What is REAL love?
W-Whole: Two halves make a whole
H-Happiness: Happiness is key to in any relationship
A- Acceptance: Accept each other for who they truly are.
T-Time: Needs to be attended to like you would a tiny sapling. Only by working together as a team can a "mighty oak" be formed.
I-Inspirational: Encourage each other. Encourage others to find their true love.
S-Solid: There should be a strong relationship between each other. Nothing should be able to tear you apart.
R-Realistic: There is no such thing as a perfect relationship. Not always walks on the beach and holding hands.
E-Equality: Each person expresses themselves and
A- Action-Remind each other through actions, not words how much you love them.
L-Limitless: Limitless, once you set your heart to is
L-Liberating: Make sure you feel comfortable and free with the one you love.
O-Obligated: Stay committed to each other
V-Vivacious: Make sure your relationship is full of life
E-Empathy: Value each other's feelings in order to make them feel valued and worthy.