Wood Grain
It’s a-a-a word all too familiar to me
The turbulent soul with hair like wood grain
Sometimes it’s more orderly, less entropic
Sometimes it gets tangled up like inseparable lovers, and I gotta part ways
With some o’ it
With some o’ me
When it gets too gaudy, I use shears smithed from ancestral shackles to cut away at it
Until it falls at my feet
With enough force to bring global ripples into being
With enough force to stir the hubris in humankind
With enough force to kill me
If I didn’t recognize my evil
This wood grain mane
It keeps my thoughts private from the Sun
But I could never be private proper – never alone
These curls o’ mine bellow with every brittle move I make
Or least I think so
The way those lords won’t let me stay secluded in my mind
You people with those dreadful eyes that cut into me like doom blades
And those nasty square toes like Miss Z used to say
I’d feel better if y’all hadn’t confiscated my judgements
And made me think my somber blood was anything but godlike
Like trees, these spirals grow into the Ether and stretch out towards the cosmos
But they pull back, afraid of becoming a haunted forest
Not by spirits, but by those flame-wreathed knights
That carry plagues in their wake
So these locks stay put near my obsidian trunk
Intertwined like sinful serpents in the Garden of Eden
Like those serpents before time, my evil is instinct
Which must explain why my lifeblood bludgeons the Earth in tragic harmony
Whenever I look up and fix my mouth to beg for an accusation of my sins
Other than ‘you shouldn’t have-’
I’ve died many a time, and I’ve been brought back formless, always formless
For the sake of ‘just because…’
My body holds the starshine
While their sun-shy hands shake with eagerness
Wantin’ to shape my quills like a comely shrub that’s been all but blanched
I don’t wanna die
But I know that I gotta
It’s the natural rhythm of the universe
My hair ain’t the one that swallowed Ahab
It was you
But this sickness I have –
It’s forever
The way these umpteen locks tremble
When I dance the dance of the afterlife
When those shadowy figures come to escort me into the nether world
When I come to terms with the fact that I am eternal
I love those damned constellations above, but I ain’t seen enough time to justify glowing like them