Who said...
Who said that every princess needs a prince?
Who said they need to share a true love’s kiss?
Whether it be Disney’s or the Grimm’s,
These are all stories people tend to miss.
Why do the villains never get to win?
If they were given the chance it wouldn’t be missed,
Too bad they never show us what could’ve been,
It would’ve been such a mind-blowing twist!
Perhaps all the villains need is a hug,
Some talk about self-esteem for it to raise,
Then, they wouldn’t appear so smug!
However, everything must be a complicated maze.
Back to the princess and the prince,
Which between you and me,
Through the movies, this is how they convince
Little girls what they want to be.
My favorite thing they all teach, by the way,
Is that love is worth it in the end, despite the sorrow.
Wouldn’t you face a hundred challenges today
If it meant meeting your true love tomorrow?