Yesterday was Great
Yesterday was great,
Full of fun and laughter
And opening of the realistic eyes
Meant to see beyond
The fallacy of empty judgments.
As the next chapter of another day
Began to bloom and open up to me
It could easily be seen
That to breath light as dandelions
Was to presumptuous to hold dear
As an expectation in my head.
For though daylight is forthcoming
In its onslaught of life
When it fractures it remains are sharp
And perceives the coffee sliding
Down your throat to be sling
In slashes that wakes one up.
The morning light may bring pain
As though the thorn of the rose
Finally left gutted the nose
That did nothing more than get
In the way of its very own function
Blind we are to the changes
That comes unexpectedly.
We wish for the repetition of
Lounging lives leading long luxurious
Axed out ways.
Time to prepare and stand toes to the ground
For our resting heels earns us nothing but
The devastating from our
Very own heart frowns.