A World to Win
We have a world to win
So stand up with pride
Without women
the world would collapse from the broken stilts on which it stands
We are tired of discrimination, harassment, and insecurity
We are fed up with this misogyny
We are tired of the wage gap
doing the same exact work but still earning less
We are tired of comments that crush our dreams into dust:
a girl can’t be an athlete, can’t be a leader, can’t be angry
We are tired of being told we have to be elegant and dainty
being constantly judged on our appearances
We are tired of being told that we belong in the kitchen
doing chores all day long and taking care of children
We are tired of being told that we have to depend on men
When the great whirling winds of a hurricane come
Shrieking and causing chaos
Destroying the heart of our country
Herding us toward a common goal
a common threat
Making us stronger and united
We chant together in unison
Endless words filling the air
We have a world to win
We have a world to build
A world that treats humans as humans
No wage gap
No stereotypes that crush our dreams
Nobody telling us what we can’t do
Women leading us, showing what we can become
Women teaching us how to ignore the hate
Mothers guiding us through life’s ups and downs
All of them inspiring us to rise and take action
So, thank the women in your lives
And imagine a life without them
We have a word to win
The time has come for you to join us.