You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 6
Copyright © by Nikhil Parekh
All rights reserved. No Part of this book publications may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, Electronic, Mechanical, Photocopying, Recording, Print or otherwise, without prior permission of Copyright owner and Author, Nikhil Parekh.
About The Poetry Book –
This Book which has 50 differently titled Poems , is actually Part 6 of the Book titled – You die; I die – Love Poems ( 1600 pages ) . Poems symbolizing the immortality of love and at times its fickleness. Parekh takes the reader through a paradise naturally embellished with the ingredients of eternal romance and its sporadic failures. As they say life and death are two sides of the coin, similarly with every true anecdote of love there also comes fretful divorce—a thing which has been most sensitively described throughout this great collection of poems for the heart. Written and dipped in each ingredient of his passionate blood, Parekh comes out with startling revelations about the truest of love stories and their failures. Each verse has been delicately intertwined with a boundless aspects of relationships, romance, cheating, betrayal and goes on to prove that Immortal Love towers over every shattered heart. A start to finish with some of the most heart-rendering love poems ever, this makes a great collection for ever true lover breathing and desiring to be loved on earth and beyond. This collection of poems aims at perpetually uniting every heart on this Universe in the spirit of Immortal love and friendship. Because these are the two quintessential ingredients to lead life till its last breath. Irrespective of whatever color, faith or religion, it is only the rainbow of love which can transform the ghastliest monsters and perpetrators of humanity into peaceful lovers. Therefore this book inexhaustibly endeavors to speak and preach the language of love even after its last embossed alphabet.
In order to erase my name from the soil; all I did was kick the loose sands with my feet; and it blended almost magically with the mundane mud,
In order to erase my name from my skin; all I did was wash it with stringent antiseptic; to swipe out the most minuscule trace that might be incorrigibly remaining,
In order to erase my name from my lips; all I did was to purse them passionately with my tongue; then see for myself how handsomely did the ink coalesce in entirety with my saliva,
In order to erase my name from the walls; all I did was to paint them afresh with loads of scintillating whitewash and poignant color,
In order to erase my name from the tree trunk; all I did was slice off that chunk of guilty wood; with effortless ease and incoherent strokes of my lanky pocket knife,
In order to erase my name from the birthday cake; all I did was to gobble it with an insatiable frenzy; guzzle down the most inconspicuous of ingredients adhering to my throat; over a glass of cool water,
In order to erase my name from a bonded sheet of white paper; all I did was to use a gargantuan rubber; caressing it arduously across the squalid sheet; to make the stain vanish into thin oblivion,
In order to erase my name from the transparently sparkling mirror; I applied few pints of stale liquid; got rid off the same with incredulous ease; rubbing it with a soft blanket of sponge,
In order to erase my name from the greasy kitchen table; all I did was to nonchalantly dismiss off the pool of oil; languidly towards the hollow sink,
In order to erase my name from my diabolically bald scalp; all I did was to grow a new mass of hair; which beautifully camouflaged it and shimmered magnificently under the river of pearly moonlight,
In order to erase my name from the artificially embossed pencil tip; all I did was to chew it phlegmatically; and at the same time triggered the dormant cells of my brain to imagine till unprecedented limits,
In order to erase my name from the passionate sea shores; all I did was wait for the waves to swirl ecstatically; joyfully slap the sands and brutally dismantle the synchronized alphabets,
In order to erase my name from the swanky car windshield; all I did was to switch on the long wipers; which swiped off even the most diminutive trace of dirt; metamorphosing its demeanor as if I had just purchased it from the showroom,
In order to erase my name from my eye; all I did was to simply wink; see for myself as to how insipidly it disappeared along with my volatile film of emphatic tears,
In order to erase my name from the regional town map; all I did was to substitute it with the initials of an entity more proficient than me; more versatile than me in all respects,
In order to erase my name from the records of heinous crime; all I did was drift my life away from the most obsolete shadow of evil; spend the remainder of my breath left in philanthropically serving all mankind,
In order to erase my name from the cheque; all I did was adroitly replicate it with the profound seal of my bohemian thumb,
In order to erase my name from my friends heart; all I did was neglected him a trifle in his times of unsurpassably hopeless distress,
In order to erase my name from the robust bone; all I did was to offer it to the famished stray dog; who pulverized it within seconds into raw chowder; with the insurmountable tenacity in his teeth,
But when I tried to erase my name from hers; that very instant I transformed into worthless streams of condemnable ash; left for my heavenly abode; brutally
penalized by the Almighty; and this time without her hands in mine .
If you sighted my shadow; which had nonchalantly formed under sweltering rays of Sunlight,
Then you'd come to know how tumultuously it wavered; the insatiable longing in its contours to trespass past your stupendous grace.
If you glimpsed my lips; which glistened incredulously into vivacious shades of lotus pink,
Then you'd come to know how solitary they were; the unprecedented urge in them to kiss your divinely name.
If you heard my voice; which rose and fell with an uncanny mysticism in the perpetually still air,
Then you'd come to know how hopeless it was; how much it wanted you by its side; searching for you frantically in the fathomless wilderness.
If you felt my tears; which trickled down all day and night through my cheeks,
Then you'd come to know how lifeless they were; the overwhelming desire in them to occupy an immortal position beside your tinkling feet.
If you caressed my skin; which resembled a frigidly lackluster ashen white,
Then you'd come to know how freezing it was; how much it longed for your company; to trigger it vehemently into astronomical loads of compassionate warmth.
If you stood beside my breath; which morbidly cascaded down my nostrils;
Then you'd come to know how lackadaisical it was; the thunderously volatile intensity lingering in it; to drift down your fabulous nape.
If you ran your fingers through my scalp; which pathetically slept even under a wave of unimaginably blistering heat that encompassed it from all sides,
Then you'd come to know how much it wanted to be majestically massaged; the unsurpassable agony in it to be kissed by your heavenly form.
If you peered deep down into my eyes; which had lost their ability to see; even though they were blissfully alive,
Then you’d come to know how much they were clouded with inexplicable sadness; how inexorably they missed you and craved for you to whisper and dream by their side.
And if you listened to my heart; which uncontrollably palpitated without the tiniest of respite; whether I walked or lazily slept on the star studded night,
Then you'd come to know how much it remembered you every unleashing second; the invincible tenacity pounding upon it to imprison you forever; in each of its everlasting beats .
There was a time when we talked in hushed whispers behind the bushes; endeavoring our best to camouflage our bodies from the extraneous world,
While today we sat closely beside each other under brilliant daylight; entwining our palms formidably against each other; blatantly in the midst of the bustling streets.
There was a time when we waited for marathon hours to meet; anxiously anticipating the sun to set down in the hills before we started for our clandestine expeditions,
While today we spent each moment together; with our breaths drifting down passionately without the slightest of synchronized control.
There was a time when we painstakingly craved to hear each others voices; trying to frantically search our memory as far as possible to salvage the last word we spoke,
While today we indefatigably talked till our tongues ached; conversed about the weirdest topics in this world; our eyes locked immortally with each other.
There was a time when we cordially smiled in front of the society; to depict that we were nothing else but good friends of after school,
While today we laughed to our hearts content philandering euphorically through the labyrinth of mystical valleys; leaving the civilized planet forever; well behind our times.
There was a time when we yearned to see all rays relinquish completely in our dwellings; so that we could surreptitiously meet and sight each other for a short while under milky moonbeams,
While today we admired each other to the most unprecedented capacity of our minds; in tenaciously fiery and flamboyant full house lights.
There was a time when we witnessed each other with stooping eyes; profoundly mortified by each others presence in front of our revered elders,
While today we danced in ebullient energy even after midnight; with our lids incorrigibly refusing to bat the tiniest; gazing wide open till unsurpassable
There was a time when we ate our food in separate plates; ardently remembering each other; with tears welling up in our eyes as we nostalgically reminisced our playful times,
While today we fed each other with our own hands; sat at whisker length distances with our lips profusely intermingled; entirely oblivious to the unfurling of rapid time.
There was a time when we were petrified to see to each other without prior permissions; as we knew that the ramifications of that could be punishment upto the highest decree,
While today we waved at everybody on the roads with uninhibited freedom; audaciously proclaiming to the world the tales of our invincible romance.
And there was a time when we had newly met; said "I Love you" to each other; were groping to find our veritable places; blend with the Herculean struggle to blissfully survive in this colossal globe,
While today we had just tied the nuptial thread; bonding our mind; body; soul for centuries immemorial; drifting in a world wholesomely of our own; in the realms of sacrosanct marriage .
The candlewax castle melted like a pack of soft cards; under blistering rays of flamboyantly fiery sunshine,
The panther melted at its mouth; when it sighted a robust fleet of deer galloping rampantly through the wilderness,
The desert sands inevitably melted in scorching summer; at the sight of the celestially rejuvenating pool of shimmering mirage,
The clouds in the cosmos melted thunderously; as they hovered over a blanket of profusely green trees and mystical shrub,
The dog's tongue melted insatiably; as it cast its greedy eyes upon the juicy chunk of bone poking alluringly from its masters pocket,
The beggar melted in mind; body and soul; as he perceived a dungeon inundated with opulently glittering gold in his nocturnal dreams,
The lips melted in unsustainable passion; as they saw the person of their most stupendous conceptions; right before their rubicund periphery,
The giant melted in wholesome entirety; as it witnessed the colossal kingdom of fleshy molecules wandering helplessly without an iota of caution or sagacious calm,
The mirror melted in a million pieces; as it confronted the ghastly skeleton of a man; who once upon a time used to admire himself in the same,
The snow melted on the boundless hills; as fireballs of pugnacious light caressed it vindictively; from every conceivable side,
The voice melted into a trickle of its original self; as an atmosphere of satanic terror; abruptly snapped the melody of its heart,
The conglomerate of gigantic leaves melted to bits of inconspicuous raw ash; as flames of pugnaciously golden fire escalated high and handsome towards the sky,
The thunderously deafening echo melted into gruesome nothingness; as it clashed umpteenth number of times against the chain of cold blooded rocks,
The blatantly audacious footsteps melted into infinitesimally remote space; as they were besieged by the blood curling sound of menacing death,
The slabs of brilliantly sparkling yellow butter melted into a curry of slim grease; when brutally spread with a gleaming knife on the periphery of supremely handsome and sizzling toast,
The pair of vivaciously emphatic eyes melted into diminutively shrunk plastic; as they sighted the lifeless body of the person they vehemently adored and loved,
The boisterous chirping of sporty birds melted submissively; as the last beam of brightness disappeared brusquely behind the cocoon of scarlet sky,
The life of a tangible individual melted in wholesome entirety; as and when the Creator waved his hand and wanted,
And my heart melted into an island of tumultuously tantalizing paradise; at the tiniest whisper of my beloved; the most faintest cry of her enchantingly everlasting romance .
Just give me your hand; and I'll get ready to face the mightiest of challenge; with an irrefutable scent of victory lingering profusely in my every stride,
Just give me your hand; and I'll escalate higher than the azure skies; to snatch the festoon of overwhelmingly glittering stars for the delights of your impeccable lap,
Just give me your hand; and I'll become an inferno blazing with the most omnipotent of light; refraining to dwindle a trifle even in thunderous rain and bizarre storm,
Just give me your hand; and I'll stay awake to euphorically dance all day and night; relinquish the last iota of gloomy dreariness from my bleary pair of eyes,
Just give me your hand; and I'll spawn a mesmerizing fountain in the heart of the sweltering desert; pacify infinite granules of gruesomely parched sand with
supremely rejuvenating water,
Just give me your hand; and I'll illuminate even the most horrendous patch of morbidly despairing space; with profound beams of stringent light,
Just give me your hand; and I'll stand taller than the clouds even as the earth reverberated; staring intransigently into your countenance as you danced in
my palms,
Just give me your hand; and I'll transit back into exuberantly nostalgic childhood; intrepidly ride on the striped panthers back; without a single strip of cloth on my barren chest,
Just give me your hand; and I'll conjure stupendous magic on every path I transgressed; metamorphosing dead chunks of stinking wood into monumental pillars of glistening gold,
Just give me your hand; and I'll levitate to the summit of the mountain in one step; ebulliently breathe with insurmountable compassion; and dynamic light filtering through the frightened whites of my eye,
Just give me your hand; and I'll float till eternity like a fragrant petal in the air; wafting my exotic redolence to whomsoever who needed it the most,
Just give me your hand; and I'll trespass bare soled even on blistering red embers of flamboyant fire; swallow the most treacherous droplets of misery without the slightest gasp in my throat,
Just give me your hand; and I'll ignite vivacious flames even in a lifeless pond of water; instill traces of immortal love in the ghastliest of entities entrenching me,
Just give me your hand; and I'll ecstatically bounce as if the richest man in this Universe; doughtily wade past even an ocean of fulminating acid to achieve the
most unbelievable of my dreams,
Just give me your hand; and I'll leap into the valley of death; rise inexorably high above the ashes with optimistic traces of breath invincibly incarcerated within the dormitories of my heart,
Just give me your hand; and I'll make a grandiloquent castle out of obsoletely thin air; evolve a paradise for all humans to exist; in the midst of satanic barbarism that inundated each part of the atmosphere,
Just give me your hand; and I'll sing till times immemorial; granting reprieve to countless entities from their unrelenting string of tyrannical woes,
Just give me your hand; and I'll blend all fabulous beauty with mundane mud; transform this sacred land of Almighty God; into a veritable paradise,
And just give me your hand O! enchanting beloved; and I'll rise as the most powerful human from infinite feet beneath the corpse; surge forward with an insatiable ardor in my bones; reinstating a smile back in whomsoever I encountered in my way; leaving my hopeless past well behind; to celestially lead boundless more Sunlit days.
I'm one who's crazy about you; fantasizing you in the most stupendously fabulous forms ever conceivable,
I'm the one who's passionate about you; insatiably craving to blend your heart with mine till times immemorial,
I'm the one who's greedy about you; wanting to incessantly witness your enchanting grace as each second unfurled into a complete minute,
I'm the one who's supremely overwhelmed by you; unable to perceive about anything else except your twin pairs of magnificently sparkling eyes,
I'm the one who's fanatically ardent about you; sitting for indefatigable hours by your side; to hear the tales of your innocuous childhood,
I'm the one who's insurmountably sensitive about you; would try every feasible method existing on this Universe to make you mine,
I'm the one who's always ready for you; uninhibitedly accepting you in the invincible swirl of my arms; even when the planet had rejected you,
I'm the one who's relentlessly working for you; endeavoring my absolute best to sketch you in the most enamoring repertoire of forms; lingering bountifully in the cosmos,
I'm the one who's immortally desiring you; giving you a position grater than the Ultimate Creator; in the realms of my palpitating heart,
I'm the one who's unprecedentedly impressed by you; intransigently iterating your string of benevolently exotic virtues to whomsoever I encountered,
I'm the one who's inexorably possessive about you; mercilessly annihilating the minutest trace of salacious spirit; hovering stealthily round the contours of your impeccable face,
I'm the one who's wholesomely stupefied by you; drowning myself till times beyond eternity into the mesmerizing cadence of your heavenly voice,
I'm the one who's profoundly sympathetic with you; unequivocally commiserating with you; even as the society outside savagely kicked you for no fault of your immaculate soul,
I'm the one who's perpetually remembering you; incorrigibly sealing my mind to all thoughts; other than your incredulously alluring smile,
I'm the one who's unsurpassably pampering you; ensuring that the most inconspicuous of your wail; was compassionately catered to,
I'm the one who's optimistically wistful about you; wishing you nothing less than the very best in every aspect of your life; the days in your destiny yet to blissfully unveil,
I'm the one who's frantically searching for you; not sparing even the most darkest corner of earth; in my incomprehensible attempts to retrieve you,
I'm the one who's tirelessly fighting for you; in order to irrefutably ensure you assimilated the maximum happiness; in God's creation of boundless paradise,
And I'm the one; infact the only one who loves you; dedicating each of my tumultuously throbbing beats to your celestial form; bonding you forever with the body above my bones; and the soul underneath; which had already given its love to you .
The tree relied overwhelmingly on soil; those trapped granules of spell binding moisture; to make it bountifully blossom towards the Kingly Sun,
The tongue relied inevitably on slippery saliva; basked in the glory of voluptuous softness for times immemorial; as it pursed itself passionately on the scarlet lips,
The ocean relied insurmountably on its undulating festoon of ravishing waves; the tantalizing globules of wild salt incarcerated within; which propelled it to swirl in uninhibited frenzy,
The watch relied indispensably on its pair of slender needles; to indefatigably traverse round the clock; portray explicit shades of accurate time,
The eyeball relied inevitably on its lids; the rejuvenating blankets of tears they oozed; with poignant intensity every unfurling second,
The pencil relied tumultuously on its handsomely bonded lead; to emboss boundless lines of exquisite literature; deluge the surface of barren paper with exotic calligraphy,
The dog relied profusely on its tail; to portray its flurry of candid emotions; the state of being which it was blatantly circumvented with,
The envelope relied irrevocably on its set of contemporary stamps; the meticulous strings of denomination riveted on its body; that transported it at swashbuckling speeds to far and distant across the globe,
The mountain relied intransigently on its towering summits; which ensured that it leapt in vivacious glory towards azure bits of golden sky; majestically loomed large above everything else in vicinity,
The whale relied incorrigibly on its battalion of pugnacious jaws; which bestowed upon it the power to rip apart the most mightiest of entities into inconspicuous bits of pulverized chowder,
The boat relied profoundly on its twin set of oars; to dexterously maneuver it like a price even in the most ominously turbulent of storm,
The lips relied compassionately on a gregarious smile; the ingratiating aura which it imparted to their pathetically parched demeanor,
The spider relied unsurpassably on silken strands of its velvety web; running to its hearts content across the labyrinth of threads without the slightest of shame or respite,
The peacock relied unrelentingly on droplets of sparkling rain; the heavenly water which cascaded from the sky; evoking it to spread its oligarchic feathers into a royal bloom and dance,
The arms relied incomprehensibly on bulging bits of muscle; to impregnate in them the power to doughtily fight; the power to audaciously survive,
The brain relied unfathomably on memory; those nostalgic reminisces of the past; which triggered it to gain unstoppable momentum and surge forward with ecstatic reflections lingering enchantingly for times,
The diamond relied tirelessly on shine; that queenly glint which made it the unprecedented darling of all tribes,
The body relied perpetually on tangible breath; which instilled in it the tenacity to valiantly fight for its rights; and blissfully survive,
And my heart relied solely on immortal love; the omnipotent essence of which made it passionately throb even centuries after veritable death .
Give her each droplet of blood flowing rampantly through my body; rejuvenating her persona with indispensable energy,
Giver her each smile that encapsulated my lips; deluging her majestically mesmerizing countenance with astronomical happiness,
Giver her each dream that circulated fabulously in the corridors of my brain; catapulting her into a land of ecstasy and unfathomable paradise,
Give her each ray of hope that engulfed my existence; stupendously enlightening her string of infinite more unveiling tomorrows,
Give her each droplet of poignant empathy that lingered insatiably in my eyes; impregnating in her the essence of benevolent mankind,
Give her each muscle embedded indomitably in my arms; imparting her with the tenacity to resiliently encounter the most disastrous situation in life,
Give her each ounce of mysticism that enveloped my shadow; overwhelming her life with enigmatic spice and divinely happiness,
Give her each wave of my voice; bestowing upon her the power to indefatigably express herself; at all moments of the adventurously unveiling day,
Give her each iota of luck that encompassed my silhouette; manifesting her every unfinished dream into a perpetual reality,
Give her each trace of vivaciousness that entrenched my conglomerate of bones; propelling her to ecstatically bounce forward with exuberant enthusiasm in life,
Give her each globule of tumultuous rhapsody that permeated my skin; making her experience the myriad of vibrant colors in existence,
Give her each sigh of immortal satisfaction that circumvented my conscience; fomenting her to perceive that her flurry of tasks were accomplished with
supreme gratification,
Give her each bit of cloth that intricately sequestered my entire visage; embodying her impeccable demeanor with loads of compassionate warmth,
Give her each source of wealth that I had assimilated in the tenure of my life; facilitating her to purchase the most exotic things of her very own choice,
Give her each morsel of food that was destined to be masticated by my mouth; granting celestial peace to the famished realms of her thunderously resonating
Give her each whistle that emanated from my lips; blessing her existence with unsurpassable euphoria on every step which she ebulliently alighted,
Give her each fantasy that I kept envisaging about even in the heart of the brilliantly blistering day; keeping her spirits escalating towards the sky; till times immemorial,
Give her each beat that passionately palpitated every unfurling instant in my heart; imparting her with the unrelenting ardor to relish life to its most incomprehensible capacity,
Give her each breath that diffused in magnificent unison from my nostrils; engendering her to lead even my quota of destined life,
For although I possessed all the sagacious qualities described above O! Lord; I was still of no use to this colossal world and society; being viciously strangulated every instant by the horrendous lechery of my mind; while angels like her needed forever to exist; needed forever to be alive .
I kept the reinvigorating pints of soda securely in a transparent bottle; tightly clasping the lid with screws of scintillating steel,
I kept the cubes of exotically transparent ice; in the inner most dormitories of the freezing refrigerator; overwhelmingly engulfed by a chilling calm,
I kept the conglomerate of stupendously redolent flowers in a grandiloquent vase; as they wafted their heavenly scent to every cranny of my profusely amicable dwelling,
I kept the battalion of gaudy shirts in cloistered interiors of my bedroom closet; wholesomely sequestered from even the most minuscule trace of alien light,
I kept the festoon of glittering jewels in the invincible realms of the bank locker; ensuring their perpetual safety against the deadliest of invasion,
I kept the bulky wallet in the back pocket of my handsomely jaded trousers; meticulously safe guarding the crisply bundled notes of currency; against
disdainful dirt and storm,
I kept the swanky automobile in the delectably compact garage; shielding it from salaciously ogling eyes and acrimonious beams of sweltering Sunshine,
I kept the germicidal tablet of stringent soap in proximity with the lavatory seat; to wholesomely annihilate even the last bit of stench adhering intransigently to my palms,
I kept scattered sheaf of random papers compiled safely in a cardboard file; ensuring that they appeared in a scrupulously chronological order; whenever the whites of my eye tried to glimpse them,
I kept the obnoxious buts of ash extruding from my cigar in an emerald ashtray; insurmountably seeing to it that the smoke died a ghastly death; there in itself,
I kept the fabulously studded designer belt on the shimmering hook; gliding like a majestic snake; kissing carpets of seductive air as it cascaded down like an angel,
I kept the cartons of appetizing fruit pulp on the sparkling kitchen slab; feasting my eyes profoundly on the bunch; each time I felt even the tiniest pang of hunger reverberate in my stomach,
I kept the sounds of the melodiously chirping cuckoo; impregnably imprisoned in my ears; cherishing the mesmerizing tunes in my mind; in times of unfathomable distress,
I kept the pet rabbits in their amicably warm kennel; sheltering them from the vicious onslaught of wildly frenzied wolves,
I kept the gruesomely orphaned eggs in the compassionately moist nest; for them to blossom into blissful fledglings of vibrant tomorrow,
I kept the mystically enamoring and checkered chessboard close to the lawns; maneuvering the royally embellished pieces while transgressing through a blanket of glistening dew drops,
I kept the sachet of tangy peppermints in the topmost compartment of my shirt; popping a pill every now and again into my mouth; to impart that reinvigorating
spice to my monotonously treacherous life,
I kept the idol of my sacrosanct mother in my conscience and my mind; leaning upon it in my times of insurmountably escalating tension; times when I was about to embark on any new expedition in life,
And I kept her love always deep inside my heart; bonding my impoverished soul with hers for countless more births; bonding my breath with hers for fathomless more lives to unveil .
If the broken wall ever had a tongue; the first thing it uttered; would be about the disdainfully inferior quality of cement used in its construction; that had
fomented it to crumble appallingly towards soil,
If the mercilessly chopped down tree ever had a tongue; then the first thing it uttered; would be about the barbaric humans; who ruthlessly cut it down to illuminate their every superficial night,
If the hazy river waters ever had a tongue; the first thing they uttered; would be about the tyrannically obnoxious industries; which polluted their heavenly persona profusely every unleashing second,
If the orphaned tooth ever had a tongue; the first thing it uttered; would be about diabolical monsters who had so uncouthly ripped it apart from the cozy realms of its masters mouth,
If the sands of the tumultuously blistering desert ever had a tongue; the first thing they uttered; would be about the horrendous life they were bestowed upon with; without the most minuscule droplet of sparkling water,
If the shattered petal ever had a tongue; the first thing it uttered; would be about the cowardly satanic way in which the flower shed it; when confronted with the
tiniest wind of storm,
If the pathetically deflated balloon ever had a tongue; the first thing it uttered; would be about its royally oligarchic times in the sky; the acrimonious bullet which pierced it through its protuberant belly; rendering it sadly into the corpse which it currently was,
If the overwhelmingly bashed egg ever had a tongue; the first thing it uttered; would be about the ominously wretched snake which stole it surreptitiously when its mother was fast asleep; splitting apart its nimble body into infinite halves,
If the rusty piece of jewelry ever had a tongue; the first thing it uttered; would be about its hideously vain mistress; who hurled it to rot in the sinister dungeons; meting out her insurmountable frustration on its impeccable demeanor,
If the disheveled rags of cloth ever had a tongue; the first thing they uttered; would be about the treacherous rioters who grappled them devilishly; disorienting them from their handsomely stoical posture,
If the brutally trampled whisker ever had a tongue; then the first thing it uttered; would be about its majestic times while embedded to the lion’s snout; the nonchalant way in which it had fallen on the ground; when the beast was thunderously snoring,
If the bone lying morbidly in the interiors of the obsolete castle ever had a tongue; the first thing it uttered; would be about the robust body of the prince it once upon a time inhabited; the gory moment when its master breathed his very last; to leave it decaying even centuries after his death,
If the disastrously melting mountains of ice-cream ever had a tongue; the first thing they uttered; would be about the acerbically dictatorial rays of the Sun which had compelled them to completely loose their identity,
If the dismally corroded mouse-trap ever had a tongue; the first thing it uttered; would be about how much it abhorred imprisoning filthily stinking mice; how much it desired to be placed in flamboyantly dazzling sunshine,
If the sleazily colored bundles of cotton ever had a tongue; the first thing they uttered; would be about the unfathomably commercial farmer; plucking them
indiscriminately from their immaculate buds; selling them at a price when infact they were priceless,
If the blanket of grass blades ever had a tongue; the first thing they uttered; would be about the demons transgressing indefatigably on their voluptuous carpet; pulverizing their silken softness with indigenous feet,
If the splattered splinters of glass lying forlorn on the floor ever had a tongue; the first thing they uttered; would be about the pertinently irascible hordes of children; who had made them taste dust; with their obdurate cricket balls,
If the solitarily wandering soul ever had a tongue; the first thing it uttered; would be about the inexplicable agony it was besieged with; the utter helplessness that it was thoroughly engulfed with; when it simply couldn’t help its loved ones in distress,
And if the broken heart ever had a tongue; the first thing it uttered; would be about how much it craved to be loved; how much it craved for that immortal love in its life once again; which it unfortunately couldn’t get .
I salute you for your majestic speech; the authoritative flurry of spell binding words which emanated royally from your mouth,
I salute you for your impeccable stride; the magnanimous poise in your stature that portrayed you irrefutably as the greatest,
I salute you for your astoundingly mesmerizing sight; your uncanny ability to decipher the most inconspicuous of evil loitering ominously in the crowd,
I salute you for your ravishingly rubicund complexion; the ingratiating aura you generated on every piece of soil you voluptuously caressed,
I salute you for your insurmountably stoical passiveness; the unsurpassable equanimity with which you confronted the deadliest of disaster without a ruffle to your whiskers,
I salute you for your unflinching sense of responsibility; the ghastliest of times you had borne; just to see a smile lighten up on the face of your compatriots,
I salute you for your astute acumen of dealing dexterously with the uncouth world; marching relentlessly on your path to undeniable success,
I salute you for your inexorably poignant eyes; the heart rendering empathy you harbored within; for your fellow beings in inexplicably horrendous distress,
I salute you for your incomprehensibly adjusting temperament; the incredulous way in which you slept even on bare brick walls; if the hour so commanded,
I salute you for your stupendously reinvigorating aroma; the blissful waves of sheer ecstasy it spread ubiquitously to every cranny of this planet,
I salute you for your streams of passionately circulating crimson blood; the unfathomable ardor they generated in lifeless souls wandering solitarily around,
I salute you for the vivacious laughter that entrenched your lips; the cloud of benign congeniality it propagated in whomsoever it cast; even an ethereal glimpse,
I salute you for your nose; which smelt only the profoundly good from even amidst a dilapidated pile of horrifically fetid garbage,
I salute you for your bohemian feet; which kept traversing indefatigably to reach their ultimate goal; even in the most acerbic of storm and murderous rain,
I salute you for your incredulously alluring charisma; the mystically enigmatic look in your eyes which attracted the most alien at your doorstep; even from the most obsolete corner of the globe; like a trice of a bullet,
I salute you for your resolutely undeterred determination; the insatiable fervency in your demeanor to stand only by what you felt was right,
I salute you for your tumultuously adventurous zeal; the spirit of conquering the unknown profusely embedded in your brain; placing you an eternal shade above the rest,
I salute you for your tremendously transparent conscience; the sacrosanct feeling of righteousness which lingered around it for centuries immemorial,
And my wholehearted salutations to you O! beloved !! for your ability to uninhibitedly love; your incessant endeavor to make this planet of God once again a
paradise; blessing each molecule of his creation with the greatest wealth you could ever posses; your greatest virtue called "The religion of mankind".
I wanted to live for each smile of hers; the laughter that uninhibitedly emanated from her throat; that made me feel greater than the God's,
I wanted to live for each tear of hers; the poignant river of empathy which oozed from her mesmerizing eyes; catapulting me into a paradise beyond realms of
mundane earth,
I wanted to live for each word of hers; the majestic sounds that wafted from her mouth when she spoke; propelling me to float in the surreal clouds with the
cadence of her seductive voice,
I wanted to live for each whim of hers; the fastidious festoon of intricacies that enveloped her persona; making me admire her for her profoundly babyish
I wanted to live for each footstep of hers; the stupendously exotic rhythm that drifted as she caressed the soil; making me oblivious to all other sounds that existed in this Universe,
I wanted to live for each finger of hers; the rubicund tinge which encompassed her dainty fists; that fomented me to stare wildly till times beyond eternity,
I wanted to live for each wink of hers; the uncannily enigmatic way in which her eyelashes fluttered flirtatiously; inundating my life with waves of insurmountable ecstasy and the dance of sheer euphoria,
I wanted to live for each dream of hers; the cloudbursts of vivacious fantasy in her eyes as each minute unveiled; which made me blinded to the most brilliantly dazzling Sunlight,
I wanted to live for each passion of hers; the unrelenting ardor that besieged her countenance with as she marched towards triumph; making me rise above the ashes to discover my soul,
I wanted to live for every vein of hers; the tumultuous fervency with which an ocean of scarlet blood flowed through her body; making my conviction in self more fortified than the colossal mountains,
I wanted to live for every shadow of hers; the mystical way in which her contours nictitated with changing shades of light; wrecking the last iota of sleep from my insatiably wandering sight,
I wanted to live for every cry of hers; the insurmountable innocence that reflected profusely in her voice; transiting me way back to the times when I had just tread my first foot on mother earth,
I wanted to live for every yawn of hers; the ravishingly ingratiating aura that encapsulated her visage; which made me collapse like a box of lifeless matchsticks on blankets of cold ground,
I wanted to live for every sigh of hers; the supreme contentment that celestially settled on each pore of her body; which made me relinquish all my volcano of
overwhelming greed in life,
I wanted to live for every dance of hers; the tantalizing way in which she swished her heavenly demeanor in torrential rain; making me exist far beyond my destined quota of years,
I wanted to live for every snore of hers; the delectably immaculate island of fairies which resided in her luscious lips; flooding my life with unsurpassable ebullience and cheer,
I wanted to live for every nod of hers; the irrefutably assertiveness with which she said "no"; augmenting my tenacious determination to face each hurdle of acrimonious life,
I wanted to live for every breath of hers; the Omnipotent grace with which it diffused from her nostrils; instilling in me an invincible power to live,
And over and above all I wanted to live for every beat of hers; the indefatigable number of times her heart palpitated passionately; fortifying my faith in dying
existence; fortifying my faith in dying mankind .
There were times when the breeze didn’t need air to flow; gush in torrential fervor towards the handsome sky,
There were times when the rose didn’t need fragrance to blossom; transit into the most unprecedented realms of voluptuous desire,
There were times when the tongue didn’t need words to speak; express its emotions as vociferously as a new born child,
There were times when the fish didn’t need water to swim; ebulliently bounce and gallivant in the full fervor of existence,
There were times when the lips didn’t need a smile to be happy; exult in the grandeur of the mesmerizing beauty; lingering on this Universe all around,
There were times when the eyes didn’t have to close to dream; fantasize beyond the boundaries of infinite infinity,
There were times when the church didn’t need bells to ring; poignantly express the irrefutably divinely consent of the Almighty lord,
There were times when evening didn’t need the Sun to set; metamorphose into overwhelmingly seductive and transient dusk; before the onset of perpetual night,
There were times when the birds didn’t need wings tofly; soar astronomically high in vivacious bits of fabulously blue sky,
There were times when the palms didn’t need lines to be destined; live the most incredulously wonderful existence that could ever be conceived on this earth,
There were times when the throat didn’t need sound to communicate; reach the individual boundless kilometers away in lightening fractions of seconds,
There were times when the body didn’t need muscle to fight; conquer the most invincible of heights with the stupendously majestic ease of a crown prince,
There were times when the storm didn’t need thunderbolts of white electricity; to incarcerate the soil in its mystically enigmatic swirl,
There were times when the matchstick didn’t need flames to burn; escalate the most unsurpassable limits of the cosmos; where no entity had ever tread,
There were times when the diamonds didn’t need stringent light to shine; glisten gorgeously to unleash infernos of insatiable passion,
There were times when the veins didn’t need blood to survive; trigger insurmountable compassion and an unequalled ardor to lead life,
There were times when the snow didn’t need heat to melt; evolve into a spring of profoundly enchanting froth; blessing countless with its heavenly charm,
There were times when the nostrils didn’t need air to live; exist beyond the boundaries of inevitably unfurling fate,
And there were times when the heart didn’t need a voice to proclaim; dedicate its passionately palpitating flurry of fervent beats to the person it loved; the person it wanted to incarcerate for fathomless more births to come .
Powerful to smile; as I heard something abysmally resonating in ludicrous vicinity,
Powerful to fight; as I confronted the mightiest of disaster with astronomical fortitude and tenacity,
Powerful to sleep; as I snored more thunderously than the demons; resting in overwhelmingly celestial contentment,
Power to admire; as I sighted the mesmerizing puffs of clouds floating passionately in azure sky,
Powerful to sketch; as I masterfully captured the labyrinth of picturesque sights which majestically dotted the fathomless gorge,
Powerful to sing; as I inundated the gloomy atmosphere with everlasting waves of seductively rhapsodic melody,
Powerful to mimic; as I possessed the incomprehensibly fascinating virtue to emulate a boundless myriad of voice,
Powerful to write; as I deluged a mountain of disdainfully barren paper; with exquisite lines of oligarchic literature,
Powerful to fantasize; as I triggered the chords of enigmatic imagination to the most ebulliently unprecedented limits,
Powerful to speak; as I silenced unrelentingly menacing mobs of fanatic people; with the domineering authority in my voice,
Powerful to dance; as I gyrated my body in insatiable agony under profusely milky rays of enchanting moonlight,
Powerful to run; as I galloped like the vivacious panther; through the mystical forests at the unveiling of each ephemeral dawn,
Powerful to flirt; as I had this inexplicable tenacity to incarcerate any alien in the swirl of my indefatigable mischief,
Powerful to dig; as I impregnated a tunnel of vibrantly optimistic hope; in layers of obdurately infidel soil,
Powerful to stare; as I relentlessly looked the sweltering sun without flinching the slightest; for hours immemorial,
Powerful to chew; as I masticated the most resilient morsels of food into handsome bits of pulverized chowder,
Powerful to foresee; as I perspicaciously tackled each aspect of pragmatically monotonous life; measuring each step of mine as I walked,
Powerful to breathe; as I lived each moment of life to its most unbelievable capacity; with the euphoria to perennially discover fervently besieging me,
But powerless to face her; as I wholesomely submitted my humble countenance to the wave of her turbulently swirling love; bonding my heart; body and soul with the immortal essence of her sacred existence .
No bird should ever miss the exuberant breeze; the unsurpassable bits of vivacious sky; which triggered it to shrug all inhibitions and perpetually fly,
No panther should ever miss the exotic wilderness of the fathomless jungle; the kingly ambience of the royal den which passionately awaited its oligarchic
No butterfly should ever miss flamboyant sunlight; those vividly boisterous rays that unveiled its grandiloquent beauty; fomented it to gleefully fun and frolic,
No fish should ever miss the ravishingly swirling sea; the unfathomable depths of emerald water which made them magnificently glide like a prince; till times ahead of eternity,
No cloud in the cosmos should ever miss the torrential fountain of rain; the incomprehensible sea of golden water which tumbled down in ecstatic frenzy; upon disastrously parched ground,
No mother should ever miss playing with her most cherished child; tossing it amicably in air; after harnessing it with her blood and milk,
No glowworm should ever miss the stupendously alluring night; the voluptuous blanket of blackness that aptly propelled it to emanate its dazzling glow,
No eyelid should ever miss a flirtatious wink; the infinitesimally inconspicuous action which sparked of; a flurry of mischievously animated smiles,
No lip should ever miss an insatiably passionately kiss; the ardent caress which made it float in realms of impregnably fascinating fantasy,
No tortoise should ever miss the sprawling meadow of plush grass; the astoundingly remarkable bliss it was blessed to laze in; along with pecking at a festoon of innocuous insects wandering carelessly around,
No pen should ever miss to marvelously scribble and write; the insurmountable grandiloquence it imparted to simple words; granting them a stature beyond the
No fruit should ever miss the tantalizing bedcover of succulent leaves; the boundless network of chocolate brown tendrils which sequestered it from the most turbulent storm and rain,
No serpent should ever miss guarding an unprecedentedly colossal treasury of gold biscuits; protecting perseveringly earned wealth with the power of its irrefutably sacred hood,
No valley should ever miss the ingratiatingly spell binding echo; the enigmatic tunnel of reverberations that diffused thereafter; the captivating tunes which had so much to say,
No mind should ever miss a relentlessly proliferating fantasy; the indefatigably enchanting reverie it placed the body in; to exist even beyond infinite births,
No ear should ever miss the fabulously gorgeous tunes of the nightingale; the overwhelmingly seductive melody in the rhapsodic sound; which made the soul
oblivious to all inexplicable misery and sadness,
No throat should ever miss heavenly mountain water; the divinely liquid that cascaded down gently from the pristine slopes; imparting ultimate contentment to the viciously struggling conscience,
No nostrils should ever miss compassionately volatile breath; the cloudbursts of rejuvenating air flowing incessantly into the lungs; pioneering fresh traces of
life every unfurling instant,
And no heart should ever miss the immortal river of love; which made just one singular life of tangible existence; equivalent to countless more lifetimes .
When I asked the serrated skinned crocodile to sketch me; all it ended up doing was; making a gruesomely pulverized shape of my celestial form,
When I asked the clouds in the cosmos to sketch me; all they ended up doing was; making an evanescent image of my countenance; which faded sooner than it had evolved,
When I asked the lecherously silken spider to sketch me; all it ended up doing was; making an inconspicuous thread like image; of my huge visage,
When I asked the profusely buried tree roots to sketch me; all they ended up doing was; making an overwhelmingly blotted caricature of my entity; strewn with fathomless tons of dust,
When I asked the hideous vultures in the sky to sketch me; all they ended up doing was; adding a pair of diabolical wings to my body; which made people around
me run for their lives,
When I asked the army of abominable rats to sketch me; all they ended up doing was; making cocoons of fetidly stinking cheese; of my magnanimously philanthropic facial contours,
When I asked the ominously savage stray dog to sketch me; all it ended up doing was; making a deliciously meaty bone of my exorbitantly heavy weight body,
When I asked the vivaciously striped croaking frog to sketch me; all it ended up doing was; making a lanky blade of wild grass and blackness; of my robustly sculptured agile framework,
When I asked the infinitesimally diminutive mosquito to sketch me; all it ended up doing was; making a squalidly diseased form; of my supremely redolent demeanor,
When I asked the resplendent blanket of stars to sketch me; all they ended up doing was; making a wildly flickering flame; of my emphatically sonorous presence,
When I asked the mammoth plumes of ghastly bellowing smoke to sketch me; all they ended up doing was; making a unbelievably hostile portrait; of my impeccable persona,
When I asked the gigantic elephant to sketch me; all it ended up doing was; making an insurmountably opprobrious mushroom; of my majestically domineering form,
When I asked the satanically wading sharks in the ocean to sketch me; all they ended up doing was; making an enigmatic octopus; of my most unsurpassably pragmatic form,
When I asked the melodiously ticking cuckoo clock to sketch me; all it ended up doing was; making an incomprehensibly pathetic numeral; of my insatiably
mystical and surreal brain,
When I asked the seed scattered rampantly on soil to sketch me; all it ended up doing was; making a magical tree producing more of its kind; of my irrefutably pristine visage,
When I asked the thunderously roaring panther to sketch me; all it ended up doing was; making a spuriously blowing whisker; of my boundless conglomerate of authoritative bones,
When I asked the obnoxiously thorny cactus to sketch me; all it ended up doing was; making a gruesomely blistering desert; of my lusciously blossoming body,
When I asked my inimitably sacrosanct mother to sketch me; all she ended up doing was; making an innocuously sleeping child; of my completely grown up form,
But when I asked my divinely immortal beloved to sketch me; she didn’t sketch me at all; ripped apart her heart instead; to show me my candid impression; which had been there since centuries unfathomable; and which she was sure would be always there; everytime she took birth as a human again .
The tree in the pristine forest; was laden with overwhelming quantities of succulent berry and rhapsodic fruit,
The fathomless expanse of barren sky; was laden with an enchanting conglomerate of seductively silken clouds,
The flower extruding from the delectable farm; was laden with bountiful petals; blossoming into a myriad of tantalizingly colorful forms,
The incomprehensibly huge dictionary; was laden with a battalion of exquisite words; explicitly portraying infinite situations of pragmatic life,
The magnificently shimmering egg; was laden with life yielding yolk; which evolved over a period of time into a mesmerizing offspring,
The trajectory of the majestically swirling ocean; was laden with a festoon of voluptuously undulating waves; spraying profusely handsome salt on the rocks as well as the shores,
The toweringly colossal mountains; were laden with bed sheets of ingratiatingly scintillating ice; cascading into waterfalls of melodious froth as the Sun flamed
to its full shine,
The boisterously swarming beehive; was laden with golden honey; dribbling in splendid harmony towards chocolate brown territories of soil,
The grandiloquently striped flamingoes perched on the river banks; were laden with a sheath of fabulously satin feathers; propelling them to soar like a pompous prince in the sky,
The flamboyantly escalating fire; was laden with a flurry of poignant flames; which profoundly illuminated the morbidly dreary and starless night,
The incredulously oligarchic castle; was laden with scores of intricately alluring furniture; an extravagantly jeweled throne on which sat the crown king,
The framework of articulately dexterous bones; was laden with rubicund layers of flesh; granting it thereby the formidable tenacity to surge forward in unprecedented exuberance,
The valiant landscape of the pugnacious battlefield; was laden with innumerable soldiers; ready to sacrifice their life any instant for the sake of their revered motherland,
The boundlessly glistening blackboard; was laden synchronized lines of raw chalk; portraying vital points of survival to earnestly learning students,
The robust periphery of tongue; was laden with gallons of euphoric saliva; instilling in it tangy traces of exotic taste,
The fathomless land of the desert; was laden with infinite tons of stupendously sparkling sand,
The flamboyantly vivacious calendar; was laden with an armory of months and dates; candidly divulging the extraordinary rapid unveiling of time,
The dome sculptured crystalline scalp; was laden with silken curls of voluptuous hair; which imparted a compassionate cushioning against repugnantly vindictive blows,
The profoundly impregnable conscience; was laden with optimistically enlightening ideals; that provided astronomical tenacity to the persona to ecstatically plunge forward in life,
And the passionately palpitating heart; was laden with invincible love; which kept proliferating towards the sky as the seconds unfurled; kept getting more and more fortified with each stroke of palpable existence .
I couldn’t talk non stop; for after a while; the chords of my intricate throat started to hurt; and a gruesome hoarseness besieged my persona,
I couldn’t walk non stop; for after a while; the soles of my feet started to ache; and the conglomerate of dreary bones in my body demanded celestial rest,
I couldn’t write non stop; for after a while; my fingers swelled like a plump tomato; and the disdainful sweat on my palms started to drip obnoxiously on barren sheets of white paper,
I couldn’t stare non stop; for after a while; my voluptuously soft cushion of lids fell down with a sigh; and the whites of my eye were desperate to get rid of the tumultuous stinging,
I couldn’t eat non stop; for after a while; the tunnels of my stomach threatened to puke; and the buds of my tongue abhorrently repulsed the most exotic of taste,
I couldn’t dance non stop; for after a while; the fantasy in my mind wholesomely subsided; and I inevitably collapsed on soil for my nocturnal slumber under the resplendent stars,
I couldn’t plough non stop; for after a while; the acrimonious rays of the Sun stabbed me like a billion needles; and the gallons of golden sweat which dribbled; made me loose holistic degrees of control,
I couldn’t swim non stop; for after a while; the tenacity in my arms seemed to be diminishing; and the fathomless expanse of waters made me return back to the heavenly shores,
I couldn’t party non stop; for after a while; the pretentious smoke of cigar took its toll on my natural nerves; and the sonorously manipulative style of talking; assassinated all my raw exuberance in its premature buds,
I couldn’t study non stop; for after a while; beads of exasperation began to entrench me from all sides; and life became nothing but a series of disastrously monotonous equations to confront,
I couldn’t sing non stop; for after a while; all tunes existing seemed to be puncturing me like fulminating volcano's; and I lost complete identity of my very own voice,
I couldn’t dream non stop; for after a while; the pragmatic realities of life started to pinch me overwhelmingly; and the penurious conditions which currently engulfed me; obstructed me in my path of transforming all my perceptions into a perpetual reality,
I couldn’t fight non stop; for after a while; realization dawned upon me that it was all baseless; and I needed to contribute something towards deteriorating mankind,
I couldn’t sleep non stop; for after a while; I felt the blistering mid day sunshine filtering unbearably through my eyes; and the framework of my countenance
became restless to be on the move,
I couldn’t drive non stop; for after a while; the world outside became an incessantly revolving whiz; and I frantically wanted to trespass at normal speeds once again,
I couldn’t rule non stop; for after a while; I felt as if I was completely losing my indigenous identity; and the voice of my conscience commanded me to rest
blissfully in the lap of my revered mother,
I couldn’t focus non stop; for after a while; the insurmountably restless urges in my soul got the better of me; and I found myself pondering on everything else; other than what I was supposed to concentrate,
I couldn’t play non stop; for after a while; the will to majestically survive made me march dynamically towards the summit; slither with uninhibited passion; to achieve all my goals in life,
I couldn’t hate non stop; for after a while; the inexorably omnipotent voice of my mind condemned me for my cowardly behavior; and the blood circulating in
my veins fomented me to embrace my fellow mates in pain,
I couldn’t lie non stop; for after a while; an astronomically ardent desire to disentangle myself from this web of lechery; and my tongue candidly conveyed its explicit set of ideals,
But there was only one virtue which I could do non stop; and which not only I; but every entity with a throbbing heart has been doing since centuries immemorial; a virtue which even the greatest of God's have bowed down too; a virtue which has its immoral essence dissipated in every nook and cranny of this boundless planet; O! yes I feel the richest man on this earth to proclaim it as LOVE; LOVE AND SIMPLY LOVE .
I preferred to call smoke; ONLY SMOKE; as it was disdainfully dirty and horrendously polluted the serene carpets of atmosphere,
I preferred to call the stone ONLY STONE; as it was bereft of the slightest of empathy; stared in morbid silence for hours immemorial towards the blanket of
I preferred to call the pig ONLY PIG; as it prolifically disseminated and perpetuated filth in every mesmerizing path it transgressed,
I preferred to call the knife ONLY KNIFE; as it harbored the virtue of indiscriminate blood; ghastily ripped through innocent flesh at diabolical will,
I preferred to call a chunk of obnoxious sewage ONLY SEWAGE; as it punctuated the rhapsodic air with an unfathomably repulsive perfume,
I preferred to call a tornado ONLY TORNADO; as it mercilessly annihilated the most minuscule trace of life existing on this planet,
I preferred to call an earthquake ONLY EARTHQUAKE; as it gobbled up immaculate entities in the swirl of its viciously reverberating tremors,
I preferred to call an avalanche ONLY AVALANCHE; as it impregnated an inexplicable wave of deathly chill in all those tangible scattered around; treacherously engulfed heavenly children in cloudbursts of satanic snow,
I preferred to call the thorn ONLY THORN; as it invidiously pierced unsuspecting skin; propelled a flurry of hysterical tears to dribble down the cheeks,
I preferred to call the footprint ONLY FOOTPRINT; as it triggered in me an inexorable nostalgia for the past; faded into obsolete wisps of nothingness with
the tiniest draught of wind,
I preferred to call the frown ONLY FROWN; as it embodied a cloud of pathetic gloom in blissful entities seated around; dreadfully disrupted the harmony of God's divinely creation,
I preferred to call vulture ONLY VULTURE; as it insidiously plucked the flesh of my revered compatriots who had celestially relinquished breath to depart for their heavenly abode,
I preferred to call the dustbin ONLY DUSTBIN; as it profusely fostered overwhelmingly crumpled fragments; which decimated traces of exuberant energy,
I preferred to call the dungeon ONLY DUNGEON; as it ruthlessly abdicated all forms of vivaciously blistering sunlight; rotting in perennial darkness; bringing euphoric man closer to his grave,
I preferred to call bombastic slang ONLY SLANG; as it hideously overpowered the rustically holistic rudiments of an individual; made him wholesomely oblivious to even the place where he was born,
I preferred to call poison ONLY POISON; as it snapped the fangs of precious existence; with its lethally abominable venom,
I preferred to call the devil ONLY DEVIL; as he dared the audacity to raise his savagely senseless head in front of my Omnipresent Creator,
But I preferred to call my Mother; as Mom; Mamma; Mummy; Mommy; Ma and an infinite other names from the repertoire of God; as she was the entity who had given me birth to witness and relish this fabulous world,
And I preferred to call my Beloved; as sweetheart; darling; revered wife; dreamgirl; poetry; and an infinite other names in the treasury of Almighty Lord; as she was the very reason that I was breathing life this very moment; infact would continue to live even if the planet failed to be born again .
The doctor brought a smile on your face; by his flurry of boisterously potent medicines,
The magician brought a smile on your face; by his fathomless myriad of stupendously enchanting tricks,
The clouds brought a smile on your face; by showering upon your impeccable persona; with glistening globules of euphoric rain,
The farmer brought a smile on your face; by sharing with you a festoon of majestically sparkling rubicund fruit,
The grandiloquent pen brought a smile on your face; by embossing boundless lines of exquisite calligraphy on sheets of your treacherously barren exam paper,
The birds brought a smile on your face; by soaring vivaciously amidst exuberantly blue bits of silver sky,
The waves brought a smile on your face; by dissipating into a cloudburst of poignantly tangy forth; clashing against the chain of cold blooded rocks in
overwhelmingly rhapsodic frenzy,
The Sun brought a smile on your face; by playing hide and seek with your immaculately fluttering eyelashes; striking your innocuous eyeballs with its marvelously dazzling light,
The nightingale brought a smile on your face; by its ingratiatingly captivating voice; filtering a path of irrefutable melody in the vicinity of your intricate ears,
The pilot brought a smile on your face; by transporting you through the blissfully ecstatic clouds; with profusely pearly rays of the moon now at whisker lengths from your countenance,
The cow brought a smile on your face; by impregnating your demeanor with astronomical spurts of invincible fortification,
The lotus brought a smile on your face; by dissipating its incredulously rejuvenating fragrance to every corner of your thoroughly flabbergasted bones,
The watchman brought a smile to your face; by guarding you like an unconquerable fortress; while you snored in the realms of mesmerizing fantasy all night,
The bee brought a smile to your face; by inundating your palms with unfathomably gorgeous streams of ebullient honey,
The horse brought a smile to your face; by embarking you upon your exhilarating expedition; of the supremely verdant and enigmatic countryside,
The appetizing morsels of steaming broth brought a smile on your face; by wholesomely placating pangs of hunger fulminating more abnormally than the volcano; every second in your stomach,
The pair of voluptuously seductive lips brought a smile on your face; by igniting infernos of insatiable desire in your body; as they brushed across your chest,
The mother brought a smile on your face; by giving you birth and the tenacity to unflinchingly confront the most diabolical aspect of tyrannical existence,
The Almighty Lord brought a smile on your face; by granting you a right to celestially survive as one of his infinite molecules,
And the Beloved brought a smile on your face; by her irrefutably sacred virtue of immortal love; that kept you always smiling for countless more births even after your death .
In order to combat the arrow of abhorrently maiming prejudice; I used the wave of bountifully compassionate and beautifully celestial; companionship,
In order to combat the arrow of baselessly dastardly fear; I used the mountains of unsurpassably fearless and peerlessly unblemished; courage,
In order to combat the arrow of libidinously penalizing raunchiness; I used the scent of righteously scintillating and divinely benign; humanity,
In order to combat the arrow of venomously acrid manipulation; I used the sword of exuberantly unflinching and altruistically blistering; patriotism,
In order to combat the arrow of lasciviously terrorizing drought; I used the cloud of inimitably crimson and gregariously perennial; rain,
In order to combat the arrow of fecklessly frigid depression; I used the sea of rhapsodically untamed and fragrantly effervescent; happiness,
In order to combat the arrow of turgidly brutal monotony; I used the sky of fathomlessly ingratiating and timelessly triumphant; freedom,
In order to combat the arrow of egregiously fetid laziness; I used the mist of spell bindingly exhilarating and blessedly proliferating; newness,
In order to combat the arrow of irrationally indiscriminating greed; I used the mantra of eternally fantastic and benevolently tranquil; selflessness,
In order to combat the arrow of hedonistically salacious slavery; I used the rainbow of vivaciously victorious and irrefutably unassailable; freedom,
In order to combat the arrow of deliriously diabolical insanity; I used the inferno of harmoniously seductive and perpetually symbiotic; mankind,
In order to combat the arrow of lackadaisically directionless dereliction; I used the Sun of timelessly ticking and everlastingly blazing; truth,
In order to combat the arrow of torturously tormenting chauvinism; I used the meadows of holistically placating and impregnably priceless; simplicity,
In order to combat the arrow of vindictively fretful debauchery; I used the tunes of uninhibitedly embracing and ubiquitously uniting; poetry,
In order to combat the arrow of bizarrely estranged commercialism; I used the panacea of vividly efficacious and invincibly bonding; brotherhood,
In order to combat the arrow of treacherously asphyxiating boredom; I used the cisterns of fantastically fantasizing and tantalizingly silken; sensuousness,
In order to combat the arrow of invidiously incarcerating betrayal; I used the tonic of irretrievably unending and tirelessly unfettered; faith,
In order to combat the arrow of poisonously pernicious death; I used the carpet of surreally enigmatic and bounteously heavenly; life,
But in order to combat the arrow of immortally unshakable love; I didn’t use; not did I ever wanted to use even the most infinitesimal of defense; as I let it wholeheartedly pierce the corridors of my penuriously slavering heart; let it liberate me forever and ever and ever; from the tensions of greedy life; from the aftermaths of ghastly death .
Even if the entire world disdainfully shrugged you; dismissing you as a piece of inconspicuously threadbare shit,
Even if the entire world lecherously whipped you; mercilessly hurtling you in a dungeon of ominous scorpions for ostensibly no fault of yours,
Even if the entire world impugned you of being bawdily adulterated; although your soul was as pristine as the godly mother’s milk,
Even if the entire world indefatigably jeered at you; for solely following the voices of your immaculate conscience,
The beats of my heart still throbbed more passionately for you even as the whole planet outside cruelly lambasted and castigated; and the corridors of my
impoverished life had room for no other organism on earth but you; you and only you O! Eternal beloved .
1 .
Even if the entire world hedonistically spat on your sparkling honesty; ghoulishly yearning to jinx every righteous step that you tread,
Even if the entire world fretfully blinded your immaculate integrity; with corpses of acrimoniously pugnacious manipulation,
Even if the entire world salaciously molested every trace of your sacrosanct shadow; relentlessly trying to metamorphose all your insatiable jubilation into a wisp of infidel nothingness,
Even if the entire world invidiously obfuscated your path to philanthropism; wanting you to perilously coalesce with the mortuary of delinquent politics instead,
The beats of my heart throbbed more passionately for you even as the whole planet outside satanically cursed and wailed; and the corridors of my truncated life had room for no other organism on earth but you; you and only you O! Priceless beloved .
2 .
Even if the entire world incessantly shrugged at you in bizarre skepticism; impugning you of the most cannibalistic crimes; which you had never ever dreamt or committed,
Even if the entire world treated you as a diminutively feckless dustbin; giving you only lackadaisical stone to eat; while they profusely bathed in waterfalls of crimson wine,
Even if the entire world heinously hissed at your innocuous dwelling; making each unfurling instant of your existence; more venomously diabolical than the scorpion sting,
Even if the entire world horrendously slashed your stupendously mellifluous voice; with parasitically blood-stained chains of delirious immorality,
The beats of my heart throbbed more passionately for you even as the whole planet outside baselessly crucified and burnt; and the corridors of my destined life had room for no other organism on earth but you; you and only you O! Omnipotent beloved .
3 .
Even if the entire world barbarously torched you to the last bone of your spine; meting out their dastardly graveyards of frustration; upon your innocently shimmering skin,
Even if the entire world mordantly toyed with your river of uninhibitedly spell bidning emotions; maliciously exploiting your irrevocable honesty; to construct the foundations of their hideous cowardliness,
Even if the entire world ghastily tormented you beyond the thresholds of sagacious sanity; overshadowing the wave of your blazing patriotism with opprobrious
Even if the entire world lethally adulterated every aspect of your brilliantly beautiful life; incarcerating you like a miserably chained puppet; in the dungeons of disparaging depravation,
The beats of my heart throbbed more passionately for you even as the whole planet outside sadistically tyrannized and mutiliated; and the corridors of my minuscule life had room for no other organism on earth but you; you and only you O! Immortal beloved .
It was none other than the stupendously enamoring and timeless fragrance of
the crimson roses; that beautifully gave me the license to uninhibitedly smell,
It was none other than the enchantingly gregarious and celestial festoon of
bountiful clouds; that exuberantly gave me the license to uninhibitedly fly,
It was none other than the flirtatiously tantalizing and insatiably seductive mountain tip; that euphorically gave me the license to uninhibitedly fantasize,
It was none other than the rhapsodically undulating and enigmatically leaping ocean; that resplendently gave me the license to uninhibitedly adventure,
It was none other than the melodiously chirping and enchantingly voluptuous
nightingales; that beautifully gave me the license to uninhibitedly romanticize,
It was none other than the unflinchingly blazing and Omnipotently golden Sun; that limitlessly gave me the license to uninhibitedly triumph,
It was none other than the uncannily vibrant and blissfully tranquil forest; that unrestrictedly gave me the license to uninhibitedly dance,
It was none other than the magnetically alluring and unfathomably titillating seductress; that gave me the license to uninhibitedly enchant,
It was none other than the impeccably milky and fathomlessly iridescent Moon; that fascinatingly gave me the license to uninhibitedly sleep,
It was none other than the indomitably heavenly and sacrosanct Mother; that
perennially gave me the license to uninhibitedly frolic,
It was none other than the patriotically undaunted and intrepidly righteous
soldier; that altruistically gave me the license to uninhibitedly blaze,
It was none other than the majestically parading and fearlessly Galloping
lion; that impregnably gave me the license to uninhibitedly express,
It was none other than the convivially twinkling and mischievously sensuous
star; that fantastically gave me the license to uninhibitedly enlighten,
It was none other than the artistically extraordinary and spellbindingly
mollifying cradle; that unimaginably gave me the license to uninhibitedly
It was none other than the brilliantly emulating and immaculately ingenious
chimpanzee; that wonderfully gave me the license to uninhibitedly innovate,
It was none other than the panoramically Omniscient and endlessly proliferating chapter of life; that divinely gave me the license to uninhibitedly discover,
It was none other than the irrefutably righteous and unassailably spotless
conscience; that aristocratically gave me the license to uninhibitedly consecrate,
It was none other than the poetically charismatic and unshakably unstoppable
breath; that perpetually gave me the license to uninhibitedly live,
And it was none other than the passionately thundering and effulgently rhythmic heart; that immortally gave me the license to uninhibitedly love .
It really doesn’t matter whether you dressed up like a majestically unconquerable prince an infinite number of times; or whether you indolently wandered into the
aisles of fecklessness without the most infinitesimal of fabric to drape your trembling form,
It really doesn’t matter whether you digested the most scrumptiously tantalizing meals an infinite number of times; or whether you torturously emaciated every single of your intestine; till the last iota of breath that you exhaled,
It really doesn’t matter whether you indefatigably sailed in the most swankiest of aircrafts an infinite number of times; or whether you preposterously slithered on obdurately cold-blooded ground; pathetically decaying every day of your existence like a frigidly orphaned leaf,
It really doesn’t matter whether you insatiably fantasized about the fathomlessly unending beauty of this Universe an infinite number of times; or whether
you deliriously stared into a corpse of jinxed baselessness for centuries immemorial,
It really doesn’t matter whether you uninhibitedly danced in the heart of the vivaciously moonlit night an infinite number of times; or whether you withered
like an infidel piece of insipid chalk at the most diminutive draught of wind,
It really doesn’t matter whether you philanthropically smiled at your every comrade who came your way an infinite number of times; or whether you despicably fretted and fumed in your cocoon of insanely mundane commercialism,
It really doesn’t matter whether you restlessly innovated a valley of unsurpassable freshness an infinite number of times; or whether you decrepitly stagnated in the dungeons of hedonistically prejudiced malice,
It really doesn’t matter whether you supremely embellished every cranny of your persona with an unfathomable ocean of pearls an infinite number of times; or whether you bathed in disdainful cowdung curry as the minutes painstakingly unveiled by,
It really doesn’t matter whether you enchantingly sang till endless eternity for an infinite number of times; or whether you discordantly croaked in the graveyards of ignominiously rebuking oblivion for ostensibly no reason or rhyme,
It really doesn’t matter whether you forever stood first in even the most evanescent of tasks that you attempted an infinite number of times; or whether you disastrously stuttered to nimbly amble a single step,
It really doesn’t matter whether you astoundingly nurtured every aspect of your life to irrevocably inimitable perfection an infinite number of times; or whether you callously pillaged and blundered on even the most easiest of lanes that greeted you in your way,
It really doesn’t matter whether you made patriotically blazing victory your daily cup of reinvigorating morning tea an infinite number of times; or whether you collapse like a pack of incongruously livid pancakes; morbidly within the realms of your sleep,
It really doesn’t matter whether you indefatigably chased newer dimensions of prosperity an infinite number of times; or whether you dastardly discarded every moment of your survival; aimlessly admiring the delinquently irascible ants,
It really doesn’t matter whether you philandered amongst the highest echelon of society an infinite number of times; or whether you lackadaisically shriveled in the dungeons of purposelessly solitary oblivion,
It really doesn’t matter whether you celestially snored under the rhapsodically voluptuous quilts an infinite number of times; or whether you haplessly salivated on the dusty streets; with the salacious begging bowl outstretched from your unruly bohemian palms,
It really doesn’t matter whether you compassionately garnered International acclaim and cynosure of the highest degree an infinite number of times; or whether you insidiously retreated in your shattered cocoon at the tiniest ray of alien light,
It really doesn’t matter whether you spawned into a rainbow of invincible versatility an infinite number of times; or whether you lead every unraveling second of your life; like a penuriously middle-class man,
And it really doesn’t matter whether you joyously executed an infinite number of things in the odyssey of your enigmatic life for an infinite number times or whether you nonchalantly discarded your every hour into the mortuaries of barren nothingness,
But it is my humble plea to one and all of you on this colossal Universe alike; that do unassailably dedicate every passionate beat of your heart to the person you love at least once in your life; do definitely fall and gloriously fructify into the branches of immortal love; at least once in your entire lifetime .
When Miss Voluptuously Enchanting Rain met Mr. Spell Bindingly Effulgent Earth; they insuperably became; Mr. & Mrs. Eternal fructifying Prosperity,
When Miss Boisterously Frolicking Bumble Bee met Mr. Unbelievably Fragrant Louts; they perpetually became; Mr. & Mrs. Eternally Sparkling Vivaciousness,
When Miss Ingratiatingly Royal Sensitivity met Mr. Uninhibitedly Fulminating Freedom; they impregnably became, Mr. & Mrs. Unflinchingly Unbelievable
When Miss Exhilaratingly Timeless Fantasy met Mr. Unsurpassably Eternal Seduction; they perennially became; Mr. & Mrs. Tantalizingly Effulgent
When Miss Charismatically Symbiotic Smiles met Mr. Effeminately Poignant Valley; they unassailably became; Mr. & Mrs. Ubiquitously Unparalleled Artistry,
When Miss Intimately Convivial Sweetness met Mr. Holistically Symbiotic Wind; they unshakably became; Mr. & Mrs. Regally Priceless Mankind,
When Miss Ferociously Austere Anger met Mr. Profusely Unlimited Honey; they timelessly became; Mr. & Mrs. Eclectically Vivid Tanginess,
When Miss Enthrallingly Pristine Blackness met Mr. Flamboyantly Flaming Sun; they tirelessly became; Mr. & Mrs. Exuberantly Mollifying Evening,
When Miss Marvelously Insatiable Compassion met Mr. Fearlessly Altruistic Fortitude; they irrevocably became; Mr. & Mrs. Everlastingly Unblemished Unity,
When Miss Surreptitiously Philandering Mist met Mr. Bewitchingly Esoteric Adventurer; they indomitably became; Mr. & Mrs. Fathomlessly Stupefying Enigma,
When Miss Unrestrictedly Expressive Tigress met Mr. Phlegmatically Reticent Air; they unstoppably became; Mr. & Mrs. Celestially Pleasant Atmosphere,
When Miss Aristocratically Ingenious Rainbow met Mr. Artistically Fantastic Poetry; they harmoniously became; Mr. & Mrs. Unrelentingly Exotic Adventure,
When Miss Inexorably Profound Concentration met Mr. Limitlessly Luminiscent Dedication; they exultatingly became; Mr. & Mrs. Inimitably Ecstatic Victory,
When Miss Resplendently Discovering Freedom met Mr. Dazzlingly Unconquerable Truth; they unceasingly became; Mr. & Mrs. Supremely Enamoring Paradise,
When Miss Astoundingly Ingenious Punctuality met Mr. Incomprehensibly state-of-the-art Precision; they infallibly became; Mr. & Mrs. Gloriously Unassailable Picture-Perfect,
When Miss Panoramically Virgin Beauty met Mr. Mellifluously Priceless Rudiments; they invincibly became; Mr & Mrs. Sensuously Heavenly Mother-Nature,
When Miss Fascinatingly Relentless Dreamer met Mr. Gregariously Synergistic Philosopher; they inevitably became; Mr. & Mrs. Unbreakably Unlimited Friend,
When Miss Vibrantly Untamed Breath met Mr. Passionately Vivid Enthusiasm; they unrestrictedly became; Mr. & Mrs. Sacredly Blessing Life,
And when Miss Divinely Thundering Heart met Mr. Unimaginably Burgeoning Freshness; they immortally became; Mr. & Mrs. Endlessly Omnipotent Love .
Every foot on this wonderfully colossal Universe had a specific size; some as large as the untamed bohemian giants; while some as small as intricately delectable mushroom sprouts,
Every hand on this insatiably resplendent Universe had a specific size; some as large as boundlessly rustic tree-trunks; while some as small as exotically petite ice-candy cones,
Every waist on this beautifully bountiful Universe had a specific size; some as large as haplessly sailing parachutes in fathomlessly azure sky; while some as small as an infinitesimally infidel ant’s nest,
Every lip on this wonderfully timeless Universe had a specific size; some as large as replenishing coconut shells; while some as small as cherries ripped apart into a zillion pieces,
Every finger on this gigantically iridescent Universe had a specific size; some as large as brilliantly towering mountain peaks; while some as small as an orphaned globule of evanescent water,
Every ear on this timelessly endowing Universe had a specific size; some as large as an uninhibitedly flapping banana leaf; while some as small as the stray cat’s soggily curled whisker,
Every neck on this limitlessly luminescent Universe had a specific size; some as large as uncontrollably galloping Kangaroo; while some as small as the miserably decrepit pebble on the street,
Every head on this tirelessly triumphant Universe had a specific size; some as large as dinosaurs unblemished egg; while some as small as the boisterously buzzing bumble bee,
Every tooth on this exuberantly victorious Universe had a specific size; some as large as jagged caves of compassionate snow; while some as small as the
fascinatingly broken pencil tip,
Every eyeball on this exotically effulgent Universe had a specific size; some as large as fields of rampantly sprawling corn; while some as small as pinches of diminutively disappearing salt,
Every wrist on this majestically mitigating Universe had a specific size; some as large as King’s patriotic army; while some as small as the caterpillar shivering inexplicably inside his shell,
Every bone on this unbelievably rhapsodic Universe had a specific size; some as large as the inscrutably undulating sea-wave; while some as small as the parsimoniously pulverized shells on the estranged shores,
Every nose on this harmoniously fructifying Universe had a specific size; some as large as the ultimate pine tree tip; while some as small as the disdainful worm slithering haplessly on cold ground,
Every personality on this gregariously opalescent Universe had a specific size; some as large as the fathomlessly sparkling sky; while some as small as the truculently battered and cacophonically wailing beggar’s bowl,
Every hair on this altruistically undaunted Universe had a specific size; some as large as the waterfall of immeasurable silk; while some as small as the mercurial dot of white in the moonless night,
Every tongue on this convivially eclectic Universe had a specific size; some as large as the profoundly full blossomed plumage of the enamoring peacock; while some as small as the ethereally alluring and inconspicuously incongruous dewdrop,
Every shadow on this unlimitedly blessing Universe had a specific size; some as large as the backdrop of Mount Everest; while some as small as the passage of trapped air within the lackluster keyhole,
Every dream on this perpetually divine Universe had a specific size; some as large as the unrelenting whirlpool of freshly born desire; while some as small as the crow’s obnoxiously abstemious and unsavory feather,
But every heart on this invincibly Immortal Universe was unceasingly sizeless; selflessly radiating symbiotically passionate rivers of love; till times even after life on the planet had stopped to be; and forever and ever and ever .
Love is a perpetual poison that kills all right; but only to reborn you once again; as a valley of unendingly rhapsodic freshness,
Love is a perpetual poison that kills all right; but only to reborn you once again; as an enamoringly miraculous prince; of symbiotically fragrant togetherness,
Love is a perpetual poison that kills all right; but only to reborn you once again; as an impregnable civilization of propitious beauty and unfathomably unceasing charisma,
Love is a perpetual poison that kills all right; but only to reborn you once again; as a radiantly bounteous garden of; limitlessly altruistic scent,
Love is a perpetual poison that kills all right; but only to reborn you once again; as a vivaciously euphoric rainbow; of unconquerable timelessness,
Love is a perpetual poison that kills all right; but only to reborn you once again; as an eternal fairy of divine graciousness; ardently embracing one and all; redolently alike,
Love is a perpetual poison that kills all right; but only to reborn you once again; as a rapaciously untamed inferno of unparalleled sensuousness; profoundly enlightening every cranny of your despairingly macabre life,
Love is a perpetual poison that kills all right; but only to reborn you once again; as a cloud of vibrantly inebriating desire; ubiquitously showering the blessings of philanthropic mankind; till even beyond you abnegated your last breath,
Love is a perpetual poison that kills all right; but only to reborn you once again; as thunderbolts of unsurpassable excitement; with the untamed ecstasy to discover lingering profusely in the whites of your impeccable eyes,
Love is a perpetual poison that kills all right; but only to reborn you once again; as a mist of endlessly silken yearning; fervently blending you with winds of uncontrollably exuberant triumph,
Love is a perpetual poison that kills all right; but only to reborn you once again; as an insurmountably tantalizing seductress; unraveling a sky of fathomless enchantment; on every step that you tread,
Love is a perpetual poison that kills all right; but only to reborn you once again; as the epitome of gloriously unfettered prosperity; and for a countless more rhapsodically unconquerable lifetimes,
Love is a perpetual poison that kills all right; but only to reborn you once again; as the ultimate darling of all tribes; with the magic of effulgent harmony; coalescing you forever and ever and ever with every holistic ingredient of the atmosphere,
Love is a perpetual poison that kills all right; but only to reborn you once again; as an insuperably majestic harbinger of priceless truth and humanity; to unite every speck of disgruntled hatred with the knots of unflinching solidarity,
Love is a perpetual poison that kills all right; but only to reborn you once again; as a poignantly undulating sea of exhilarating adventure; a benevolent fantasy that unstoppably culminates into dewdrops of unrestricted sensuality,
Love is a perpetual poison that kills all right; but only to reborn you once again; as the most charismatically favorite molecule of Omnipotent Lord Almighty; the most prized possession next to the sacred toe of his ever-pervading feet,
Love is a perpetual poison that kills al right; but only to reborn you once again; as an undefeated Sun of optimistically blazing hope; in the corridor of every despairingly shattered and traumatic life,
Love is a perpetual poison that kills all right; but only to reborn you once again; as a boundless Universe of everlasting proliferation; the magically untainted tenacity to evolve infinite more of your own synergistic kind,
Love is a perpetual poison that kills all right; but only to reborn you once again; as a selflessly immortal soldier; timelessly mitigating your venerated motherland; from the clutches of salaciously incarcerating prejudice,
And Love is a perpetual poison that kills all right; but only to reborn you once again; as a breath of blessedly fantastic life; such a fearlessly invincible existence that not even the most diminutive of devil on this entire Universe; could ever dream to destroy or devilishly dismantle .
One minute I may be perched well above the blazing island of Omnipotent Sun; while the very next instant I may find myself slavering penuriously on dead soil,
One minute I may be rhapsodically adventuring in a valley of exuberantly burgeoning flowers; while the very next instant I may find myself brutally incarcerated in chains of ghoulishly abhorrent prejudice,
One minute I may be floating in the aisles of desire like a majestically uncrowned prince; while the very next instant I may find myself buried amidst inconspicuously infidel and vicious garbage trash,
One minute I may be royally consecrated for my artistic accomplishments; while the very next instant I may find myself being satanically kicked; by unceremoniously dastardly parasites,
One minute I may be ingeniously contriving plans to blissfully change the complexion of all flagrantly estranged mankind; while the very next instant I might find myself trembling naked; under unsparing avalanches of frigidly cold-blooded ice,
One minute I may be articulately channelizing congenitally brilliant talent on the trajectory of this fathomless Universe; while the very next instant I might find myself hopelessly staggering in graveyards of defeat; at a profound loss of words to express even my own name,
One minute I may be bountifully garnering all enchanting cynosure that lay on this boundless planet; while the very next instant I might find myself in vindictive clutches of depravation and dereliction; asphyxiating the breath out of me for times immemorial,
One minute I may be prolifically penning down countless lines of exotically triumphant poetry; while the very next instant I might find myself slithering
beside the venomously delirious scorpions,
One minute I may be embracing the winds of vividly euphoric timelessness; while the very next instant I might find myself imprisoned by unfathomable coffins of darkness and miserable solitude,
One minute I may be handsomely liberating myself of all agony on the wings of unstoppably enamoring sensuousness; while the very next instant I might find
myself preposterously swallowing blood stained thorns; as my only lunch and indigent breakfast,
One minute I may be swirling like a whirlwind of unflinchingly inimitable success; while the very next instant I might find myself in shambles of egregiously derogatory nervousness; hardly able to alight a singleton foot from cold ground,
One minute I may be uninhibitedly dancing under the magically venerated milk of resplendent moonlight; while the very next instant I might find myself; uncouthly slitting my veins in intolerably devastating desperation,
One minute I may be innocuously cavorting with nubile maidens of my choice on the ingratiatingly rain soaked hills; while the very next instant I might find myself begging on the discordantly rambunctious streets; with the skeleton of my impoverished form being attacked by hedonistically unscrupulous termites,
One minute I may be unrelentingly fantasizing beneath the regally opulent delights of my compassionate quilt; while the very next instant I might find myself mordantly chained next to the stray dog’s collar; for not coagulating with my employer’s whims and insane delights,
One minute I may be weighed in gargantuan mountains of aristocratically glistening gold and silver; while the very next instant I might find myself sinking deeper and deeper into the coffins of quaintly obsolete and horrifically decaying nothingness,
One minute I may be outclassing every other organism on this gigantic Universe with the enlightening dynamism in my countenance; while the very next instant I might find myself frenetically struggling for breath; like an infinitesimal mosquito in the mouth of the diabolical shark,
One minute I may be blossoming as a harbinger of ubiquitous solidarity and humanity; while the verynext instant I might find myself profanely plagiarized
and attacked by the devil for ostensibly no fault of mine; nor reason nor rhyme,
One minute I may be undauntedly soaring in miraculously Omnipotent clouds; while the very next instant I might find myself being grotesquely manipulated like a lame puppet; in the hands of blood-sucking politicians and forlorn malice,
One minute I may be spawning into an inscrutably fructifying forest of invincibly glorious life; while the very next instant I might find myself bizarrely depleted of every single layer of oxygen in my lungs; ardently wanting nothing else but the signature of ghastly death,
O! Yes; Life is a tumultuously arcane odyssey; and I really don’t know where its going to take me; in what form was I going to unfurl every cascading minute of my survival; and what lay exactly forward for me in my destiny,
But this is my eternal promise to you O! Immortal Beloved; that wherever I am; in whatever shape the Lord wanted me to exist; my compassion will forever
continue to throb in your priceless heart; our spirits shall forever be one even infinite births after I cease to physically exist; AND MY LOVE WAS; IS AND
When you wholesomely emptied the rhapsodically fathomless sky; all that blissfully poured out was nothing else; but an unfathomable galaxy of panoramic beauty and everlastingly Omnipotent enchantment,
When you wholesomely emptied the ravishingly undulating ocean; all that euphorically gushed out was nothing else; but a fabulously tangy gorge of
poignantly exhilarating salt,
When you wholesomely emptied the ignominiously fetid gutter; all that scurrilously hurtled out was nothing else; but a vapidly morbid mortuary of sewage and preposterously cadaverous stink,
When you wholesomely emptied the mellifluously blossoming lotus; all that pristinely disseminated out was nothing else; but an invincibly celestial meadow of inimitably unparalleled scent,
When you wholesomely emptied the ghoulishly invidious corpse; all that mordantly diffused out was nothing else; but a frigidly pulverized curry of traumatically disgruntled nothingness,
When you wholesomely emptied the indomitably towering mountain; all that unitedly exploded out was nothing else; but an unstoppably eternal reservoir of handsomely Herculean and unflinching strength,
When you wholesomely emptied the nefariously gratuitous parasite; all that ballistically blasted out was nothing else; but a stream of ghastily devoured and innocently priceless blood,
When you wholesomely emptied the boisterously bubbling beehive; all that ingratiatingly dribbled out was nothing else; but a valley of fantastically exuberant energy and divine sweetness,
When you wholesomely emptied the manipulatively prejudiced politicians house; all that vicariously tumbled out was nothing else; but a sonorously decrepit graveyard of profanely clandestine devilishness,
When you wholesomely emptied the blissfully venerated cow; all that benevolently crept out was nothing else; but a fountain of impregnably enamoring and Godly milk,
When you wholesomely emptied the satanically menacing dinosaurs; all that derogatorily fulminated out was nothing else; but an unrelentingly sadistic curry of preposterously squelched and uncontrollably slavering organism,
When you wholesomely emptied the belly of the inscrutably majestic forests; all that royally floated out was nothing else; but a wonderfully tantalizing breeze of exhilaratingly ecstatic adventure and timeless freshness,
When you wholesomely emptied the jubilantly newborn eyes; all that innocuously drifted out was nothing else; but an egalitarian empathy for all echelon of motley mankind; symbiotically bonding with the heavenly rudiments of existence forever and ever and ever,
When you wholesomely emptied the corporate tycoon’s glass of tea; all that salaciously wafted out was nothing else; but a flagrantly surreptitious scheme to
unreasonably over topple his competitor; for even the most evanescent trace of the currency coin,
When you wholesomely emptied the Omnipotently fearless Sun; all that gloriously dazzled out was nothing else; but an unsurpassably insuperable civilization of optimistic enlightenment and vividly blazing patriotism,
When you wholesomely emptied the lethally insidious scorpions den; all that devastatingly diffused out was nothing else; but threateningly acrimonious and
bawdily asphyxiating poison,
When you wholesomely emptied the resplendently sparkling oyster; all that robustly culminated out was nothing else; but charismatically burgeoning rain-showers of beautifully glistening pearls and effulgent prosperity,
When you wholesomely emptied the coffins of dolorously decaying betrayal; all that hedonistically ricocheted out was nothing else; but the gallows of truculently torturous and fiendishly strangulating death,
And when you wholesomely emptied the sensitively passionate and uninhibitedly palpitating heart; all that timelessly liberated out was nothing else; but the rainbow of immortally blessing and unbreakably bonding love; love and sensuously fiery love .
It was only when you started to insatiably expect; that every stranger on the street would wholeheartedly smile; altruistically enshroud each dreary aspect of your beleaguered existence with unprecedented happiness,
That it terribly hurt you; when he unsparingly abused you; excoriating you apart like inconspicuously frigid shit; for ostensibly no reason or plausible rhyme; instead .
It was only when you started to inexorably expect; that the conglomerate of voluptuous clouds in the cosmos; perpetually inundated every emaciated cranny of parched earth with enchantingly golden rain,
That it unsurpassably hurt you; when they immutably refrained to shower even an evanescent trickle even after drifting centimeters close to soil; metamorphosed every conceivable tuft of exotic green; into a graveyard of bizarrely disparaging sand; instead .
It was only when you started to rapaciously expect; that the boisterously cavorting bee; would handsomely bless and enlighten the drearily lambasted roses around you,
That it limitlessly hurt you; when it acrimoniously hurtled right towards the whites of your impeccable eye and vengefully stung you; instead .
It was only when you started to endlessly expect; that the neighbor would chivalrously reciprocate your congenital kindness; unflinching standing by you in your times of horrendously inexplicable and cancerous distress,
That it hedonistically hurt you; when he ghoulishly smattered every speck of preposterous dirt in his dwelling; with lethal disdain on your face; instead .
It was only when you started to unbelievably expect; that every inch of soil that you timelessly transgressed; would seductively tantalize and compassionately greet the haplessly staggering soles of your fatigued feet,
That it intransigently hurt you; when the ground perpetuated you to fretfully bleed and crumble; transforming into a battalion of cadaverously acerbic thorns even before you could alight a single foot; instead .
It was only when you started to tirelessly expect; that the very first rays of brilliantly Omnipotent Sun next morning; would miraculously mitigate you of even the most infinitesimal iota of your torturous agony,
That it tyrannically hurt you; when the mordantly main and viciously livid smog; hazily obfuscated every trace of light; instead .
It was only when you started to passionately expect; that the indomitably intrepid mountains; would perpetually sequester you in their unshakably peerless aura,
That it unimaginably hurt you; when they ignominiously buried you alive under an avalanche of incongruously untamed ice; instead .
It was only when you started to unconquerably expect; that the immaculate woman on the turnstiles; would invincibly treat you like her venerated son,
That it disconsolately hurt you; when she lasciviously crept towards you and tawdrily offered you her profanely sundry body; instead .
It was only when you started to unceasingly expect; that every wave of the undulatingly frosty ocean; would transcend you to above the realms of veritably
blissful paradise,
That it traumatically hurt you; when the waters savagely drowned you to the rock bottom without giving you the tiniest of subtle innuendo; instead .
And it was only when you started to unrelentingly expect; that the girl for which your heart throbbed more everlastingly than the corridors of eternal eternity; would irrefutably become the sole partner ofyour existence,
That it intolerably hurt you; when she came to tantalizingly kiss you every moonlit evening; and then bonded in threads of perennial matrimony with your most dreaded enemy; choosing you for the night and him for life; instead .
An honor more indomitable for me; than euphorically catapulting to the most
handsomely embellished summit of the invincible Himalayas,
An honor more Herculean for me; than resplendently relishing every ingredient of my blood; with the eternally fructifying fruits of venerated mother nature,
An honor more unsurpassable for me; than engendering the entire gigantic
Universe to nimbly dance; on my harmoniously symbiotic fingertips,
An honor more unlimited for me; than assimilating every conceivable trace of
affluence; from the panoramically mesmerizing treasuries of this fathomless
Was breathing the last breath of my impoverished life in your divinely arms
O! Eternal Beloved; profoundly reminiscing those ardent moments when we had
just first met; and then dying in your beautiful lap only to be reborn; as yours and only yours IMMORTAL LOVER .
An honor more unfathomable for me; than rejoicing my life as a rapaciously
embellished prince; every unfurling minute that I insuperably lived,
An honor more limitless for me; than imbibing every bit of ingenious proliferation; that bountifully flowered on the trajectory of this unbelievably eclectic Universe,
An honor more boundless for me; than leading every instant of my existence
as the wind of aristocratically blazing patriotism and philanthropic selflessness,
An honor more momentous for me; than being consecrated as a temple of heavenly righteousness; for my indefatigable pioneering of the religion of humanity,
Was breathing the last breath of my truncated life close to your enchanting lips O! Enamoring Beloved; poignantly reminiscing our clandestine flirtation away from all conventionally tyrannical society; and then dying in your perennial lap; only to be reborn as yours and only yours IMMORTAL LOVER .
2 .
An honor more victorious for me; than reigning as an inferno of unassailably
unflinching authority; over every construable bit of space on this relentlessly unceasing earth,
An honor more unending for me; than being worshipped as an irrevocably
altruistic martyr; by all echelon of iridescently motley mankind,
An honor more memorable for me; than impregnably illuminating as a singular
flame of Omnipotently optimistic hope; in every household besieged with ghoulishly disparaging despair,
An honor more enlightening for me; than relentlessly feasting my eyes on the
corridors of peerlessly undefeatable and blissfully timeless paradise,
Was breathing the last breath of my destitute life staring into your ingratiatingly pristine eyes O! Bountiful Beloved; compassionately reminiscing those moments when our lips met in torrentially ecstatic frenzy for the very first time; and then dying in your inimitable lap; only to be reborn as yours and only yours IMMORTAL LOVER .
3 .
An honor more tremendous for me; than unrelentingly drenching myself in the rain of tirelessly blessing prosperity,
An honor more versatile for me; than being prolifically written about; serenaded to the most unprecedented limits of cynosure; all across the hi-tech world,
An honor more towering for me; than being christened as the most splendidly
sacred; humanitarian saint alive,
An honor more fragrant for me; than coalescing even the most mercurial cranny of my countenance with the blessedly untainted religion of unshakable mankind,
Was breathing the last breath of my unsolicited life nibbling at your silken ears O! benign Beloved; effusively reminiscing that instant when we were bonded by all religions in threads of connubial matrimony; and then dying in your ubiquitous lap; only to be reborn as yours and only yours IMMORTAL LOVER.
On the gallows of blisteringly everlasting patriotism; hung the unflinchingly venerated; martyr,
On the gallows of disastrously unforgiving hell; hung the mercilessly massacring and ruthlessly cold-blooded; tyrant,
On the gallows of brutally delirious insanity; hung the disdainfully dilapidated and reclusively shunting loner,
On the gallows of perpetually glistening truth; hung the blissfully iridescent and beautifully blessed; harbinger of humanity,
On the gallows of disheveled dastardliness; hung the viciously decrepit and salaciously invidious parasite,
On the gallows of eternally fructifying pricelessness; hung the shadows of celestially invincible and euphorically triumphant; simplicity,
On the gallows of ominously disappearing non-existence; hung the indiscriminately pulverizing and heartlessly victimizing; murderer,
On the gallows of flagrantly orphaned stink; hung the mortuaries of sadistically torturous and debasingly criminal; bigotry,
On the gallows of cadaverously sinister ignominy; hung the graveyards of perniciously bizarre and lividly maiming; retribution,
On the gallows of venomously besmirched treachery; hung the vapid coffins of hideously vituperative and fecklessly banal; laziness,
On the gallows of intransigently egregious abuse; hung the ghost of criminally derogatory and atrociously simpering; lies,
On the gallows of pathetically diminishing insult; hung the baselessly abysmal skull of the worthlessly deteriorating and horrifically manipulative; politician,
On the gallows of severely asphyxiating accident; hung the carcasses of ruggedly infidel and demonically callous; carelessness,
On the gallows of unstoppably victimizing boredom; hung the parsimoniously unsavory crevices of penalizingly truculent and indefatigably iconoclastic; poverty,
On the gallows of infinitesimally two-pence sordidness; hung the ant hole of maliciously adulterated and preposterously decadent; chicanery,
On the gallows of continuously stabbing misery; hung the dungeon of unsparingly molesting and heinously beheading; crime,
On the gallows of lethally sinful banishment; hung the thorn of obsoletely contumacious and pruriently disillusioning; racialism,
On the gallows of stonily wastrel death; hung the jinxed hood of jejunely jailing
and haplessly disorienting; atheism,
And on the gallows of gloriously fragrant immortality; hung the silhouette of Omnipresently endowing and divinely enamoring; love; love and only immortal love.
What use was it to give an infinite exuberantly salty waves of the undulating sea; to the nimbly grazing cow; for whom the ultimate paradise was in nothing else; but the impregnably celestial fields of bountiful grass ?
What use was it to give an infinite unending skies to the boisterously bubbling bee; for whom the ultimate paradise was in nothing else; but the mellifluously enchanting walls of its tiny little rhapsodic hive ?
What use was it to give an infinite mists of surreally tantalizing laziness to the blisteringly patriotic soldier; for whom the ultimate paradise was in nothing else; but the blazing battlefield of war fearlessly fighting for his venerated motherland ?
What use was it to give an infinite disdainfully monotonous and corporate clocks to the sensuously untamed poet; for whom the ultimate paradise was in nothing else; but the dreamland of uninhibitedly unending and ecstatic wilderness ?
What use was it to give an infinite bombastically ebullient racecourses to the treacherously maimed; for whom the ultimate paradise was in nothing else; but his reclusively darkened room with quintessential morsels of water; humanity and food ?
What use was it to give an infinite incomprehensible scripts of aristocratically fantastic literature to the majestic bird; for whom the ultimate paradise was in nothing else; but untainted bits of pristinely magnanimous sky ?
What use was it to give an infinite castles of glistening gold to the newly born infant; for whom the ultimate paradise was in nothing else; but the Omnipotently sacrosanct lap of its heavenly mother ?
What use was it to give an infinite regale deserts to the effulgently leaping fish; for whom the ultimate paradise was in nothing else; but the waves of the unceasingly tangy sea ?
What use was it to give an infinite battalion of swanky cars to the royally parading lion; for whom the ultimate was in nothing else; but the rapaciously tantalizing outgrowths of the wonderfully arcane forests ?
What use was it to give an infinite idols of the Omnipresent Lord to the
contumaciously cold-blooded murderer; for whom the ultimate paradise was in
nothing else; but innocent blood barbarically spewing around ?
What use was it to give an infinite jars of honey to the rambunctiously
slithering spider; for whom the ultimate paradise was in nothing else; but
resplendently silken strands of the unbelievably articulate web ?
What use was it to give an infinite thrones embellished with mesmerizing
diamonds to the tirelessly sauntering camel; for whom the ultimate paradise was in nothing else; but the vividly shimmering sands of the insatiably sweltering desert ?
What use was it to give an infinite firmaments of unconquerable truth to the disgracefully delinquent politician; for whom the ultimate paradise was in
nothing else; but the ghoulishly decrepit maelstroms of diabolical bloodshed and manipulative prejudice ?
What use was it to give an infinite spiffy pop songs to the torturously estranged and kicked dog; for whom the ultimate paradise was in nothing else; but the cacophonic bark which emanated congenitally from his mouth; and the compassionate feet of his master ?
What use was it to give an infinite harmoniously salubrious vegetables to the hideously hungry crocodile; for whom the ultimate paradise was in nothing else; but the scent of effusively reinvigorating and insanely pulverized human flesh and bone ?
What use was it to give an infinite perspicaciously terrestrial preachings to the frigidly century old corpse; for whom the ultimate paradise was in nothing else; but performing penance in the aisles of Heaven or Hell; wherever the Lord placed it with the unraveling moment ?
What use was it to give an infinite well’s of exquisitely immaculate curd to the hedonistic termite; for whom the ultimate paradise was in nothing else; but obsoletely dilapidated pieces of orphaned and clammily deteriorating wood ?
And what use was it to give an infinite civilizations of currency coin to the passionately thundering heart; for whom the ultimate paradise was in nothing else; but the unassailable beats of immortal love; love and solely immortal love ?
Where were you when I was relentlessly slithering on freezing ground; rapaciously fantasizing about your voluptuously silken hair ?
Where were you when I eclectically sketched you in a countless shapes and
exuberant forms; envisaging you to be the most sensuously untamed female on
this colossal planet ?
Where were you when I lunatically chatted with barren space for times immemorial; insatiably wishing that my compassionately quavering voice; reached you through thin air ?
Where were you when I was tyrannically being drowned by the monstrously cyclonic sea wave; perceiving nothing else but your magically effervescent smile; even as preposterously diabolical sharks and water; haplessly sunk me down ?
Where were you when I desperately needed fathomless skies of conviction; when I fervently desired nothing else but your invincibly humanitarian embrace; in my times of gruesomely bizarre dereliction ?
Where were you when each devastatingly emaciated pore of my flesh; uncontrollably sought for nothing else but your; tantalizingly ingratiating caress ?
Where were you when I spent each unfurling second of the day; enigmatically
inscribing your name on every wall of my house and my ecstatically reverberating heart ?
Where were you when I euphorically penned boundless lines of perpetual poetry on your brilliantly magnanimous grace; sporadically wailing as I unstoppably craved for your mischievously uninhibited laughter ?
Where were you when I was being truculently whipped by the indiscriminately
unforgiving and iconoclastically orthodox society; and every tear oozing from my eye; engulfed profusely with nothing else but your immaculately divine soul ?
Where were you when I was shivering even beneath the most opulently flocculent of quilts; as every cranny of my countenance unsurpassably yearned for nothing else; but your Omnipotently miraculous warmth ?
Where were you when I frantically wandered for a countless days on the frigidly dusty streets; fanatically searching for your Omnisciently magical essence without even knowing an alphabet from your heavenly name ?
Where were you when I wholesomely surrendered my impoverished form to the satanic lions of the jungle; acquitting my form of all beautiful life; without your majestically benign fragrance ?
Where were you when I deliriously screamed for help towards the enchantingly
endless sky; hopelessly unable to sight your lusciously venerated lips; even
in the most flamboyantly dazzling light of the afternoon ?
Where were you when I unfurled like a vivacious peacock into the aisles of
unceasingly vibrant desire; with even the most infinitesimal ingredient of my blood unlimitedly wanting to dedicate itself to your divinely form ?
Where were you when I disconsolately wept like a new-born infant for ostensibly no reason or rhyme; inexplicably missing your congenitally blessing rhythm; in even the most evanescent puff of air that I inhaled ?
Where were you when I zealously tried to stop every unraveling second on the
dials of my luminescent watch; wanting every fraction of the planet to come to an absolute standstill; and only you to reign unassailably supreme ?
Where were you when I inexhaustibly fantasized about you in my every dream;
when the whites and black’s of my eye garnished no other image; except your
insuperably queenly form ?
Where were you when I about to abdicate my very last breath at the impromptu
command of the Omnipresent Lord; when the last wish that I breathed from my
nostrils was to hear your mellifluously eternal voice ?
Where were you when I timelessly proposed my immortal love for you; limitlessly wanted to propound the condition of my passionately enslaved heart infront of your indomitably fearless grace ?
And where were you when I was getting Married to a complete alien on this
earth; just to fulfill the last wish of my dying mother; as there was not the most diminutive trace of you in front of her weary eyes; and all that she wanted to see before she died; was me in bonded in perennially connubial bliss and blithe .
I am relentlessly asphyxiating in a world of derogatorily stinking politics; with sinfully dastard manipulation invidiously creeping like an inevitable parasite; into the poignantly fresh blood of my veins. Is anybody Listening ?
I am being ruthlessly stabbed by preposterously banal maelstroms of boredom; with the gutter of bizarrely unending corruption; transforming me into a hapless eunuch; although I was born as blazing as the Omnipotently blistering Sun. Is anybody Listening ?
I am feeling like a frigidly inconspicuous mendicant of gruesome shit; in the atmosphere adulterated with venomous cigarette smoke and heinously vicious dust outside. Is anybody Listening ?
I am penuriously depleted of even the most ethereally infinitesimal of my desires; as brutally tyrannical savagery and crime incessantly kept excoriating; priceless life around. Is anybody Listening ?
I am vindictively stagnating even in the most opulently garnished of castles; as every stone on which its foundation lay was devilishly erected on innocuously pristine blood. Is anybody Listening ?
I am uncouthly reeling under conventionally chauvinistic malpractices; with macabre demons indiscriminately trampling over my nimble form; to transcend beyond the skies of fathomlessly ultimate success. Is anybody Listening ?
I am hedonistically drowning under the waters of blatantly maladroit lies and insane perfidiousness; with absolutely none on this earth today radiating a philanthropically truthful smile. Is anybody Listening ?
I am squirming intransigently on diabolically shivering ground; with my naked skin being satanically lambasted by cleavers of barbaric corruption. Is anybody Listening ?
I am experiencing each unraveling instant of priceless life through the eyes of an insane lunatic; with the germs of cold-blooded communalism being abjectly perpetuate into every cranny of my impoverished soul. Is anybody Listening ?
I am worthlessly wasting precociously innovative moments of my life staring meaninglessly at the abysmal skies; as the chains of indigently ostracizing
unemployment strangulated one and all alike on this colossal planet today. Is anybody Listening ?
I am helplessly slavering on unlimited trash cans of orphaned garbage; frantically searching for those quintessential droplets of compassionate empathy; in eyes which had become sadistically estranged and dried. Is anybody Listening ?
I am inexplicably deteriorating like a diminutively extinguishing matchstick on lackadaisical soil; circumscribed and uxoriously castrated by the bawdiness of spurious religion today. Is anybody Listening ?
I am inexhaustibly begging on the acrimoniously wastrel streets; fervently waiting for those symbiotically unconquerable bonds of brotherhood which had so pathetically diminished from the planet today. Is anybody Listening ?
I am being obnoxiously blown like a molecule of besmirched dust; by powerhouses of wealth; wine; vixen and rapaciously decrepit greed. Is anybody Listening ?
I am being subjected to the most horrifically apocalypses even under brilliantly fearless sunshine; as man roasted another of his blissfully harmonious kind; for just parsimonious wads of tawdry currency coin. Is anybody Listening ?
I am being truculently marred by iconoclastically debasing debauchery from every conceivable end on this gigantic planet; disdainfully stuttering towards ominously flagrant dereliction on every prejudiced step that I transgressed. Is anybody Listening ?
I am fraught with unceasingly maiming anxiety; with the dreadfully ungainly monotony of threadbarely pulverizing office paralyzing every ounce of exhilaration in my bones. Is anybody Listening ?
I am uncontrollably weeping beside the unfortunate graves of my parents and kin; with raw blood dribbling from my eyes as I reminisced the ghastly mob who
torched them alive in the name of religious fanaticism and martyrdom. Is anybody Listening ?
And I am exhaling the very last puffs of breath in my life; as the girl to whom I had immortally dedicated every beat of my passionately thundering heart; left me forever for a man who had a coin extra in his pocket than mine. Is anybody Listening ?
When she wasn’t there in my life; my hands were just hands; painstakingly staggering in flagrant incoherence to engross themselves with the mundane activities of routine life,
While today; they artistically evolved a civilization of bountiful newness; sketching the unbelievable vividness of this colossal Universe even on barren bits of lackluster mud; as her magically unflinching body nestled on my chest
When she wasn’t there in my life; my feet were just feet; vengefully cribbing to clamber even a single step; feeling like a fretfully unbearable mountain of stones and horrendously debilitating thorns,
While today; they euphorically surged past the ultimate epitomes of benign victory; triumphantly trampled even the most evanescent trace of evil on this planet; as her innocuously celestial eyes interlocked themselves impregnably with mine .
When she wasn’t there in my life; my lips were just lips; inanely muttering lackadaisical monosyllables; to procure quintessential elements of life,
While today; they tirelessly sung the songs of everlastingly enchanting togetherness; majestically chanted the essence of Immortally spell binding love and camaraderie to the most fathomless quarters of this planet; as her altruistically humanitarian shadow; intrepidly circumscribed me from all sides .
When she wasn’t there in my life; my blood was just blood; congenitally enriched with poignantly crimson shades of scarlet; but metamorphosing more and more
rampantly into an amorphous coffin of tears; bearing the whiplash of the truculently conventional society,
While today; it became an untamed inferno of indomitable righteousness; invincibly towering above every other thing on this gigantic Universe; as the egalitarian fragrance of her impeccable soul; unassailably wafted into my conscience .
When she wasn’t there in my life; my brain was just brain; insidiously indulging in all nefarious shortcuts to earn indispensable livelihood; wholesomely succumbing to the satanically bombarding devil,
While today; it spell bindingly fantasized to the most insuperably regal limits; beautifully assimilating every trace of humanity and goodness on this limitless globe; as her voluptuously enamoring hair surreally tantalized my naked nape .
When she wasn’t there in my life; my eyes were just eyes; dreadfully sullen and morose every unfurling minute of the day; plunging themselves into a cadaverously obfuscated and disparagingly disoriented blur; with the unraveling of midnight,
While today; they vivaciously danced like the fireballs of immaculately untamed mischief; unceasingly flowed with empathy for all of my synergistic kind; as her Omnipotently mesmerizing voice conquered even the most emaciated pore of my senses .
When she wasn’t there in my life; my flesh was just flesh; without even the most ethereally infidel of desire; disdainfully rotting like ghoulishly indescribable feces emanating from the pigs hindside,
While today; it incredulously catapulted beyond the walls of seventh heaven and paradise at the crack of tantalizing dawn; as her seductively rubicund fingers;
traced very last impoverished bone down my spine .
When she wasn’t there in my life; my ears were just ears; abjectly numbing themselves in sadness and profanity; even as the most thunderous of apocalypses
resonated cannibalistically on this boundless planet,
While today; they philanthropically unfurled to even the slightest bereavement of living kind; running continents apart to the cries of the haplessly decrepit; as her unconquerably ebullient spirit lingered by my diminutive side .
When she wasn’t there in my life; my breath was just breath; pathetically slavering and slithering like a treacherously rabid dog; to carry on till the time it was destined on this endlessly royal earth,
While today; it transformed into the cosmos of perennially ecstatic and undefeatable life; as her virtue of eternal truthfulness and religion of humanity; kissed me from head till the last nail of my hide .
And when she wasn’t there in my life; my heart was just heart; mechanically pumping blood to every cranny of my torturously depleted countenance; as if it were the most despairingly acrimonious activity on this eclectic planet,
While today; it solely and effulgently coruscated with the beats of Immortally unshakable love; as her mantra of selflessly Godly existence; transcended over even the most obsolete element of my mission and life .
Run exuberantly and with such unprecedentedly untamed exhilaration in every conceivable of your veins today; as perhaps there might not be even the most diminutive insinuation of brilliant tomorrow; to run once again,
Sing tirelessly and generating such ebulliently unfathomable enchantment in the dolorously decrepit atmosphere today; as perhaps there might not be even the most infinitesimal unfurling of optimistic tomorrow; to sing once again,
Work indefatigably and with such unsurpassable ardor in each globule of your endlessly dribbling sweat today; as perhaps there might not be even the most
inconspicuous horizon of enlightening tomorrow; to work once again,
Fantasize unrelentingly and with such extreme enthusiasm in every ingredient of your brain today; as perhaps there might not be even the most ethereal unraveling of spell binding tomorrow; to fantasize once again,
Philander unceasingly and with such unparalleled gusto through the landscapes of resplendently panoramic nature today; as perhaps there might not be even the most minuscule mention of unflinching tomorrow; to philander once again,
Smile unlimitedly and with such stupendously fervent yearning in the rubicund periphery of your lips today; as perhaps there might not be even the most evanescent ray of inimitable tomorrow; to smile once again,
Achieve inexorably and with such ecstatically insatiable temerity in every of your valiant bones today; as perhaps there might not be even the most frigid shadow of celestial tomorrow; to achieve once again,
Discover unstoppably and with such profoundly unconquerable euphoria in every ingredient of scarlet blood that flowed handsomely through your veins today; as perhaps there might not be even the most obsolete feather of royal tomorrow; to discover once again,
Learn unhindered and with such Omnipotently untainted diligence in your soul today; as perhaps there might not be even the most wastrel innuendo of bountiful tomorrow; to learn once again,
Triumph impregnably and with such blazingly fearless patriotism in your conscience today; as perhaps there might not be even the most dilapidated shell of heavenly tomorrow; to triumph once again,
Concentrate irrevocably and with such fathomlessly blessing dedication today; as perhaps there might not be even the most cloistered realm of majestic tomorrow; to concentrate once again,
Donate philanthropically and with such altruistically impeccable godliness today; as perhaps there might not be even the most disappearing caress of priceless tomorrow; to donate once again,
Mesmerize eloquently and with such victoriously magnetic sensuousness today; as perhaps there might not be even the most inane burgeoning of blazing tomorrow; to mesmerize once again,
Sleep tranquilly and with such compassionately invincible coziness in your countenance today; as perhaps there might not be even the most fugitive complexion of benevolent tomorrow; to sleep once again,
Joke inexhaustibly and with such unequivocally bounteous freedom in every nerve of your persona; as perhaps there might not be even the most ephemeral voice of dazzling tomorrow; to joke once again,
Express poignantly and with such artistically undaunted effusiveness in every element of your visage today; as perhaps there might not be even the most transient sunrise of flamboyant tomorrow; to express once again,
Flirt tantalizingly and with such boundlessly overpowering rapaciousness behind the honey draped hills today; as perhaps there might not be the even the most shimmering iota of insuperable tomorrow; to flirt once again,
Breathe an infinite billion times and with such unimaginable greed in your nostrils today; as perhaps there might not be even the most vagabond speck of miraculous tomorrow; to breath once again,
But Love perpetually and with the inferno of uncontrollably effulgent desire towering slowly and slowly to an unassailably fantastic crescendo; as by the grace of Omnipresent Almighty Lord; for love there were not only an infinite more undefeated tomorrows; but an infinite glorious poetic rhymes; an infinite heavens of benign paradise; an infinite more immortal lives .
When the tender skinned cub was innocuous and small; he played frivolously all day in his cage; sequestered from the ominous attack of vicious predators,
However when the same kid matured into the majestic lion; it was indispensable to leave him in the dense jungle.
When the buds were minuscule in size; they were kept in clusters in the contemporary vase; shielding them from the tenaciously blowing wind,
However when they blossomed into crimson flowers; proliferating at amazing speeds by the unveiling day; it was indispensable to let them spread on sprawling acres of farmland.
When the river was new oozing parsimonious rivulets of water intermittently; it inhabited the obscure regions between the valley,
However as torrential rain unrelentingly pelted down; the stream swelled astronomically in size; and it was now indispensable to blend the same with the colossal ocean.
When the fish were small; they were scrupulously kept in a grandiloquent tank;
impregnated with loads of coral and sea food,
However when they speedily augmented in size; it was indispensable to place them beside the preposterously huge whale.
When the eggs were pearly white with their shells wholesomely intact; the mothers sat on them incessantly harnessing them with their effeminate warmth,
However when they hatched out into slender beaked fledglings; it was indispensable to teach them the art of flying high in the sky.
When the pup was just born wailing incoherently in the air; it slept like an angel leaning against the belly of its mother,
However when it started frisking around the garden; it was indispensable to make him realize the importance of his bark.
When the venomous spider aimlessly loitered on the ground; it took shelter for many hours in cocoons of wet mud,
However the minute it had spun its web; it was indispensable for it to trap its prey; before strangulating the same with its slimy juices.
When the honeybee just took its first breath; it buzzed inexorably against the eardrum of its queen mother,
However as it developed its wings rampantly flying in the air; it was indispensable for it to produce fresh honey.
When the child lay in its cradle he emulated the most impeccable form of life existing on this earth; effusively crying for milk and attention,
However when he grew up into a complete individual; it was indispensable for him to earn his own bread; exploring different arenas of the monotonous world.
And when two lovers witnessed each other; they were incorrigibly mesmerized by each others presence; romanced and languished in the aisles of desire,
However after a marathon period had elapsed; and their relationship had culminated into one of perpetual understanding; it was indispensable for them to get united into threads of holy matrimony; to eventually get married
When she blushed she looked as mesmerizing as the sparkling oyster shell; as impeccable as the moon,
Driving me into waves of stupendous rhapsody; inundating my persona with overwhelming exhilaration.
When she blushed she appeared as ravishing as freshly prepared crusty chocolate; as tantalizing as the crimson rose,
Catapulting me to unexplored arenas of enchantment; taking my breath away for a few seconds from its very roots.
When she blushed she looked as innocuous as a newly born child; crying incessantly for its mother,
Prompting me to shut down all other avenues of work; keep on admiring her until eternity.
When she blushed she appeared as poignant as green chili; as rustic as the primordial tree roots,
Sending a plethora of shivers right down to my veins; imparting my sullen face a prominently mystical smile.
When she blushed she looked as vivacious as the colored rainbow in the sky; as resplendent as the twinkling stars,
Impregnating in me inexplicable sensations; ones which I had never experienced in my life before.
When she blushed she appeared as pellucid as the crystal mountain stream; as innocent as an incongruous birthmark,
Making me erupt effusively with spurts of exuberance; shouting loudly as far as my voice could reach; in the middle of the dead night.
When she blushed she looked as enticing as chilled tangy juice; as majestic as the kingly peacock blossoming its feathers,
Knocking all apprehensions from top drawers of my mind; remarkably transforming the monotonous outlook of my thoughts.
When she blushed she appeared as voluptuous as the pelting rain; as perennial as the lush green blades of grass,
Placing me in a state of speechless ebullience; as she caressed me gently on my bearded cheek.
When she blushed she resembled the radiating reptile rampantly traversing through the jungle; the scarlet winged parrot bathing in the gurgling river,
Engendering my eyes to virtually pop out of their sockets; clenching my fists to salute her in due adulation.
When she blushed she seemed like a celestial fairy having descended from the sky; the most perfect messenger of spontaneous love,
Making me profoundly oblivious to the disparaging world; making me clearly cognize my sole purpose to live; having taken birth on this earth in the form of a man.
To win her back was as impossible; as thunder clouds in the cosmos not showering unrelenting rain,
To win her back was as impossible; as squeezing back tangy toothpaste back into the tube,
To win her back was as impossible; as scrupulously straightening a dog’s incorrigibly curved tail,
To win her back was as impossible; as plummeting face down from the 100th floor; and yet desiring to stay alive,
To win her back was as impossible; as typing alphabets on the swanky computer screen without the intricately chiseled keyboard,
To win her back was as impossible; as escaping the sting of the mosquito incessantly buzzing its cacophony in the ear,
To win her back was as impossible; as trying to tenaciously sneeze without making the tiniest of noise,
To win her back was as impossible; as attempting to walk without using twin pair of feet,
To win her back was as impossible; as trying to cultivate a tree without indispensable water,
To win her back was as impossible; as trying to speed the car at erratic speeds without whisky complexioned gasoline,
To win her back was as impossible; as hunting the untamed panther without a gleaming barrel gun,
To win her back was as impossible; as making tea without actually adding pungent tea leaves,
To win her back was as impossible; as trying not to scream when consuming heaps of green farm chili,
To win her back was as impossible; as constructing the colossal edifice without a concrete foundation,
To win her back was as impossible; as standing naked amidst the frozen snow without shivering,
To win her back was as impossible; as soaring high in the sky without a pair of dexterously handsome wings,
To win her back was as impossible; as retaining consciousness even after being pierced by fangs of the venomous snake,
To win her back was as impossible; as convincing the agnostic to believe in omniscient God,
To win her back was as impossible; as holding ones ground firmly in an island of quick sand,
To win her back was as impossible; as expecting a spider to stay suspended in the air without its silken web,
To win her back was as impossible; as existing in sweltering heat of the desert without a solitary globule of water,
To win her back was as impossible; as having the sun shine inexorably all the time without any mention of night,
To win her back was as impossible; as impregnating life back into the veins of a dead man,
To win her back was as impossible; as trying to survive without inhaling gallons of fresh air,
O! Yes to win her back today was irrevocably impossible; after the dreadful fight we had in the day,
The only way I could still win her back; was wait for the gruesome night to unveil itself into another day,
Fervently hope that the new rising of dawn; made her exhaustively oblivious to the obnoxious events of the previous day .
I couldn’t afford to embellish you in ornaments of pure gold; with chains of scintillating silver dangling from your neck,
But don’t you worry sweetheart; as I would dive deep into the fathomless ocean; thread you a necklace of immaculate pearls; I extracted from the slippery oyster.
I couldn’t afford to take you long distances in an ostentatious car; with the air conditioner blowing a full blast in your face,
But don’t you worry sweetheart; as I would place both your legs on my shoulders; and carry you adroitly under the unrelenting sun; with your warm breath caressing my hair.
I couldn’t afford to buy you exquisite eateries from the market; satiate your taste buds with appetizing caramel,
But don’t you worry sweetheart; as I would dexterously knead rustic dough into bread; blend it with ravishing tomatoes; I specially grew for you in the backyard.
I couldn’t afford to make you sleep on a silken mattress juxtaposed with diamonds; with cozy ambience of the palace engulfing you from all sides,
But don’t you worry sweetheart; as I would inundate your ears with mystical rhymes; be there with you on your side under the twinkling stars; until you drifted into deep sleep.
I couldn’t afford to talk with you on contemporary telephone for marathon hours; punching a jugglery of soft buttons on the intricate laptop,
But don’t you worry sweetheart; as I would emboss letters to you with a river of my precious blood; never failing to miss the most inconspicuous of detail.
I couldn’t afford to take you on a cruise of the ocean; sitting in the grandiloquent luxury liner with its knotted masts fluttering in the salty breeze,
But don’t you worry sweetheart; as I would chisel a plain boat of strong wood; row you all throughout the choppy sea; despite of the monstrous waves trying to drown us down.
I couldn’t afford to drape your persona in opulently embroidered cloth; a host of artificial contrivances accentuating your features,
But don’t you worry sweetheart; as I would stitch you a cloak of pure cotton; embodied with the essence of our immortal love.
I couldn’t afford to offer you crystalline mineral liquid to drink; an incessant supply of crimson colored plum juice,
But don’t you worry sweetheart; as I would fetch you water from the gurgling mountain springs; preserve it for you in my cupped hands till the hour you felt thirsty.
I couldn’t afford to purchase expensive books for you; impregnated with the most panoramic of graphics,
But don’t you worry sweetheart; as I would perceive the wildest of fantasy scrutinizing dormant arenas of my brain; and then recite the same to you.
I couldn’t afford to buy the sky for you; with magnanimous gods residing in castles of unprecedented glory,
But don’t you worry sweetheart; as I would transform every inch of soil which you tread on into paradise; present the most invincible sky of our romance at your celestial feet.
Promise me you wont change like the seasons; leaving me solitary and dilapidated wandering aimlessly on the mountains,
Promise me you wont transform your color like the vivacious chameleon; betraying me when I had started loving you the most,
Promise me you wont swirl away like the passing winds; abandoning me in a state of inexplicable despair and tears,
Promise me you wont gallivant unscrupulously with another man; besieging me with waves of bizarre shock; freezing my blood in its veins,
Promise me you wont philander the ominous streets at night incarcerating me in chains; causing me to wait with my eyes wide open until you returned back,
Promise me you wont disappear like the moon in the cosmos; leaving me insurmountably anguished bereft of your presence,
Promise me you wont strangulate me like a reptile; for it is not the deadly venom I would fear; rather would feel extremely disillusioned by the concept of immortal love,
Promise me you wont vanish away from my sight like the ephemeral rainbow; for I will stand unrelentingly till I saw you again,
Promise me you wont metamorphose your shape with enhancing age; for I wanted you just like the innocuous child I met several years ago,
Promise me you wont evaporate like the floating clouds; leaving me midway in my insatiable quest to conquer life,
Promise me you wont radiate intermittently like the uncanny stars; for I desired you to be my perennial source of shine,
Promise me you wont retreat your neck back like the protuberant tortoise; for I needed you as my tumultuous inspiration when on the battlefield,
Promise me you wont fall like the fruit when subjected to the onslaught of a mighty cyclone; for I would not possess the slightest power to pick you up and witness your lifeless face,
Promise me you wont dry like the monsoon river; for I wholesomely depended on the stirrings of your soul to pacify my thirst,
Promise me you wont get erased like the pencil marks do when scrubbed by a rubber; for my life would collapse in disdainful shambles if you weren’t here,
Promise me you wont fly away like birds do in hibernation; leaving me sobbing hysterically; thumping my hands against the wall; until they bled,
Promise me you wont shirk furtively away from my presence; for I would be left with no other option but ripping apart my throbbing heart,
Promise me you wont get carried away by all the glamour and graffiti; for I might miserably flounder to provide you with all the ostentation; all I could do was inundate you with true love from my persona,
Promise me you wont elope like the bees into different houses; for I needed you indispensably to apply sweet honey on my lips,
And promise me you’ll never leave me come what may in the tenure of our lives; for I would relinquish breath the second you did so; not possessing the tenacity to survive without your celestial body.
Even if you were an obdurate stone; with loads of callousness embedded rigidly in your persona,
I would make sure that the tenacity of my love; transformed you into molten wax rampantly dripping down; eventually blending with the earth.
Even if you were the dry desert; harboring a plethora of acrimonious cactus and violently blistering winds,
I would make sure that the tenacity of my love; inundated you with fresh water; imparting a perennial wetness to your sands.
Even if you were the satanic demon; with your armory of brutal teeth scintillating wickedly under the moon,
I would make sure that the tenacity of my love; brought about a dramatic metamorphosis in you; converting you into an immaculate angel.
Even if you were the incorrigible dictator; rebuking all in proximity with your volley of expletives and commands,
I would make sure that the tenacity of my love; pacified you overwhelmingly; exonerated the bitterness in your voice.
Even if you were deadly poison; causing instantaneous death on consumption,
I would make sure that the tenacity of my love; completely annihilated your venom; making you as sweet as golden nectar.
Even if you were pallid paint sticking languidly to the walls; propagating waves of disparaging gloom in the ambience,
I would make sure that the tenacity of my love; impregnated you with brilliantly vibrant color; made you profoundly smile.
Even if you were poignant green chili; thunderously shouting expending supreme capacity of your lungs,
I would make sure that the tenacity of my love; transmuted you into innocuous sugar; irrefutably sweet in taste.
Even if you were the viciously lethal reptile; baring your fangs at me with utter hostility,
I would make sure that the tenacity of my love; changed you into the resplendent fish; gliding sedately through the swirling ocean.
Even if you were blazing volcano; torching all those who came even centimeters near you; devouring innocent humans in your fiery belly like inconspicuous insects,
I would make sure that the tenacity of my love; transfigured you into the melodious stream weaving its way enchantingly through meadows of soft grass.
And even if you were the idol of horrendous hatred; ostracizing humanity severely for its benevolent deeds,
I would make sure that the tenacity of my love; rekindled in you the essence of sharing; the insatiable urge to caress and care.
When I sighted it standing over the celestial body of sun; it appeared profoundly dazzling shimmering in the vibrant rays,
When I sighted it from the iridescent land of moon; it glistened enchantingly propagating ramifications of congeniality,
When I sighted it from pinnacle of the lanky mountain; it appeared blissfully panoramic; thoroughly enlightening the pallid atmosphere,
When I sighted it from the fetid gutter philandering through the obnoxious sewage; it looked all the more enticing; incarcerating me with waves of jubilation,
When I sighted it sitting solitarily on the temple steps; it appeared as sacrosanct as omnipotent God,
When I sighted it riveted to my seat belt in the inexorably speeding car; it looked prominently distinct amidst hazy outlines of the obscure countryside,
When I sighted it through the candle flame; it looked as innocuous as an untainted angel,
When I sighted it from between rustling branches of the jungle tree; it appeared as pellucid as the scintillating mirror in the ambience of torrential thunderstorm,
When I sighted it riding on bare horseback; it looked magnanimous in the backdrop of paddy fields,
When I sighted it from the charcoal laden speeding train; it appeared as immaculate as the silver oyster in the clouds of venomous black smoke,
When I sighted it from swanky interiors of the blaring discotheque; it looked as sagacious as the newborn child,
When I sighted it while snoozing under the sequestered blankets; it appeared as vivid as the resplendent rainbow,
When I sighted it standing on the corrupt politician’s dais; it looked as loyal as the beheaded martyr,
When I sighted it while traversing on sweat soaked grass; it appeared as astounding as globules of water pelting from the sky,
When I sighted it from within the brutal murderer’s den; it looked as impeccable as frosty cow milk,
When I sighted it from a thousand feet beneath the cloistered earth; it appeared as vivacious as the flames of crackling fire,
When I sighted it from within the irrevocably forlorn dead coffin; it looked robust and exuberantly gyrating with life,
When I sighted it from within the interiors of a sunken ship; it appeared as glorious as the monumental whale,
When I sighted it while ambling on the island of pernicious hell; it looked like a fairy having just taken bath in mountain water,
It had presented itself as stupendously flawless; no matter where I attempted sighting it from; the creator in the cosmos called it love; while we had gone one step further christening it as immortal love .
I wanted you to live for a thousand centuries; with every century unfolding; having a million years,
The smile on your luscious lips profoundly enlightening the pallid atmosphere.
I wanted you to live for a thousand centuries; with every year unleashing; having a million months,
The charisma of your immaculate demeanor; incarcerating me thoroughly in its divine grace.
I wanted you to live for a thousand centuries; with every month unveiling; having a million fortnights,
The empathy in your intricate eyes; making me oblivious to this monotonous world.
I wanted you to live for a thousand centuries; with every fortnight releasing; having a million weeks,
The fragrance of your silhouette; tickling my conscience with inevitable strokes of attraction.
I wanted you to live for a thousand centuries; with every week blossoming; having a million days,
The overwhelming melody in your voice inundating the atmosphere with supreme rhapsody; putting me to celestial sleep.
I wanted you to live for a thousand centuries; with every day ripening; having a million hours,
The mystical aura of your blissful presence; entrenching me in entirety; catapulting me into surreptitious realms of heaven.
I wanted you to live for a thousand centuries; with every hour passing; having a million minutes,
The tenderness of your silken touch; making me exorbitantly realize that I was alive.
I wanted you to live for a thousand centuries; with every minute discharging; having a million seconds,
The satiny cascade of your tantalizing hair; encompassing every arena of my body.
I wanted you to live for a thousand centuries; with every second zipping; by having a million passionate breaths,
The throbbing of your heart amalgamating with mine; making me practically invincible from all sides.
I wouldn’t mind if all fantasies of my life miserably failed; but it my humble plea to you O! Omnipresent creator,
To convert this fantasy of mine into a perpetual reality; Bonding us together for times and centuries immemorial .
When she looked at me; glancing mildly at the hidden contours of my face,
I perceived overwhelming waves of euphoria thunderously pound on my chest; suddenly felt as handsome as the jeweled prince.
When she came face to face with my persona; at the contemporary shopping store,
I inadvertently lost my balance; tripping down towards the floor in dumbfounded consternation; with the contents of my shopping bag rampantly dispersing all over.
When she discussed about me in hushed voices; profoundly aggrandizing facts about my demeanor amidst her friends,
I felt tumultuously exhilarated; felt as if I had conquered the highest summit in my non-illustrious career.
When she waved to me from across the bustling street; blatantly displaying the rubicund skin of her intricate palms,
I worked with a rejuvenated vigor at office; meticulously executed all tasks in half the time I usually took.
When she chivalrously offered to share her umbrella; in a voluptuous ambience of torrential rain pelting down,
I felt ravishing sensations stab my body; insurmountable gratitude towards her engulf my conscience.
When she assisted me to up pick my handkerchief from the muddy ground; our eyes locked for marathon seconds of time,
I felt inexplicable shivers run down my spine; and there seemed to be mystical reverberations that echoed clear and strident through my mind.
When she talked with me on telephone; the captivating melody in her voice seemed to be drowning me in waves of rhapsody,
And I had to ask her to iterate her message at the end of the conversation; as I was irrevocably involved all the time in grasping the sweetness in her sound;
When I opened her letter under enchanting light of the moon; I was mesmerized sighting her exquisite handwriting,
The frenzy in my blood was so accentuated; that I swooned on the ground blissfully falling into a slumber with her writing resting on my eyes.
When she addressed me by my name; I felt the conglomerate of bones in my legs transform into ethereal paper,
I could hardly believe my ears; and pleaded with her to say it incessantly until her mouth ached.
And the most memorable moment of my life came when she said to me I love you, whispering it while nimbly brushing across my cheek,
It was one instant of my life, which I will perpetually remember; one instant that he entire wealth in this world could fail to purchase.
I wanted to dance with you on the sun; with its dazzling rays profoundly basking us all day,
I wanted to walk with you through the deserts; with the golden sands weaving enchanting trails of our footsteps,
I wanted to sit with you on the placid green meadows; incessantly admiring the rustic cattle; scores of flocculent mountain sheep,
I wanted to gallivant with you on bare horseback; with your mesmerizing hair rampantly blowing with the air and tingling my cheek,
I wanted to leisurely philander with you across the amusement park; taking an exhilarating spin with you on the roller coaster train,
I wanted to raucously play with you in the swirling ocean; splashing infinite droplets of water on your face,
I wanted to talk with you on telephone for marathon hours of time; solely infatuated by the melodious cadence in your voice,
I wanted to sleep with you on the open terrace; with the tenacious rays of moon infiltrating into our eyes,
I wanted to eat with you in your plate; feeding you delectable morsels of food with my very own hands,
I wanted to stand with you on the summit of the monumental building; drearily sight the world as an obfuscated blur some thousand feet below,
I wanted to see all movies on the silver screen with you; entwining my palms with your compassionate fingers,
I wanted to entangle my wrists with yours; giving you the pleasure of easily defeating me,
I wanted to kneel beside your frail persona when you were ill; scrupulously feeding you your medicines despite your vehement resistance,
I wanted to bathe with you in the Jungle River; with frothy water profusely tickling against our shivering backs,
I wanted to sip bubbling coffee with you beside the fireplace; relish the warmth of your breath wafting in the air,
I wanted to infuriate you to the threshold of irritation; then massage your sacrosanct feet till they felt rejuvenated,
I wanted to hoist you high and handsome towards the sky; asking the creator to bestow upon you my share of felicity,
I wanted to assist you prepare our supper for the night; frivolously spraying upon you fresh tomato juice to hear your animated squeals,
I wanted to ensure that you remained invincibly safe at all moments; hovering like a shadow behind you; not abdicating from your presence even if you rebuked me,
I wanted to attain the power of clairvoyance; satiating the most minuscule of your demands before you even uttered them,
I wanted to kiss you unrelentingly; for as long as indispensable air lasted in our lungs,
And I wanted to relinquish my terrestrial pleasures blending my blood with you; leave for my destination to heaven; the instant god decided to take you from me in his arms.
How could you ever forget the steaming cups of coffee we shared beside the fireplace; with snowdrops pelting in tumultuous fury outside,
The passion in our breaths; making us virtually oblivious to unveiling time.
How could you ever forget those shopping sprees, in which we were together; with me holding all those slippery vegetables,
The bags in our hands stashed with indispensable amenities of life; yet our palms entwined in each other.
How could you ever forget the marathon walks we had on the sea shores; with our feet dabbling into slimy cocoons of sand,
The salty froth of the ocean slapping us tenderly on our cheeks; with the exquisite backdrop of the sun setting in evanescent horizon.
How could you ever forget those bare horseback rides; where we went gallivanting through the steep mountains,
With intermittent showers of rain cascading down; drawing us all the more closer in perpetual reality.
How could you ever forget those times when we felt sleepless at nights; tossing and turning rampantly on the bed,
Eventually falling asleep with your heart throbbing close to mine; in due admiration of the twinkling stars.
How could you ever forget the moments when we studied together; unrelentingly browsing through a conglomerate of fine lines,
Trying our best to decipher baffling enigmas; inspiring each other to put in our very best.
How could you ever forget the exhilaration we had while attempting to catch each other; running wildly in the grass,
The mischievous squeals that emanated from your mouth; the instant I apprehended you.
How could you ever forget those cooking sessions that we had in the kitchen; with both of us being perfect amateurs to the art,
Haphazardly trying to slice through fruit; producing inarticulate slices of the melon as an inevitable aftermath.
How could you ever forget those sporadic outbursts of jealousy that we had; profusely condemning and rebuking each other,
The times when we mixed with aliens; tried to indulge in frivolous relationships with the same.
How could you ever forget the way you blushed; the first time I proposed you,
The felicity in our eyes; the rhapsody that engulfed our persona; when we knew we were going to be bonded together.
You were smiling and there with me till yesterday; until the creator uncouthly snatched you away from me,
Please come back to me my mesmerizing sweetheart; for I have not the power to erase our memories; will definitely relinquish breath without you.
When she arrived ; the cluster of fragrant flowers in the garden bent down in meek submission,
When she arrived; the birds soaring high in the sky chirped all the more vociferously; attempting to make their presence felt,
When she arrived; warm shivers ran down through the roots of colossal trees,
When she arrived; the minuscule rivulets in the river; rose up to become swirling waves; in animated ecstasy,
When she arrived; feeble rays of the sun brilliantly shimmered; profoundly illuminating the atmosphere,
When she arrived; the insipid blades of frigid grass stood up with exhilarated alacrity,
When she arrived; fleet footed squirrels in proximity gnawed more voraciously at the nut trapped within their jaws,
When she arrived; puffs of lackadaisical clouds in the cosmos transited to tantalizing black thunder,
When she arrived; the majestic peacock uninhibitedly spread its kingly feathers to a complete blossom,
When she arrived; the reptiles slithered painstakingly emanating sizzling noises; on the periphery of semi soaked ground,
When she arrived; the bees in their hives produced more honey than ever before; inundating the still atmosphere with their incessant buzzing,
When she arrived; a plethora of frogs croaked loquaciously in the well; ostentatiously expanding the yellow sacs inhabiting their body,
When she arrived; gloomy worms crawling through the bushes radiated a resplendently brilliant shine,
When she arrived; the chameleon ebulliently changed its color; displaying shades of mesmerizing vibrancy,
When she arrived; the multi-legged spider ran several paces faster in its silken web; bustling to and fro to devour its imprisoned prey,
When she arrived; the pair of crimson crested parrots entwined their beaks in each other; intractably refraining to separate themselves,
When she arrived; light complexioned leaves of the cactus converted to an alluring sapphire,
When she arrived; scores of monkeys gyrated on the tree tops; frivolously tossing succulent fruit on the earth,
When she arrived; all hatred circumventing the ambience was miraculously transmuted into immortal love,
When she arrived; gods in the sky forgot to do their work; admiring the form they had created in open mouthed consternation,
And when she arrived; I felt an insatiable urge to live; for the first time in my life felt like a complete man.
You were like that crimson rose in my life; which seldom lost its fragrance; inundating the atmosphere with its heavenly smell,
You were like that rain cloud in my life; which incessantly showered rain; nourishing the earth profoundly with its caress,
You were like that concrete wall in my life; which didn’t break under the most onerous of load; remained unperturbed under the most deafening of dynamite explosion,
You were like that gigantic ocean in my life; which never reduced its level; swirled magnificently in the ravishing breeze,
You were like that foliated tree in my life; which never shed a single leaf; gave a perennial supply of succulent fruit,
You were like that sea blue nightingale in my life; which unrelentingly chirped notes of mesmerizing music,
You were like that sacrosanct cow in my life; which yielded a salubrious supply of immaculate milk,
You were like that twinkling star in my life; which radiated for indefatigable hours; was first to appear in the sky,
You were like that exquisite fountain ink in my life; which kept on embossing intricate lines of calligraphy; granting overwhelming empathy to words,
You were like that inflated balloon in my life; which soared abreast the kingly eagles in proximity of the satiny clouds; didn’t loose its balance and stoicism even in the most turbulent of storm,
You were like that colossal whale in my life; which left millions in a stupor after witnessing its form; ruled the ocean for centuries immemorial,
You were like that impeccable color in my life; which didn’t develop an iota of blemish; even when ruthlessly dipped in the most acrid of paint,
You were like that blade of grass in my life; which remained as green as ever; even when its counterparts withered under the acrimonious tyranny of the sun,
You were like that tower clock in my life; whose needles never stumbled and stopped; despite of the cells being exhausted,
You were like that pack of soft cards in my life; which always seemed to incredibly win,
You were like that wonderful lane in my life; which never seemed to end; transforming mundane life into ebullient spirit of adventure,
You were like that blissful dream in my life; which catapulted me to unprecedented heights of jubilation,
You were like that scarlet blood circulating through my body; which reinvigorated my heart and dreary bones; every unleashing minute,
You were like that celestial fairy in my life; circumventing me with waves of enchantment and robust energy,
And you were like that omnipresent God in my life; whom we christen by different names; but in the end bow our heads low under his supreme grace.
The End .