Why I Write?...
I am a teenager
I am young but feel so old around my peers
I am alone with my elders I am whole
with the gossip I abhor-
my heart just seems to break.
j u s t t h r o w m e o f f.
Being a teen with depression is hard
poetry- not so much
One day I decided to add some ease to my life-
some calm,
some ... regularity, in a way.
For in writing, you can do whatever you want...
but in poetry moreso.
I am free to p.u,n'c`t~u*a;t-e however I choose
it does not even have to make sense to anyone but ME.
It is MY domane.
In my life, writing is the only thing I can c o n t r o l
if not my body,
if not my mind,
if not my life,
i control this one little piece.
this one little piece that nobody can take away from me.