What makes me think
Are thoughts
About life as we knew it
And as we know it
Religion makes me question
If there is a God while
Science fails to prove there
Music makes me
Get goosebumps but
So does cold weather, how
Can the same result
Be produced from two
Dissimilar actions
The world makes me
Think it is round, however
I have never seen it myself
Which makes me think, do
We always take what is
Shown to be true as
The truth without truly
Seeing it
I question the belief
In the validity of life because
Why are we here and
Why are we always right
My pride makes me think that
I can rhyme but the
Second time I try I
Fall short
People make me think that
I really don't like people
But drop one compliment
And I'm all yours
History makes me think if
It actually does repeat itself but
That doesn't matter because it is
All bunk
Change makes me think if it
Is really a good thing or if
I can please just do it the same
Way I always have
Global warming makes me think
That the polar bears are dying and
The ice is melting but that is
Actually the truth
Men make me question why
The joke was so funny even
Though I am laughing along
Love makes me think that
Soul mates exist but
Lots of people don't
Think in love
What makes me think is
This poem and if it
Makes anyone else
Think too.