When the Rain Comes
When the rain comes
We’re taught to run inside.
Hide for your life, and stay dry.
We build up our wals
Wide and tall
Keeping us safe from the storm
But how do we know if it ever gets warm?
See we don't and we stay inside
Fear making us stay on the other side
Not experiencing what to do when the storm brews.
Those wall are our umbrellas, they keep us dry but leave us cold.
Cold from the wind the storm sends and we get stuck-
Not the kind you can escape from, but the numbing of the bones-
It turns us to stone
It keeps us safe...or so we thought
But we were bought.
Bought at a price so high, we deserve to see the sky.
To allow the rain to warm our face, to experience our space.
So come out of the castle you built yourself
The forest and the rain will show you their wealth.