What's still Great
Riots all across different towns, everywhere you look you see dirty frowns
You look at a world filled with sadness, but do you succumb to madness
No, because I know what’s still great, it’s what makes me not want to hate
And I know what you’re thinking “everything is bad and I’m calling his bluff”
Well then let me enlighten you about some really Great stuff
A warm meal and a cool drink, a place where you can learn and think
Seeing a smiling face or hearing a few funny jokes, a pleasant Sunday drive when you visit you’re folks
A kitten’s meow or a puppy’s bark, a day on the beach a stroll through Central Park
Viral videos and your best friend’s funniest dance, Binge-watching on Netflix and an enriching romance
Ice Cream and Birthday Cakes, Sour-Patch kids and Frosted Flakes
Graduating and swelling with pride, Watching Bambi without having cried
Carnival Games and wild Roller Coasters, Hot delicious pop tarts fresh out the toaster
You see not everything is as depressing and morbid, so here’s some more great things so don’t get distorted
Getting to go outside and play, a cool breeze on a really hot day
Walking down the sidewalk and finding a shiny new nickel, an old man’s chuckle or a baby’s giggle
Pancakes for breakfast topped with whipped cream, going to sleep and having a good dream
Learning something new and gaining new knowledge, a warm hug or an acceptance letter from college
Hot chocolate on a cold day or a meaningful kiss, a satisfying nap always gives the feeling
of bliss
Going to a baseball game, or even finding someone with the same name
Your favorite movie or favorite song, thinking about other great things all day long
I know sometimes the world may seem to put a lot on your plate, but never forget to hold your head up and remember what’s still great