What's It Like In New York City?
Wanderlust is a strong desire for or impulse to wander or travel and explore the world.
At the moment I am broke, so I will travel via daydreams. First stop: New York City.
I feel nostalgic for a place I've never been to, so I close my eyes and smell the 2:30
Rain. It rains a lot more in New York than I thought, but I don't care at all.
I imagine grabbing a pink umbrella on my way out. When I leave home I find a wall
Where there are more ATMs than money in this world. I grab a few bucks
For the subway which takes me well on my way to Hempstead Lake. The ducks
Aren't out but it's peaceful at 82 degrees. It starts to drizzle again and I watch
The silhouette of a person fishing. He's as still as a painting until the catch.
I stay for about an hour just observing the children on the playground
And the horses in the distance. The rain gets tired and stops pound-
ing on the dark gray sidewalk. I take the train home to an apartment
As small as a hotel room that was cut in half. Rent
Is expensive and gets more so over the years, but it is worth it. Now I look
Outside to find the stereotypical traffic jam. The sea of yellow is why I took
The train. The lights become more obvious as the sun gets tired. I see
The tourists who are not afraid to ask for directions. Luckily
People are happy to help. I begin to get hungry, so I go to the kitchen to get food
From the fridge. I find left-overs from the other night: Indian food! I'm in the mood
For the still fresh spices that linger in my nostrils as I open the container. Delicious!
I eat dinner and then look out my window until my eyelids can no longer defy