Why Me?
Why me?
What did I ever do to you?
Did I pull your hair or step on your shoe?
Did I say you where gay, when you’re clearly straight?
Did I mock you with distain or jealous hate?
Did I judge you for wearing that?
Did I poke fun, because your clothes didn’t match?
Did I claim that I slept with you, or call you a ho,
Did I bully on you just because you were poor?
Did I throw things at you just to cause and uproar?
Did I tease you to look cool in front of my friends?
Did I pick on you, just to help me fit in?
Did I claim I saw you digging in the trash?
Did I ever do anything so cruel or that bad?
Then why must you pick on me,
What have I done to you?
Not a single thing.