You Call Yourself A Teacher!!


Pencil tapping, gum chewing, whispers

Giggling, sighs, tempers

Teacher don’t know what they’re doing

Trying to be mean and constantly causing a scene

Giving us tests over what You half taught.

Thinking that your lesson was the sh*t, but it was not.

Students failing your test and yes it’s your fault

Dishing us homework like we have no life

Treating us with no respect as if we were a colonial day wife.

Some days you act cool and mellow

Then the next you're all cranky like you started Ms. Flow.

You try to be sweet, but underneath

You’re a bitter hag

Titties sag

Speech lag

Racist rag?

The list goes on and on

You will think this is about you

Just shows how conceited you are boo.

Can’t stop a room from the chatter

Student’s putting you in your place

Can’t help, but laugh in your face.

Those that try to help, you put them down.

Now when you need help there is no one around.

And please leave your 1887 state of mind

And come into the 21st century time

Let us use our technology as a resource

Because you’re teaching is like giving raw meat to a horse

We won’t take it!!

I’m taking it easy on you

So I’ll finish with this

If this doesn’t apply to you today

Don’t change or you will be the next receiver

Of some Sh*t we can’t say.


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