Where Did You Go?
Where did you go
My Soul, my soul?
Oh God do answer
For only you know.
My soul, my soul
To where did you leave?
Or are you trapped within pulsating walls
Where the darkness does so cleave?
No passion, no motivation
No zest for life
Is this a crisis
Or your average teenage strife?
Return to me
My soul, my soul
For with you came great joy
The hope of salvation
The delight of liberation
A light which no shadow could destroy.
My soul, my soul
Is that you I hear weeping
a cry as soft as silk
The same as a babe
gone hours and days
without his mother's milk?
A clue of some kind?
A reprobate?
Oh blessed be God
It is not too late!
You've grown so weak
My soul, my soul
And you sound so far away
But I shall search for thee
And restoreth thee
If it takes 'till the end of my days.
Oh my soul, my soul
Did you forget?
Our purpose given to us by God
has not been fulfilled yet.
There's still a job to do
A reason yet to live
So long as He is willing
My resolve shall never give.
Do not lose heart
My soul, my soul
For we shall reunite very soon, I know.
And from that day on
I promise:
I will never let you go.