To the Victorious People,
Match Strikes and lights an inferno
Of love peace and joy.
The dry wood below in that cold steel furnace
Yearns for a touch of that glorious inferno.
They cry out, “ Oh so brave is that
Glorious match! That match whose flame
Inspires us with hope!” And the match,
Hesitates, to take his destined action, in fear
Of his lack of understanding, of his own meaning.
Why must he light the furnace? Is he fearful to
Disappoint the furnace below? Or does he fear his
Limited short morality? Maybe he is called upon,
Some divine message he must deliver? No, not that...
Nevertheless, the match plunges into the furnace,
The furnace explodes in a glorious blaze, blaze,
Blazing away: Thanks, love, peace, and joy.
As for the match, exhausted, he falls, falls
Falls to the cold ice tile floor. His Corps already
Forgotten by that glorious blazing furnace….
So Pathetic….so absurd….
So Long,
...The Match...