Who Am I?
According to Webster, passion is a noun,
It is a strong feeling of excitement for something,
It is a strong feeling that causes one to act in a dangerous way,
It is an attachment or devotion to something.
Generic answers would be: sports, clubs, activities, school
But using those answers would make me a tool.
It will be like talking about the weather,
But would that describe me all together?
Tennis player, volunteer, student, daughter
All words describing me, myself, and I
Grades, friends, charity, world peace
All words that list off my passions
But none of these words seem to fit me like a glove,
None of these seem to catch my eye like a shiny object,
But there is one thing that shines above,
Now that I think about it, there is something that I love.
Family, according to Webster it is a noun,
It’s a group of people, who are related to each other,
It is a group of people from a common ancestry,
It consist of children and spouses
But most importantly, it consists of LOVE
Love keeps me sane,
Love is like an anchor that helps me stay ashore,
So I’m not dragged out to sea
So I can see what needs to be seen
To evaluate my problems and to hold me when I’m sad
So if I am ever asked this question
This is my reply:
My world is centered on my family
Without them, I am nobody
They define me through culture and tradition
That I hold dearly to like a child holding her teddy
Any major milestone, I ask for their approval and permission
For family is number one
And life only gives you one
For everyday I am thankful—
To be alive in this beautiful world
To be able to live in the country of the free
To be able to earn a quality education
To be able to walk the streets without the ringing of gunshots
To be able to enlist in the army to serve my country
To be able to know that I can sleep in peace, knowing I will be alive tomorrow
To be able to achieve my dreams through anything I set my mind to—
And so I’m proud to call myself an American.