What Christ Sees In Me
If I could have one job,
And any job it could be,
I'd pick the job,
That allows me to be me,
That allows me to be what
Christ sees in me.
I want to be love,
I want to be hope,
I want to be above,
Above this slippery slope.
I don't have much,
Cash, talent, skill,
I lack the touch
To pay the bills.
What I do have,
I give in love,
What I do have,
I give above.
I ask you please,
Give me the chance,
Let me be what
Christ sees in me.
To lead and love,
To teach and give,
To go above,
This life I live.
The path is long,
The lesson tough,
But I belong,
Need just enough,
To be what Christ sees in me.