Up Where They Walk
Swimming around collecting everything I find
Things the humans dispose of when they've been declined
And then I see this man, this beautiful man who loves to dance
Oh how I long to be there where he is if only I had the chance
But I know my father the King of the ocean won't allow it
He gets very hostile when he finds out I've been to shore
He never tells me why, but I don’t care because I hate feeling omit
For some reason I feel like something is calling me from above
Maybe it's Eric, My true love?
So I swim to shore to see people on a boat dancing
Then all of a sudden fire erupts causing a huge explosion
Eric being the prince he is rescues everyone including his dog
But gets stuck on the boat and then implodes into the ocean
I swim as fast as I can to rescue him while I dodge the fire
Getting Prince Eric to safety was my only desire
So I swam deeper and deeper into the ocean to grab him
And when I had a good grip on him I swam to shore
Was he breathing I asked myself
I held his foot up to my ear because that is what scuttle does
to hear a heartbeat
But then I saw his chest move and I started to feel complete
Being here with my prince no father in sight
I thought to myself this is my chance to kiss him
As I started to lean down I can smell his minty breath
And as our lips were about to touch I heard him and it sounded like death
Father why are you here, please don't stop me from doing this
Ariel you don't understand the danger of what you are doing
You never liked the shore father, but you never told me why
Right there I looked at his face and it looked like he was about to cry
I tried to protect you for a long time from the mistakes made by your mother
But you are so much like her that I knew sooner or later it would come out
As he talked I grew even angrier wondering what my mother has to do with this
But then he said something I couldn't dismiss
Ariel you can't be with him because he is your brother. . .