What Happened?
What happened to the days of old?
When spirits were high
And prices were low.
What happened to the days of old?
When a neighbor would lend their home
Now you can’t even borrow the phone
What happened to the days of old?
When a car was made of metal, not cheap glass
And instead of I’m sorry, it’s now get off my @*!
What happened to the days of old?
When it was God Bless America and merry Christmas
Not some whack Happy Holidays
What happened to the days of old?
When soldiers came home and were treated with respect
Now they’re swept under the bus like insects
What happened to the days of old?
When the president actually cared
Not worrying about people of their own stature’s healthcare
I’ll tell you what happened.
It’s in the heart of one and all
And it’s time to bring it out
Before we crash and fall.