You look in the mirror and you see
A human being, to you, that's just not meant to be
A person who will never be
But it's all a lie
But you don't see
Because you're trapped
In darkness
When you're meant to be free
You feel hurt
You feel Unloved
You feel Ostracized
You feel Unwanted
You are Imperfectly perfect
You are Loved
You are Wanted
You are Needed
By me
And more people
And one day you will see
Maybe not now
But soon
Until then
I am here to try to give you hope
All of you
And my message to you
To all of you
Is this
I want you all
To look in the mirror and smile
To dry your eyes
To show the world the real you
You smile because you are great
Dry your eyes because they're not worth your tears
The real you is powerful, strong, brave, and amazing
I want to see the real you
Because I know who you really are
You are talented
You are great
You are important
You are a leader
You are you
And I want to see the real one
I want all of you to join me
In the light
To see the truth
To feel the light
To hear your song
You deserve it
You deserve love
You deserve Happiness
You deserve Joy
You deserve to let go
To be free
To laugh
To smile
So do it
Join me
Out of the darkness and into the light
And I can show you the great things in life