

Laughter floats throughout the room

Smiles bloom off their faces and I feel consumed

Consumed in the beauty, consumed in the fact

That we are all one

We are intact


We laugh at the same jokes and commit the same wrongs

No matter where we are from, we all still belong

Belong to the same breath, air, and heartbeat

We have the same eyes, ears, mouth, hands, and feet


We all come from the same place, no matter where we are from

We all beat the same drum, and sing the same hum

I am you, and you are me

Once we realize this, we become free


Those imaginary lines separate us

The concept of countries we created is false

But it’s those lines and concepts that divide us

It’s us who create all this fuss


The explosions echo inside the silence

Not a voice, not the wind, not even a siren

Can be heard after the guns have done their screaming

The smoke is the only thing breathing


This image of race creates a separation

But when you look around, just see how we are one nation

Not separate nations, countries, or continents

But one race-the human race



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