Where I am From
Where I Am From
I am from the unknown in what’s known.
Roots for many simply ignored.
Sky blue and white,
A quetzal1 to even them right.
Often lost in the tri-color2 light
I am from a single room apartment
Forced by life into a four roomed home.
Here, danger is prevalent
I am from
A tradeoff between peace and crime
Bizarre how it took a toll on my life
A motivation to strive.
I am from a community of chismes3
And telenovelas4
To gunshots and drugs
I am a mix of cultures
Childhood and adolescence
I am from Guatemala
I am from the United States
I am from Berendo
I am from Weigand
From imaginary borders5
And divided communities
I am from the hardships and experiences.
Broken and
1: A type a bird, going extinct and found in Guatemala and is at the center of the Guatemalan flag.
2:Tri-color. Often a reference to the Mexican flag that has three distinct colors. In this case it refers to the Mexican culture and heritage.
3:Chismes, Spanish word for gossip.
4: Telenovelas are soap operas
5: “Imaginary borders” a notion first revealed by Professor Jordan Smith