We The People
We the People
Of the United States,
Driving our SUVs,
A gun in the backseat.
And yet we wonder why others
Don’t trust us.
We the People
Who argue “equality for all”
And yet the minorities’ children
Hand the McDonald’s Happy Meals
To the white sons and daughters
Of college graduates.
We the People
Who police the world
In order to provide aid
To those who don’t always want it.
Yet, the civilian casualties
Are “just an accident” we say.
We the People
Of the suburbs
With our white picket fence,
Our green yard, our dog.
We love our two-story house.
But what about the other people?
The latina chica,
Going to school part-time
As she takes care of her baby,
So she can be a Doctor and a mother.
The sixty-year old Irishman,
Who, despite his age, still pulls people
From the flames of buildings,
Risking his own life,
Just to put his two kids through college.
The state representative,
American born and raised,
Trying to create positive change
In a Congress that refuses to move forward.
The college student, only 18,
Trying to learn a dozen languages
So she can fix her country,
Or at least move to another.
The gay brother/son/lover,
Fighting overseas for his country,
Praying for the time
When he can return home
To a country that recognizes
More than his sexual orientation.
They are the people.