The We in Me
Turn the M in ME upside down for a while, do the same thing to your frown( a smile).
That new word becomes WE, walk in each others shoes just for a while.
Humble yourself and take a knee, I like to go the extra mile.
Empathy has no fee, charity is just my style.
Holding my dreams tight in my fist,
Empathy makes me flawless, that's the gist.
Can't always get hits, vision gets clouded in the mist(missed)
If everyone was my type of flawless, the world would be better than this.
I want to be a beacon, that shield for those who need protection,
I am human, the epitome of imperfection
Yet my vision is FLAWLESS because I want people to be FLAWed LESS, move the world in the right direction.