Without Her

Wed, 04/06/2016 - 13:49 -- Nik727

A sweet smell filled the air.The rushing wind flowed through my hair.The sun beat down upon my face.But I found no joy—not a trace."Run!" my mind screamed. "Go as far as you can!"I just wanted an escape; I had no plan.In a moment, my world had shattered.What I once knew, now was scattered.My entire life flipped upside down.My only desire—to leave town.She was gone—I wasn't ready to face it.Left with an empty black hole; a bottomless pit.Death had taken her before I knew.Filled with unbelief—it couldn't be true.I trembled;  I shook;  I cursed the ground.In my sorrows, I began to drown.  I was left, only one part to a whole.Stricken with grief, having lost all control.It was the end; I couldn't start new.Without her, I was gone too. 

This poem is about: 
My family
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