What Do You Call a Friend?
What do you call a friend?
Somebody that you've talked to through the computer?
Somebody who you know but never had a conversation with?
What do you call a friend?
Somebody that is there to listen to your story
Only to stab you in the back in the end?
What do you call a friend?
Somebody that you can trust?
Somebody who would never betray you?
What do you call a friend?
Somebody who would constantly bully you
But becomes enraged when others do the same?
What do you call a friend?
Somebody that will always be there for you?
Somebody that would always have your back?
Who is your friend?
Who is your ally?
Who is your enemy?
How do you know they are true?
By believing them?
By believing others?
Tell me, what do you call a friend?
Prove to me that your bonds are real
Who are your true friends?