

United States

Why am I always the one to get hurt?
Does pain have no compassion?
Let the fierceness of the storm
Calm down
Cause the waves keep pushing me
Away from life and reality

Am I the only one who notices?
That insanity has overcome
Me with great depths
Do people not recognize?
A cry for help
The retch it screams of terror

I guess not
Humanity is not the same
Everyone needs to open his or her eyes
To see the displacement of the Human Society
We grow far apart as time passes by
Running around like chickens with no heads

More or less change needs to occur
Maybe then, just then
We could live in a world
Were people don’t have to be afraid
To have to wonder 


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If You Need Support

If you ever need help or support, we trust CrisisTextline.org for people dealing with depression. Text HOME to 741741