
My life was a treacherously sinister wave; indefatigably shattering against the rocks of horrific despair; even before it could culminate into the minutest of ecstatic froth,
You were the only one to step in it; impregnate its sordidly fading contours with unrelenting enigma; as you bounced perennially in a garden seductive excitement; compassionately embracing the winds of newness .
My life was an infertile battalion of seeds; ludicrously stagnating and stifling to a remorseful death; beneath the soil of worthlessly manipulative malice,
You were the only one to step in it; engendering it to bear the most unsurpassable repertoire of fruit on this boundless Universe; as you weaved a trail of irrefutable truth and sharing; across its haggardly crumbling swirl .
And my life was a scorching desert withering towards veritable extinction; as the Sun blazed a trifle extra in the sweltering afternoon skies,
You were the only one to step in it; enlighten it immortally with love; feeling; a spirit to unflinchingly survive; with your gloriously relentless heartbeats forever bonding with mine .
Even if you massacred both my eyes; gruesomely blinding me for the remainder of my pathetically devastated life,
I would still continue to love her immortally with my ears; ensuring that the tiniest insinuation of danger stayed countless miles away from her overwhelmingly mesmerizing countenance .
Even if you assassinated both my ears; diabolically slashing my dangling lobes apart into a ludicrously pulverized curry of sinister flesh and bone,
I would still continue to love her immortally with my cheeks; compassionately grazing across her divinely forehead; witnessing her bloom in a corridor of perpetual ecstasy for times immemorial .
Even if you bombarded both my cheeks; exonerating their profusely rubicund cheer into disastrously barbaric sadness,
I would still continue to love her immortally with my nostrils; instilling fireballs of unsurpassable passion in every breath of hers; that she magnetically exhaled .
Even if you barbarically stabbed both my nostrils; satanically decimating them to infinitesimal specks of languid ash,
I would still continue to love her immortally with my lips; becoming the majestic smile that besieged her perennially; in times of gloom as well as unprecedentedly untamed happiness .
Even if you devilishly thrashed both my lips with chains of acrimonious hatred; transformed their complexion into a ghastly fountain of invidiously fulminating blood,
I would still continue to love her immortally with my shoulders; carrying her to the most invincible places of safety; to the ultimate paradise of her royal choice .
Even if you annihilated both my shoulders; extinguishing them gorily with ferocious strokes of the savagely scintillating sword,
I would still continue to love her immortally with my palms; uninhibitedly bestowing each element of my prosperous destiny upon her; marvelously embellished and sacrosanct life .
Even if you mercilessly chopped both my palms; transposing their conglomerate of flesh and bone with the inner most recesses of the remorsefully morbid grave,
I would still continue to love her immortally with my legs; galloping at a velocity faster than white lightening in the sky; to grant her the most insatiable euphoria of her magnanimously blessed life .
Even if you crippled both my legs; uncouthly squashing the most intricate of their nerves with hideously monstrous tyres of the speeding truck,
I would still continue to love her immortally with my shadows; mystically enshrouding every cranny of her seductively tantalizing existence .
And even if you blended the unfathomably deplorable island of hell with both my shadows; murderously extricating every bit of their stupendous charisma and grace,
I would still continue to love her immortally with my heart; soul and conscience; which try as much you could; you wouldn’t be able to ever conquer; as they
proliferated indefatigably even after this planet had ceased to exist; poignantly bonded with the OMNIPOTENCE OF HER LOVE .
When I clung to the body of the preposterously huge shark; it made sure within the next few seconds; that I would never be able to cling on any tangible or intangible surface; once again,
When I clung to the body of the satanically serrated crocodile; the beast relished this as the chance of its life; pulverizing me to nascent mincemeat; before he had time to wink his large eyes,
When I clung to the body of the pompously inflated gas balloon; the plastic snapped deliberately some thousand feet above the ground; leaving me literally counting my every breath; before I eventually disintegrated to minuscule pieces with the stones,
When I clung to the body of seductively silvery snake; the monster savagely hissed all tales of his private life into my intricate ears; before venomously sealing the tale of my impoverished existence,
When I clung to the body of the diabolical dinosaur; it gazed at me contemptuously like a grizzly haired lizard; the finally christened me a worthless mosquito; before stamping the last breath out of my shivering chest; with his gigantic feet,
When I clung to the body of the tumultuously enraged bull; it nastily stared at my uncontrollably trembling countenance for a few instants; before goring insidiously treacherous holes in each part of my skin,
When I clung to the body of the crazily dancing tarantula; it supremely enjoyed spinning a web all across every part of my body; before injecting its pernicious venom deep down my slavering throat,
When I clung to the body of the drearily exhausted traveler; he hurled me into the gory well without any second thoughts; commanding me to fetch him his inevitably golden pail of water; from amidst hostile fish; century old tortoise and slimy frog,
When I clung to the body of the fulminating volcano; the maelstrom tossed me like a piece of infinitesimally meaningless cake; before charring me to threadbare bits of miserly white ash,
When I clung to the body of the voluptuously tantalizing seductress; she extracted all the happiness she could from my clattering skeleton; before dumping me amidst invidiously wandering ghosts in the morbid graveyard,
When I clung to the body of the ludicrously guffawing clown; he first and foremost tossed me like elastic candy to appease his famished spectators; and then made me laugh out my entire breath out of my lungs; tickling me voraciously with his sleazy wand,
When I clung to the body of the ravishingly slippery creeper; I dozed harmoniously under the milky moon for a few minutes; before I eventually realized that devilish leeches hovering around; had consumed the last drop of my blood and flesh,
When I clung to the body of the spell binding magician; he ardently stared at me for marathon hours; before metamorphosing my rubicund demeanor into a burnt matchstick; which he then proudly flung into his cheering crowd,
When I clung to the body of the lethally black scorpion; it frantically wandered all over my skin; before finally deciding to vindictively stab me; right in the center of my eye,
When I clung to the body of the Herculean boxer; he suspended me at perilous inches from the ceiling; using the frigidly curled intestines of my stomach; as
his ultimate boxing bag,
When I clung to the body of the indiscriminately conquering devil; he made it irrefutably sure; that I resided in the island of penalizing hell; in every birth I got a chance to be born,
When I clung to the body of the incongruously unruly butcher; he held me upside down seizing my writhing feet; massacring the hair on my scalp; before masticating me to pungently delicious and high calorie meat,
When I clung to the body of the body of the betraying solider; he threw me as a titillating bait for his hedonistically marching enemy; then rested in celestial harmony; as they bombarded me to absolution with their; incomprehensible flurry of tanks and grenades,
And finally when I clung to the body of my sacrosanct beloved; it was here that I was reborn once again; for countless more times than I had lost life previously; immortally bonding with the passionate heat of her heart; mind and soul; to blissfully change the complexion of commercially strangled human kind .
The End .