Write For Your Life
The clock of life is ticking
And my dear the nails of death are clicking
Drumming out the sound, until silence when your body is beneath the cold ground
This is your final battle cry
Never let a single word go unsaid, don’t let them petrify in the tomb of your own head
Pick up your pen, for it is mightier than the two edged sword
Let loose your thoughts like bats from hell
Open the flood gates wide and drown them with that you have to say
Ring loud the bells, you have stories to tell
Another minute is whisked away, the Grim Reaper has come out to play
Now, do it now
Don’t waste another moment
Breathe fire on your enemies with the words on the page
Give praise and honor to those you love, let your sentences be like a rose parade
Write down every word that describes who you are so they may never insult your blessed name
Confess every sin so it may be brought to light,
Tell your secret dreams so with your soul it can take flight
Faster, faster, faster you just write
Don’t let your hand stop until the dawn of night
Give your opinion on everything you see
I hate broccoli, dogs should have rights, I can’t stand kids with kites
Steak should be eaten three times a week, movies are too expensive, our leaders are corrupt
I want to tell my teachers to just shut up, the rainforests are sacred, global warming is a scam,
I love him, that girl hates me, people need to stand up for their rights, I don’t mind a good fight
Dentists are the devil, more people should become underwater welders, reality TV is a joke
You can go on and on writing to the beat of your final song
But please say it all, don’t hold a single word back
Because although for you this is the end, these words can reincarnate and begin again
Words last forever, they cannot die, you cannot blot them out even if you try
So seize this power because it is greater than death
My dear the time has run out
Put your pen down and seal it with a tear
But have little fear because through these pages you will live forever
You only write once
So make each word count