Wishful Desires
I laid on his shoulder
Recognizing his ceiling
His breathing so calm
So full of deception
I loved him
I'd fallen so hard it hurt
He'll change tomorrow I'd say
But yesterday was too similar to today
The cold winter snow at my feet
The sky grayer than ever
All I longed for was a touch
Just a touch.
To caress my face with the roughness of his palm
But it will never happen
So tender was the love I'd never have
Yearning for a look
Yearning for a kiss
Just a kiss.
One not so cold
Without the bitterness of his soul
So grand was my thirst
I willingly drowned within my tears
Maybe tomorrow I'd say
It must be tomorrow
He must love me
Why else would he crave for my body like he did?
Carnal pleasures
Nothing more.