You are a Man
(poems go here) You are a man
Brittney M. Williams
You say you are a man, but afraid of the wrong things
Neglectful in the understanding of what another man brings,
Because with him, you see weakness
Which in the end to you is nothing gained
So then you entertain your mind with names
Faggot, Gay, It’s all the same…
You say you are a man, but afraid of the wrong things,
So busy climbing your ladder of other men’s approval,
How far will you get before you get too much of a mouth full..
Of the hatred, the fear of the men who didn’t make it
How do we know YOU didn’t fake it?
Oh that’s right, because the humiliation would be too great,
For a man who was thought to be of approved masculinity
But when will you stop and realize your hostility
Towards all those who didn’t make it up that ladder,
Fell short of your standing,
Because there’s one more thing
Those men’s hearts are dancing
Not in fear, but in pride
Because one after another has stood up to stand out
Not to hide.