Why does my gender matter?
Why is it that when I stand up for myself I’m a bitch?
Why am I paid less than a man?
Why can’t I be a mother and a CEO?
Why does my sexuality matter?
Why is it important on who I want to date?
Why is marriage inequality a thing?
Why are LGBT teens three times more likely to kill themselves?
Why does my race matter?
Why is racism still a thing?
Why can offensive slurs roll of our tongues so easily?
Why can’t people know that we’re all the same inside?
Why does the media matter?
Why should I starve myself to be pencil thin?
Why does bulimia and anorexia exist?
Why should college money go toward expensive make up?
Why does perfection matter?
Why am I judged for being imperfect?
Why should I be forced to fit the mold?
Why is it wrong to be different?