they say words don’t hurt.
sticks and stones may break your bones
but words will never…
they’re wrong.
words will never bring tears
they’re wrong.
words will never cause death
they’re wrong.
words will never bring pain
and heartache
and despair
and they are oh so wrong.
if words don’t hurt
why is there bullying
why is there suicide
why are hearts being so drowned by words
that air never reaches their lungs again
they say words don’t hurt.
they’re wrong.
but when they say words hold power
they’re right.
when they say words spoken in love can break chains
they’re right
when they say words can destroy evil
and bring hope
and save lives
they are right.
words are a strange thing.
they can save and destroy,
hurt and help.
and yet the power words hold comes solely from the listener.
and the choice is all yours.
the words you listen to will define you.
choose wisely.