Women… Then Now …Me.
Her virgin crystal green eyes, gleaming, hoping, praying,
For her soul to be clean, light and pure for when her time comes.
Faded, Murky, muddy eyes, burning, yearning, hoping,
For something else, more, more, but no satisfaction comes to her.
Every curve, every crevice Painting her fair skin with the softest brush,
Using only the warmest colors, the look in her eyes.
Making her thin, making her skin bruised and burned, every mark is seen,
Not only with the naked eye, but on her soul as well.
Lust for life, Lust for love and lust to please the world, God, her parents,
And husband. Only leading one life, a life she could.
Rebelling from life, escaping the world, not aiming to please anyone but
Her self. One life lead for one person, only herself.
Slipping off of the course we were prepared, Corrupt, a world full of nothing,
Nothing but dull colors. No light in the world we are in.
A woman, living life not only for herself, for her family, for her parents,
For her Lord, and for her soul. Lust for a new life.
A woman painted with the softest brush, using warm and cool colors,
Feeling, living, breathing in a life that she can live.