Why I Write
I was lost
But now I am found
I was weak
But now I am strong
I never knew who "me" was
Until I found "me" written all over my notebooks
Written all over me.
When I write, it is not simply the movement of a pen
It is the painting of a masterpiece
The flooding of my mind's unspoken words
Leaking into simple paper
To become simply amazing
I found myself when I was bleeding
Bleeding a color so dark,
So alone
And I found myself when I was hurting
When no one could help me paint
Or help me find my brush
To begin my masterpiece
But I bleed no more
The ephemeral depression of my life
Is gone
And now I am found
In the colorful world of black ink
And white paper
I am the spray-paint of emotions
The graffiti artist behind the colorful truth
I found myself in simple paper and pen
I found that I was simply amazing