Wisdom Teeth
I was your wisdom teeth
You were coming of age and I wanted so badly
To belong in the most intimate inside corners of your mouth
To curl up safe inside your cheeks as you turned into man
To sink my roots in your skull
To build my home in your gums
To be the words in the wet warmth between your lips
But I did not fit
And I was so stuck on being there
That you had to rip me out
With sterile and chemical and rubber-glove hand
The novacaine turned you numb
The removal of me grew you no wiser
And I am lying on the dried-blood bottom of an ice metal trash can because
You did not want me in you
You did not want anyone in you
No tiny
No foreign
No bones backpacking through the tunnels in your jaw
Carrying sensitivities over their shoulders that you did not know how to handle
Or how to love
Or how to let in
Without your mind shrill-spitting
That my kisses feel like stitches
While I pinky-swore
“I cannot replace the sugar your mama never put on your cereal
but I can find the nerve to call you baby
and it won’t rot your teeth when your tongue tastes it”
My promise was hard glue
Your teeth never rotted
But I am teeth
I am long licked over and spat out wisdom teeth
And I am rotted.