Who is Us?
They say it goes by too fast
that it will be gone in a blink of an eye
one blink
it’s all gone
all the memories
the laughs
the smiles
the stress
the tears
almost bittersweet, huh?
High School is a roller coaster
that’s for sure
They say you make life-long friends
but everyone always leaves
Who is the infamous they?
the ones who had good experiences?
the ones who were happy?
no one is always happy
maybe they learned to block out the bad times
to forget the stress and tears
But that wouldn’t be High School
High School is meant to be a roller coaster
it’s meant to have good and bad times
that’s what makes us remember it
That brings me to another question:
Who is us?
What gives us the right to judge High School?
After all, we have only been here for the four fastest years of our lives
that’s what they say