Whoa, Man
I know that because I am a
You might think that I am less than
You Man
But that’s just not the case since you know
That I can.
And although the stigma is that I am
“Weaker” than you, Man
I can’t help but wonder if you could handle
The Pain that I can
If you can raise the world up
Like I can
If you could go against the written path
Like I can
If you can fight for equality
Like all of us can
I am not conformity, Man
I am not a whore because my clothes make
You Aroused, Man
I am not a terrorist because my religion makes
You Uncertain, Man
I am not impure because my blood of life makes
You Uncomfortable, Man
I am not less than you because you think
I am, Man
Because it’s even in our name.
Man or Woman
Male or Female
We may be just a little bit different
But that does not make us Unequal